Source code for sherpa.astro.fake

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'''Simulate PHA datasets

The ``fake_pha`` routine is used to create simulated
`` data objects.

import numpy as np
from sherpa.utils.random import poisson_noise
from sherpa.utils.err import ArgumentTypeErr, DataErr
from sherpa.astro.background import get_response_for_pha

__all__ = ('fake_pha', )

[docs] def fake_pha(data, model, is_source=True, pileup_model=None, add_bkgs=False, bkg_models=None, id=None, method=None, rng=None): """Simulate a PHA data set from a model. This function replaces the counts in a PHA dataset with simulated counts drawn from a model with Poisson noise. For the simulations, all the details already set up in the PHA dataset will be used, including the exposure time, one or more ARFs and RMFs, area and background scalings, grouping, and data quality arrys. Including a background component is optional; if requested, the background will be a Poisson draw from the average of all backgrounds that have been set for the input ``. For each background component, the method can use either the PHA distribution in that background component or a model that is evaluated using the response set for that background component. The later case avoids adding extra noise from a Poisson draw from a distribution that might already have very few counts in the first place. The backgrounds itself are not changed by this function. To simulate backgrounds as well as the source spectrum, call this function on the source PHA dataset and the background PHA dataset(s) independently. .. versionchanged:: 4.16.0 The method and rng parameters were added. Parameters ---------- data : The dataset (may be a background dataset). model : sherpa.models.model.ArithmeticModel instance The model that will be used for simulations. is_source : bool ``True`` means that the ``model`` does not contain response or background components and that these need to be added based on the ARF, RMF, and backgrounds set up for the data set. If ``False``, then the ``model`` contains any components to describe the instrument already. pileup_model : None or `sherpa.astro.models.JDPileup` instance Pileup Model for the source spectrum add_bkgs : bool If ``True`` backgrounds are added to the source counts. bkg_srcs : dict Keys in the dictionary need to be the background ids in the dataset ``data``, and the values are the corresponsing source models. For all background datasets that are listed in this dictionary, the background counts will be simulated based on the model, appropriately scaled (for area etc.) and added to the source. The same ``is_source`` setting as for the source model applies here, i.e. if the source model already contains the ARF and the RMF, then the background models should do so, too. This setting has no effect if ``add_bkgs=False``. For all background ids not listed in this dictionary, the counts will be drawn from the PHA data of the background data set. id : str String with id number if called from UI layer. This is only used for certain error messages. method : callable or None The routine used to simulate the data. If None (the default) then sherpa.utils.poisson_noise is used, otherwise the function must accept a single ndarray, returning a ndarray of the same shape, and an optional rng argument. rng : numpy.random.Generator, numpy.random.RandomState, or None, optional Determines how random numbers are created. If set to None then the routines from `numpy.random` are used, and so can be controlled by calling `numpy.random.seed`. Examples -------- Estimate the signal from a 5000 second observation using the ARF and RMF from "src.arf" and "src.rmf" respectively: >>> set_source(1, * xsapec.clus) >>> gal.nh = 0.12 >>> clus.kt, clus.abundanc = 4.5, 0.3 >>> clus.redshift = 0.187 >>> clus.norm = 1.2e-3 >>> fake_pha(1, 'src.arf', 'src.rmf', 5000) Simulate a 1 mega second observation for the data and model from the default data set. The simulated data will include an estimated background component based on scaling the existing background observations for the source. The simulated data set, which has the same grouping as the default set, for easier comparison, is created with the 'sim' label and then written out to the file 'sim.pi': >>> arf = get_arf() >>> rmf = get_rmf() >>> bkg = get_bkg() >>> bscal = get_backscal() >>> grp = get_grouping() >>> qual = get_quality() >>> texp = 1e6 >>> set_source('sim', get_source()) >>> fake_pha('sim', arf, rmf, texp, backscal=bscal, bkg=bkg, ... grouping=grp, quality=qual, grouped=True) >>> save_pha('sim', 'sim.pi') """ if len(data.response_ids) == 0: raise DataErr('normffake', if method is None: method = poisson_noise elif not callable(method): raise ArgumentTypeErr("badarg", "method", "a callable") if is_source: model = get_response_for_pha(data, model, bkg_srcs={}, pileup_model=pileup_model, id=id) # Get one RMF. Hopefully all of them have the same number of # channels, but that sanity check should really be done elsewhere. rmf0 = data.get_rmf(data.response_ids[0]) = np.arange(1, rmf0.detchans + 1) # Calculate the source model, and take a "draw" based on # the source model. That becomes the simulated data. data.counts = method(data.eval_model(model), rng=rng) # Add in background counts: # -- Scale each background properly given data's # exposure time, BACKSCAL and AREASCAL # -- Take average of scaled backgrounds # -- Take a Poisson draw based on the average scaled background # -- Add that to the simulated data counts # # Adding background counts is OPTIONAL, only done if user sets # "bkg" argument to fake_pha. The reason is that the user could # well set a "source" model that does include a background # component. In that case users should have the option to simulate # WITHOUT background counts being added in. # if add_bkgs: if bkg_models is None: bkg_models = {} nbkg = len(data.background_ids) b = 0 for bkg_id in data.background_ids: # we do (probably) want to filter and group the scale array scale = data.get_background_scale(bkg_id) if bkg_id in bkg_models: bkg_pha = data.get_background(bkg_id) bkg_model = bkg_models[bkg_id] if is_source: bkg_model = get_response_for_pha(bkg_pha, bkg_model, id=id) # Exposure in background could differ from exposure in # source. But need to set here so eval_model works # correctly. # (At least I think that's how it works.) orig_exposure = bkg_pha.exposure bkg_pha.exposure = data.exposure # No Poisson here because we make a Poisson draw # later using the average of all backgrounds cts = bkg_pha.eval_model(bkg_model) bkg_pha.exposure = orig_exposure else: cts = data.get_background(bkg_id).counts b += scale * cts if nbkg > 0: b = b / nbkg b_poisson = method(b, rng=rng) data.counts = data.counts + b_poisson