Asymmetric errors
Sherpa provides minimal support for asymmetric errors - where the low and high error values do not match. The approach taken is currently designed to work best wih the Astronomy UI interface, so that will be used in this notebook.
from sherpa.astro import ui
from sherpa.utils.testing import get_datadir
WARNING: failed to import sherpa.astro.xspec; XSPEC models will not be available
For this example we shall use one of the test datasets, which contains x
and y
values along with the error range on y
from pathlib import Path
inpath = Path(get_datadir()) / 'gro.txt'
# Display the first 5 lines
with open(inpath) as fh:
for inval in fh.readlines()[:5]:
0.00310 13.383 12.379 15.002
0.00284 13.352 12.437 14.323
0.00413 14.717 12.992 15.693
0.00469 14.275 13.518 15.093
0.00451 13.169 12.321 14.319
This can be read in with the load_ascii_with_errors
command (it can also files where the errors are given as relative values by setting delta=True
in the call):
Let’s change the name field to avoid the full path:
ui.get_data().name = 'gro.txt'
If we display the object we can see there’s a staterror
field as well as elo
and ehi
. The staterror
field is set to be the average of the elo
and ehi
fields, which give the low and high errors:
name = gro.txt
x = Float64[61]
y = Float64[61]
staterror = Float64[61]
syserror = None
elo = Float64[61]
ehi = Float64[61]
If we access the fields we can see how they are related:
d = ui.get_data()
for idx, (err, elo, ehi) in enumerate(zip(d.staterror, d.elo, d.ehi)):
if idx == 5:
print(f" {err:.3f} {elo:.3f} - {ehi:.3f}")
1.312 1.004 - 1.619
0.943 0.915 - 0.971
1.350 1.725 - 0.976
0.787 0.757 - 0.818
0.999 0.848 - 1.150
When the data is plotted the asymmetric errors are shown:
However, the staterror
field is used when a statistic is needed - e.g. with calc_stat
or when fitting:
Dataset = 1
Method = levmar
Statistic = chi2
Initial fit statistic = 2.48264e+08
Final fit statistic = 84.7331 at function evaluation 61
Data points = 61
Degrees of freedom = 59
Probability [Q-value] = 0.0157157
Reduced statistic = 1.43615
Change in statistic = 2.48264e+08
pl.gamma -0.598396 +/- 0.0207753
pl.ampl 332.533 +/- 38.2647
ui.plot_fit(xlog=True, ylog=True)
As with the fit
call, covar
and conf
use the “average” error bar:
pl.gamma lower bound: -0.02077
pl.ampl lower bound: -35.0532
pl.gamma upper bound: 0.0201346
pl.ampl upper bound: 40.4317
Dataset = 1
Confidence Method = confidence
Iterative Fit Method = None
Fitting Method = levmar
Statistic = chi2
confidence 1-sigma (68.2689%) bounds:
Param Best-Fit Lower Bound Upper Bound
----- -------- ----------- -----------
pl.gamma -0.598396 -0.02077 0.0201346
pl.ampl 332.533 -35.0532 40.4317
We will use the confidence
results below, so store them:
conf = ui.get_conf_results()
datasets = (1,)
methodname = confidence
iterfitname = none
fitname = levmar
statname = chi2
sigma = 1
percent = 68.26894921370858
parnames = ('pl.gamma', 'pl.ampl')
parvals = (-0.5983957573984634, 332.53266628336416)
parmins = (-0.020770017510067684, -35.053209709661644)
parmaxes = (0.020134631729182173, 40.43171458331858)
nfits = 18
We can draw a vertical rectangle on a plot to show the gamma range (from parvals + parmins
to parvals + parmaxes
, since parmins < 0
). As I plan to use this more-than once I make a helper routine:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def add_conf_gamma():
"""Draw a rectangle representing the gamma conf results on the plot."""
# Label on the conf result as a rectangle
ymin, ymax = plt.ylim()
xy = (conf.parvals[0] + conf.parmins[0], ymin)
dx = conf.parmaxes[0] - conf.parmins[0]
dy = ymax - ymin
patch = plt.Rectangle(xy, dx, dy, color='k', alpha=0.2)
ax = plt.gca()
This routine can be used to overplot the conf
results on a region-projection
plot, showing that the 1D results (e.g. from conf
) are slightly smaller than the 2D results (as expected):
ui.reg_proj(pl.gamma, pl.ampl, nloop=[101, 101])
So, all the above used the average error values when calculating statistic values. The question is, how much different would it be if the fit could use the asymmetric errors?
The resample_data
call allows us to estimate what the asymmetry means for any error estimation. It performs a parametric bootstrap assuming a skewed normal distribution centered on the observed data point with the variance given by the low and high measurement errors. The function simulates a number of realizations of the data and fits each realization with the assumed model to obtain the best fit parameters. It returns the best fit parameters for each realization, and displays the average
and standard deviation for each parameter.
In the following we explicitly ask for 1000 iterations (although that is the default value) and fix the random-number seed.
result = ui.resample_data(niter=1000, seed=123)
pl.gamma : avg = -0.4180195954679258 , std = 0.19844933475231044
pl.ampl : avg = 163.0552687577543 , std = 94.50832743941801
The routine returns a dictionary with arrays as values; we can check what the keys are with:
dict_keys(['samples', 'statistic', 'pl.gamma', 'pl.ampl'])
A trace of the statistic value can be created (at present this is always calculated using the least-squares statistic):
ui.plot_trace(result['statistic'], name='statistic')
The other fields can be displayed, either with Sherpa commands like plot_trace
, plot_scatter
, plot_cdf
, and plot_pdf
, or directly with a plotting library:
ui.plot_scatter(result['pl.gamma'], result['pl.ampl'], xlabel=r'$\Gamma$', ylabel='ampl')
We can compare the fit result from earlier to that from the resampled data. In this particular case we can see that the conf
result (the gray band) is both
too narrow
and biased
due to the assumption of symmetric errors.
ui.plot_cdf(result['pl.gamma'], xlabel=r'$\Gamma$', name=r'$\Gamma$')
We can use the parameter distribution to estimate errors. Sherpa has useful routines for this but other modules - such as NumPy - can be used. Here we use the get_error_estimates
routine to return the median value along with the 1-sigma range calculated from the input distribution:
from sherpa.utils import get_error_estimates
mval, lval, uval = get_error_estimates(result['pl.gamma'])
print(f"median = {mval:.3f}")
print(f" range = {lval:.3f} - {uval:.3f}")
median = -0.472
range = -0.547 - -0.269
Or use quantile
to select a non-standard range:
from sherpa.utils import quantile
print(quantile(result['pl.gamma'], 0.05))
print(quantile(result['pl.gamma'], 0.95))