
sherpa.astro.ui.delete_bkg_model(id: IdType | None = None, bkg_id: IdType | None = None) None

Delete the background model expression for a data set.

This removes the model expression, created by set_bkg_model, for the background component of a data set. It does not delete the components of the expression, or remove the models for any other background components or the source of the data set.

  • id (int, str, or None, optional) – The data set containing the source expression. If not given then the default identifier is used, as returned by get_default_id.

  • bkg_id (int, str, or None, optional) – The identifier for the background component to use.

See also


Clear all stored session data.


Delete the model expression for a data set.


Return the default data set identifier.


List all the background identifiers for a data set.


Set the source model expression for a data set.


Display the source model expression for a data set.


Remove the background model expression for the default data set:

>>> delete_bkg_model()

Remove the model expression for the background component labelled ‘down’ for the data set with the identifier ‘src’:

>>> delete_bkg_model('src', 'down')