Simulating data
A simple case
Simulating a data set normally involves:
evaluate the model
add in noise
This may need to be repeated several times for complex models, such as when different components have different noise models or the noise needs to be added before evaluation by a component.
The model evaluation would be performed using the techniques
described in this section, and then the noise term can be
handled with sherpa.utils.poisson_noise()
or routines from
NumPy or SciPy to evaluate noise, such as numpy.random.standard_normal
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sherpa.models.basic import Polynom1D
>>> np.random.seed(235)
>>> x = np.arange(10, 100, 12)
>>> mdl = Polynom1D('mdl')
>>> mdl.offset = 35
>>> mdl.c1 = 0.5
>>> mdl.c2 = 0.12
>>> ymdl = mdl(x)
>>> from sherpa.utils import poisson_noise
>>> ypoisson = poisson_noise(ymdl)
>>> from numpy.random import standard_normal, normal
>>> yconst = ymdl + standard_normal(ymdl.shape) * 10
>>> ydata = ymdl + normal(scale=np.sqrt(ymdl))
X-ray data (DataPHA
In principle, the same steps apply when simulating PHA data
objects), however, the mechanics are a
little more complicated because we need to account for the
instrumental response (ARF and RMF) and possibly also
the background, which may contribute to the source spectrum that we
want to simulate. Readers not interested in X-ray data analysis may
want to skip this section.
Sherpa offers a dedicated function sherpa.astro.fake.fake_pha()
simulations of PHA data. A DataPHA
needs to be set up with the responses for the source and an exposure
time. So, we first create a DataPHA
object with
the correct exposure time, but we can leave the settings for channel
and counts empty, because these will be filled in by the simulation:
>>> from import DataPHA
>>> from import read_arf, read_rmf, read_pha
>>> data = DataPHA(name='any', channel=None, counts=None, exposure=10000.)
>>> data.set_arf(read_arf(data_dir + '9774.arf'))
>>> data.set_rmf(read_rmf(data_dir + '9774.rmf'))
Alternatively, one could read in a PHA file (data =
). In this case, the response and backgrounds
will be automatically loaded, if the relevant header keywords are
set. Also, the exposure time, background scaling etc. will be taken
from the header of the file. When new data is simulated later, the
counts in data
will be overwritten, but all other information
stays the same.
Next, we set up a model. In this case, we start with a powerlaw source where the slope and normalization of that powerlaw are already known, e.g. from the literature. We then add a weak emission line. Our simulation will show us if this emission line would be detectable in a real observation:
>>> from sherpa.models.basic import PowLaw1D, Gauss1D
>>> pl = PowLaw1D()
>>> line = Gauss1D()
>>> pl.gamma = 1.8
>>> pl.ampl = 2e-05
>>> line.pos = 6.7
>>> line.ampl = .0003
>>> line.fwhm = .1
>>> srcmdl = pl + line
The simplest case: Simulate the source spectrum only
With this model, it is now easy to run the simulation, which will
calculate the expected number of counts in each spectral channel
(where the number and width of the channels is given by the responses)
and then draw from a Poisson distribution with this expected
number. Thus, the simulated number of counts in each channel is always
an integer and includes Poisson noise - running
twice with identical settings will give
slightly different answers. With default settings, the input model is
convolved with the RMF and multiplied by the ARF, and properly scaled
for the exposure time.
>>> from sherpa.astro.fake import fake_pha
>>> fake_pha(data, srcmdl)
We bin the counts into bins of at least 5 counts per bin and display an image of the simulated spectrum (see X-ray data (DataPHA) for details):
>>> data.set_analysis('energy')
>>> data.notice(0.3, 8)
>>> data.group_counts(5)
>>> from sherpa.plot import DataPlot
>>> dplot = DataPlot()
>>> dplot.prepare(data)
>>> dplot.plot(xlog=True, ylog=True)
Sometimes, more than one response is needed, e.g. in Chandra LETG/HRC-S
different orders of the grating overlap on the detector, so they all
contribute to the observed source
spectrum. fake_pha()
works if one or more responses
are set for the input DataPHA
It is also possible that the input model already includes the
appropriate responses and scalings. In this case, is_source=False
can be set to indicate to sherpa that the model is not a naked source
model, but includes all required instrumental effects. In this
way, fake_pha()
can be used with arbitrarily
complex models which may include such components as the instrumental
background (which should not be folded through the ARF) or arbitrary
other components:
>>> fake_pha(data, model=inst_bkg + my_arf(my_rmf(srcmodel)), is_source=False)

Adding background
Weak spectral features can be hidden in a large (instrumental or astrophysical) background, thus it can be important to include background in the simulation.
Sample background from a PHA file
One way to include background is to sample it from a
object. To do so, a background need to be
loaded into the dataset before running the simulation and, if not done
before, the scale of the background scaling has to be set:
>>> data.set_background(read_pha('sherpa-test-data/sherpatest/9774_bg.pi'))
>>> data.backscal = 9.6e-06
>>> fake_pha(data, srcmdl, add_bkgs=True)
The fake_pha
function simulates the source spectrum as above, but
then it samples from the background PHA. For each bin, it treats the
background count number as the expected value and performs a Poisson
draw. The background drawn from the Poisson distribution is than added
to the simulated source spectrum (the sum of two Poisson distributions
is a Poisson distribution again). This works best if the background is
well exposed and has a large number or counts.
Why do we need to set the add_bkgs=True
argument and do not simply
use all available backgrounds? Often is is
useful to read in a file with data = read_pha('9774.pi')
, which
might automatically read in the background as well. Using the
to switch the background on or off in the simulation
makes it easy to compare the same simulation with and without a
Background models
When the number of counts in the background is low, the above procedure amplifies the noise. The experimental background already contains noise just from Poisson statistics. Using the observed count numbers as background value and then performing a Poisson draw on them again gives a higher level of noise than a real observation would have. To avoid this problem, a background model may be used instead:
>>> from sherpa.models.basic import Const1D
>>> bkgmdl = Const1D('bmdl')
>>> bkgmdl.c0 = 2
>>> fake_pha(data, mdl, add_bkgs=True, bkg_models={'1': bkgmdl})
The keys in the bkg_models
dictionary are the identifiers of the
backgrounds. Above, we loaded a background with the default identifier
(which is 1
More than one background
If more than one background is set up, then the expected backgrounds will be averaged before the Poisson draw. For some backgrounds that expected value might be the value of the counts in a PHA file, while for others the expected value might be calculated from a model.
Simulate PHA datasets
The fake_pha
routine is used to create simulated
data objects.
Simulate a PHA data set from a model. |