The sherpa.ui module

The sherpa.ui module provides an interface to the sherpa.ui.utils.Session object, where a singleton class is used to provide the access but hidden away. This needs better explanation…


add_model(modelclass[, args, kwargs])

Create a user-defined model class.

add_user_pars(modelname, parnames[, ...])

Add parameter information to a user model.


Calculate the per-bin chi-squared statistic.


Calculate the fit statistic for a data set.


Display the statistic values for the current models.


Clear out the current Sherpa session.


Estimate parameter confidence intervals using the confidence method.


Estimate parameter confidence intervals using the confidence method.

contour(*args, **kwargs)

Create a contour plot for an image data set.

contour_data([id, replot, overcontour])

Contour the values of an image data set.

contour_fit([id, replot, overcontour])

Contour the fit to a data set.

contour_fit_resid([id, replot, overcontour])

Contour the fit and the residuals to a data set.

contour_kernel([id, replot, overcontour])

Contour the kernel applied to the model of an image data set.

contour_model([id, replot, overcontour])

Create a contour plot of the model.

contour_psf([id, replot, overcontour])

Contour the PSF applied to the model of an image data set.

contour_ratio([id, replot, overcontour])

Contour the ratio of data to model.

contour_resid([id, replot, overcontour])

Contour the residuals of the fit.

contour_source([id, replot, overcontour])

Create a contour plot of the unconvolved spatial model.

copy_data(fromid, toid)

Copy a data set, creating a new identifier.


Estimate parameter confidence intervals using the covariance method.


Estimate parameter confidence intervals using the covariance method.

create_model_component([typename, name])

Create a model component.

dataspace1d(start, stop[, step, numbins, ...])

Create the independent axis for a 1D data set.

dataspace2d(dims[, id, dstype])

Create the independent axis for a 2D data set.


Delete a data set by identifier.


Delete the model expression for a data set.


Delete a model component.


Delete the PSF model for a data set.

fake([id, method])

Simulate a data set.


Fit a model to one or more data sets.


Fix model parameters so they are not changed by a fit.


Return the data used to plot the last CDF.

get_chisqr_plot([id, recalc])

Return the data used by plot_chisqr.


Return the confidence-interval estimation object.


Return one or all of the options for the confidence interval method.


Return the results of the last conf run.


Return the results of the last conf run.

get_contour_prefs(contourtype[, id])

Return the preferences for the given contour type.


Return the covariance estimation object.


Return one or all of the options for the covariance method.


Return the results of the last covar run.


Return the results of the last covar run.


Return the data set by identifier.

get_data_contour([id, recalc])

Return the data used by contour_data.


Return the preferences for contour_data.


Return the data used by image_data.

get_data_plot([id, recalc])

Return the data used by plot_data.


Return the preferences for plot_data.


Return the default data set identifier.

get_delchi_plot([id, recalc])

Return the data used by plot_delchi.

get_dep([id, filter])

Return the dependent axis of a data set.

get_dims([id, filter])

Return the dimensions of the data set.

get_draws([id, otherids, niter, covar_matrix])

Run the pyBLoCXS MCMC algorithm.

get_error([id, filter])

Return the errors on the dependent axis of a data set.

get_filter([id, format, delim])

Return the filter expression for a data set.

get_fit_contour([id, recalc])

Return the data used by contour_fit.

get_fit_plot([id, recalc])

Return the data used to create the fit plot.


Return the results of the last fit.


Return the functions provided by Sherpa.


Return the independent axes of a data set.

get_int_proj([par, id, otherids, recalc, ...])

Return the interval-projection object.

get_int_unc([par, id, otherids, recalc, ...])

Return the interval-uncertainty object.


Return the name of the iterative fitting scheme.


Return one or all options for the iterative-fitting scheme.

get_kernel_contour([id, recalc])

Return the data used by contour_kernel.


Return the data used by image_kernel.

get_kernel_plot([id, recalc])

Return the data used by plot_kernel.


Return an optimization method.


Return the name of current Sherpa optimization method.


Return one or all of the options for the current optimization method.


Return the model expression for a data set.


Return the method used to create model component identifiers.


Returns a model component given its name.

get_model_component_image(id[, model])

Return the data used by image_model_component.

get_model_component_plot(id[, model, recalc])

Return the data used to create the model-component plot.


Return the data used by plot_model_components.

get_model_contour([id, recalc])

Return the data used by contour_model.


Return the preferences for contour_model.


Return the data used by image_model.


Return the names of the parameters of a model.

get_model_plot([id, recalc])

Return the data used to create the model plot.


Return the preferences for plot_model.


Describe a model expression.


Return the number of parameters in a model expression.


Return the number of frozen parameters in a model expression.


Return the number of thawed parameters in a model expression.


Return a parameter of a model component.


Return the data used to plot the last PDF.

get_plot_prefs(plottype[, id])

Return the preferences for the given plot type.


Return the prior function for a parameter (MCMC).


Return the confidence-interval estimation object.


Return one or all of the options for the confidence interval method.


Return the results of the last proj run.


Return the results of the last proj run.


Return the PSF model defined for a data set.

get_psf_contour([id, recalc])

Return the data used by contour_psf.


Return the data used by image_psf.

get_psf_plot([id, recalc])

Return the data used by plot_psf.

get_pvalue_plot([null_model, alt_model, ...])

Return the data used by plot_pvalue.


Return the data calculated by the last plot_pvalue call.

get_ratio_contour([id, recalc])

Return the data used by contour_ratio.


Return the data used by image_ratio.

get_ratio_plot([id, recalc])

Return the data used by plot_ratio.

get_reg_proj([par0, par1, id, otherids, ...])

Return the region-projection object.

get_reg_unc([par0, par1, id, otherids, ...])

Return the region-uncertainty object.

get_resid_contour([id, recalc])

Return the data used by contour_resid.


Return the data used by image_resid.

get_resid_plot([id, recalc])

Return the data used by plot_resid.


Return the RNG generator in use.


Return the current MCMC sampler options.


Return the name of the current MCMC sampler.


Return an option of the current MCMC sampler.


Return the data used to plot the last scatter plot.


Return the source model expression for a data set.

get_source_component_image(id[, model])

Return the data used by image_source_component.

get_source_component_plot(id[, model, recalc])

Return the data used by plot_source_component.


Return the data used by plot_source_components.

get_source_contour([id, recalc])

Return the data used by contour_source.


Return the data used by image_source.

get_source_plot([id, recalc])

Return the data used to create the source plot.


Return the plot attributes for displays with multiple plots.


Return the fit statisic.


Return the statistic values for the current models.


Return the name of the current fit statistic.

get_staterror([id, filter])

Return the statistical error on the dependent axis of a data set.

get_syserror([id, filter])

Return the systematic error on the dependent axis of a data set.


Return the data used to plot the last trace.

guess([id, model, limits, values])

Estimate the parameter values and ranges given the loaded data.

ignore([lo, hi])

Exclude data from the fit.

ignore_id(ids[, lo, hi])

Exclude data from the fit for a data set.


Close the image viewer.

image_data([id, newframe, tile])

Display a data set in the image viewer.


Delete all the frames open in the image viewer.

image_fit([id, newframe, tile, deleteframes])

Display the data, model, and residuals for a data set in the image viewer.


Return the region defined in the image viewer.

image_kernel([id, newframe, tile])

Display the 2D kernel for a data set in the image viewer.

image_model([id, newframe, tile])

Display the model for a data set in the image viewer.

image_model_component(id[, model, newframe, ...])

Display a component of the model in the image viewer.


Start the image viewer.

image_psf([id, newframe, tile])

Display the 2D PSF model for a data set in the image viewer.

image_ratio([id, newframe, tile])

Display the ratio (data/model) for a data set in the image viewer.

image_resid([id, newframe, tile])

Display the residuals (data - model) for a data set in the image viewer.

image_setregion(reg[, coord])

Set the region to display in the image viewer.

image_source([id, newframe, tile])

Display the source expression for a data set in the image viewer.

image_source_component(id[, model, ...])

Display a component of the source expression in the image viewer.


Return the result of an XPA call to the image viewer.

image_xpaset(arg[, data])

Return the result of an XPA call to the image viewer.

int_proj(par[, id, otherids, replot, fast, ...])

Calculate and plot the fit statistic versus fit parameter value.

int_unc(par[, id, otherids, replot, min, ...])

Calculate and plot the fit statistic versus fit parameter value.

link(par, val)

Link a parameter to a value.


List the identifiers for the loaded data sets.

list_functions([outfile, clobber])

Display the functions provided by Sherpa.


List the iterative fitting schemes.


List the optimization methods.


List the names of all the model components.


List of all the data sets with a source expression.


List the available model types.


Return the priors set for model parameters, if any.


List of all the data sets with a PSF.


List the MCMC samplers.


List the fit statistics.

load_arrays(id, *args)

Create a data set from array values.

load_conv(modelname, filename_or_model, ...)

Load a 1D convolution model.

load_data(id[, filename, ncols, colkeys, ...])

Load a data set from an ASCII file.

load_filter(id[, filename, ignore, ncols])

Load the filter array from an ASCII file and add to a data set.

load_psf(modelname, filename_or_model, ...)

Create a PSF model.

load_staterror(id[, filename, ncols])

Load the statistical errors from an ASCII file.

load_syserror(id[, filename, ncols])

Load the systematic errors from an ASCII file.

load_table_model(modelname, filename[, ...])

Load ASCII tabular data and use it as a model component.

load_template_interpolator(name, ...)

Set the template interpolation scheme.

load_template_model(modelname, templatefile)

Load a set of templates and use it as a model component.

load_user_model(func, modelname[, filename, ...])

Create a user-defined model.

load_user_stat(statname, calc_stat_func[, ...])

Create a user-defined statistic.

normal_sample([num, sigma, correlate, id, ...])

Sample the fit statistic by taking the parameter values from a normal distribution.

notice([lo, hi])

Include data in the fit.

notice_id(ids[, lo, hi])

Include data from the fit for a data set.


Should the user be asked for the parameter values when creating a model?

plot(*args, **kwargs)

Create one or more plot types.

plot_cdf(points[, name, xlabel, replot, ...])

Plot the cumulative density function of an array of values.

plot_chisqr([id, replot, overplot, clearwindow])

Plot the chi-squared value for each point in a data set.

plot_data([id, replot, overplot, clearwindow])

Plot the data values.

plot_delchi([id, replot, overplot, clearwindow])

Plot the ratio of residuals to error for a data set.

plot_fit([id, replot, overplot, clearwindow])

Plot the fit results (data, model) for a data set.

plot_fit_delchi([id, replot, overplot, ...])

Plot the fit results, and the residuals, for a data set.

plot_fit_ratio([id, replot, overplot, ...])

Plot the fit results, and the ratio of data to model, for a data set.

plot_fit_resid([id, replot, overplot, ...])

Plot the fit results, and the residuals, for a data set.

plot_kernel([id, replot, overplot, clearwindow])

Plot the 1D kernel applied to a data set.

plot_model([id, replot, overplot, clearwindow])

Plot the model for a data set.

plot_model_component(id[, model, replot, ...])

Plot a component of the model for a data set.

plot_model_components([id, overplot, ...])

Plot all the components of a model.

plot_pdf(points[, name, xlabel, bins, ...])

Plot the probability density function of an array of values.

plot_psf([id, replot, overplot, clearwindow])

Plot the 1D PSF model applied to a data set.

plot_pvalue(null_model, alt_model[, ...])

Compute and plot a histogram of likelihood ratios by simulating data.

plot_ratio([id, replot, overplot, clearwindow])

Plot the ratio of data to model for a data set.

plot_resid([id, replot, overplot, clearwindow])

Plot the residuals (data - model) for a data set.

plot_scatter(x, y[, name, xlabel, ylabel, ...])

Create a scatter plot.

plot_source([id, replot, overplot, clearwindow])

Plot the source expression for a data set.

plot_source_component(id[, model, replot, ...])

Plot a component of the source expression for a data set.

plot_source_components([id, overplot, ...])

Plot all the components of a source.

plot_trace(points[, name, xlabel, replot, ...])

Create a trace plot of row number versus value.


Estimate parameter confidence intervals using the projection method.


Estimate parameter confidence intervals using the projection method.

reg_proj(par0, par1[, id, otherids, replot, ...])

Plot the statistic value as two parameters are varied.

reg_unc(par0, par1[, id, otherids, replot, ...])

Plot the statistic value as two parameters are varied.

reset([model, id])

Reset the model parameters to their default settings.


Load in a Sherpa session from a file.

save([filename, clobber])

Save the current Sherpa session to a file.

save_arrays(filename, args[, fields, ...])

Write a list of arrays to an ASCII file.

save_data(id[, filename, fields, sep, ...])

Save the data to a file.

save_delchi(id[, filename, clobber, sep, ...])

Save the ratio of residuals (data-model) to error to a file.

save_error(id[, filename, clobber, sep, ...])

Save the errors to a file.

save_filter(id[, filename, clobber, sep, ...])

Save the filter array to a file.

save_model(id[, filename, clobber, sep, ...])

Save the model values to a file.

save_resid(id[, filename, clobber, sep, ...])

Save the residuals (data-model) to a file.

save_source(id[, filename, clobber, sep, ...])

Save the model values to a file.

save_staterror(id[, filename, clobber, sep, ...])

Save the statistical errors to a file.

save_syserror(id[, filename, clobber, sep, ...])

Save the statistical errors to a file.

set_conf_opt(name, val)

Set an option for the confidence interval method.

set_covar_opt(name, val)

Set an option for the covariance method.

set_data(id[, data])

Set a data set.


Set the default data set identifier.

set_dep(id[, val])

Set the dependent axis of a data set.

set_filter(id[, val, ignore])

Set the filter array of a data set.

set_full_model(id[, model])

Define the convolved model expression for a data set.


Set the iterative-fitting scheme used in the fit.

set_iter_method_opt(optname, val)

Set an option for the iterative-fitting scheme.


Set the optimization method.

set_method_opt(optname, val)

Set an option for the current optimization method.

set_model(id[, model])

Set the source model expression for a data set.


Set the method used to create model component identifiers.

set_par(par[, val, min, max, frozen])

Set the value, limits, or behavior of a model parameter.


Change the plot backend.

set_prior(par, prior)

Set the prior function to use with a parameter.

set_proj_opt(name, val)

Set an option for the projection method.

set_psf(id[, psf])

Add a PSF model to a data set.


Set the RNG generator.


Set the MCMC sampler.

set_sampler_opt(opt, value)

Set an option for the current MCMC sampler.

set_source(id[, model])

Set the source model expression for a data set.


Set the statistical method.

set_staterror(id[, val, fractional])

Set the statistical errors on the dependent axis of a data set.

set_syserror(id[, val, fractional])

Set the systematic errors on the dependent axis of a data set.


New plots will display a linear X axis.


New plots will display a logarithmically-scaled X axis.


New plots will display a linear Y axis.


New plots will display a logarithmically-scaled Y axis.

show_all([id, outfile, clobber])

Report the current state of the Sherpa session.

show_conf([outfile, clobber])

Display the results of the last conf evaluation.

show_covar([outfile, clobber])

Display the results of the last covar evaluation.

show_data([id, outfile, clobber])

Summarize the available data sets.

show_filter([id, outfile, clobber])

Show any filters applied to a data set.

show_fit([outfile, clobber])

Summarize the fit results.

show_kernel([id, outfile, clobber])

Display any kernel applied to a data set.

show_method([outfile, clobber])

Display the current optimization method and options.

show_model([id, outfile, clobber])

Display the model expression used to fit a data set.

show_proj([outfile, clobber])

Display the results of the last proj evaluation.

show_psf([id, outfile, clobber])

Display any PSF model applied to a data set.

show_source([id, outfile, clobber])

Display the source model expression for a data set.

show_stat([outfile, clobber])

Display the current fit statistic.


Fit a model to one or more data sets.

t_sample([num, dof, id, otherids, numcores])

Sample the fit statistic by taking the parameter values from a Student's t-distribution.


Allow model parameters to be varied during a fit.

uniform_sample([num, factor, id, otherids, ...])

Sample the fit statistic by taking the parameter values from an uniform distribution.


Unlink a parameter value.


Create a sherpa data object from arrays of data.

unpack_data(filename[, ncols, colkeys, ...])

Create a sherpa data object from an ASCII file.