
sherpa.utils.parse_expr(expr)[source] [edit on github]

Convert a filter expression into its parts.

This is intended for parsing a notice or ignore expression given as a string.


expr (str) – The filter expression, of the form ‘a:b’ or a single number, separated by commas, and white space is ignored. The upper or lower limit of a pair may be ignored (e.g. ‘a:’ or ‘:b’).


filters – Each pair gives the lower- and upper-edge of the filter, using None to represent no limit.

Return type:

list of pairs

See also

create_expr, create_expr_int


There is no attempt to validate that the expression contains strictly ordered pairs, or that the pairs do not overlap, or that the lower- and upper-limits are in increasing numerical order. That is, the expression ‘5:7,:2,4:6,5:3’ is allowed.


>>> parse_expr('0.5:7')
[(0.5, 7.0)]
>>> parse_expr('0.5:')
[(0.5, None)]
>>> parse_expr(':7')
[(None, 7.0)]
>>> parse_expr(':2, 4 : 5 ,7:8,10:')
[(None, 2.0), (4.0, 5.0), (7.0, 8.0), (10.0, None)]
>>> parse_expr('4')
[(4.0, 4.0)]
>>> parse_expr(' ')
[(None, None)]