
sherpa.astro.fake.fake_pha(data, model, is_source=None, pileup_model=None, add_bkgs=None, bkg_models=None, id=None, method=None, rng=None, include_bkg_data=False)[source] [edit on github]

Simulate a PHA data set from a model.

This function replaces the counts in a PHA dataset with simulated counts drawn from a model with Poisson noise. For the simulations, all the details already set up in the PHA dataset will be used, including the exposure time, one or more ARFs and RMFs, area and background scalings, grouping, and data quality arrays.

Changed in version 4.16.1: This routine has seen significant changes, and the is_source, pileup_model, add_bkgs, bkg_models, and id arguments are no-longer used. The include_bkg_data argument was added.

Changed in version 4.16.0: The method and rng parameters were added.

  • data (sherpa.astro.data.DataPHA) – The dataset (may be a background dataset).

  • model (sherpa.models.model.ArithmeticModel) – The model that will be used for simulations. It must contain any background components, appropriately scaled, and include the relevant response.

  • include_bkg_data (bool, optional) – Should the counts in the background datasets be included when calculating the predicted signal? As background datasets are often noisy it is generally better to include a model of the background in the model argument.

  • method (callable or None) – The routine used to simulate the data. If None (the default) then sherpa.utils.random.poisson_noise is used, otherwise the function must accept a single ndarray and an optional rng argument, returning a ndarray of the same shape as the input.

  • rng (numpy.random.Generator, numpy.random.RandomState, or None, optional) – Determines how random numbers are created. If set to None then the routines from numpy.random are used, and so can be controlled by calling numpy.random.seed.


The model must include the relevant response, and if a background model is required then it must also be included. The model predicted counts array is generated by evaluating the model and then, if the dataset contains any background datasets and the include_bkg_data flag is set, the background signal is added after appropriate scaling between background and source apertures and exposure times. This “model predicted counts” array is then passed to the method argument to create the simulated data, with the default method set to use a Poisson distribution to simulate the data (the poisson_noise routine).

If simulated backgrounds are required then the backgrounds should be simulated separately (as if they were source models but with no associated backgrounds) and then added to the faked source dataset.

This routine was significantly changed in Sherpa 4.16.1. To update old code, note that the following arguments are no-longer used: is_source, pileup_model, add_bkgs, bkg_models and id. The model argument must now include any background model terms, and the necessary scaling term for the conversion from the background to source aperture (a combination of the add_bkgs and bkg_models=”model” arguments), and also include the response necessary to convert to channels and counts (a combination of the is_source and pileup_model arguments). Setting the bkg_models argument to a PHA dataset is now handled by adding the background to the data first, and then setting include_bkg_data to True.


Simulate the data from an absorbed APEC model, where the response is manually created (a “perfect” RMF and the ARF is flat, with a break at 3.2 keV), and then use the Sherpa plot objects to display the simulated data and model. Note that the exposure time must be set (if the model normalization is set). First the imports:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sherpa.astro.data import DataPHA
>>> from sherpa.astro.instrument import Response1D, create_arf, create_delta_rmf
>>> from sherpa.astro.xspec import XSphabs, XSapec

The model used for the simulation is defined - in this case an absorbed APEC model:

>>> gal = XSphabs()
>>> clus = XSapec()
>>> model = gal * clus
>>> gal.nh = 0.12
>>> clus.kt = 4.5
>>> clus.abundanc = 0.3
>>> clus.redshift = 0.23
>>> clus.norm = 6.3e-4

For this example a “fake” response is generated, using the create_arf and create_delta_rmf routines to create an ARF with a step in it (100 cm^2 below 3.2 keV and 50 cm^2 above it) together with a “perfect” RMF (so there is no blurring of energies) covering 1 to 5 keV. Normally the responses would be read from a file:

>>> chans = np.arange(1, 101, dtype=np.int16)
>>> egrid = np.linspace(1, 5, 101)
>>> elo, ehi = egrid[:-1], egrid[1:]
>>> yarf = 100 * (elo < 3.2) + 50 * (elo >= 3.2)
>>> arf = create_arf(elo, ehi, yarf)
>>> rmf = create_delta_rmf(elo, ehi, e_min=elo, e_max=ehi)

In this case the DataPHA structure is also created manually, but it can also be read in:

>>> pha = DataPHA("faked", chans, chans * 0)
>>> pha.set_response(arf=arf, rmf=rmf)
>>> pha.exposure = 50000

The “faked” data is created by applying a response model to the model, and passing it to fake_pha:

>>> resp = Response1D(pha)
>>> full_model = resp(model)
>>> rng = numpy.random.default_rng()
>>> fake_pha(pha, full_model, rng=rng)

The following overlplots the model - used to simulate the data - on the simulated data:

The new data can be displayed, comparing it to the model:

>>> pha.set_analysis("energy")
>>> from sherpa.astro.plot import DataPHAPlot, ModelPHAHistogram
>>> dplot = DataPHAPlot()
>>> dplot.prepare(pha)
>>> dplot.plot()
>>> mplot = ModelPHAHistogram()
>>> mplot.prepare(pha, full_model)
>>> mplot.overplot()