The module

Useful types for Sherpa Astronomy I/O.

This module should be considered an internal module as its contents is likely to change as types get added to Sherpa and the typing ecosystem in Python matures. These types are primarily for communicating between the front and back ends, as well as providing some structure to FITS-like data structures.



alias of str | bool | int | float

HeaderItem(name, value[, desc, unit])

Represent a FITS header card.


Represent multiple FITS header cards.

Column(name, values[, desc, unit, minval, ...])

Represent a FITS column.

Block(name, header)

Represent a block (header only)

TableBlock(name, header, columns)

Represent header and columns

SpectrumBlock(name, header, columns)

Represent a PHA dataset.

SpecrespBlock(name, header, columns)

Represent an ARF.

MatrixBlock(name, header, columns)

Represent the MATRIX block of a RMF.

EboundsBlock(name, header, columns)

Represent the EBOUNDS block of a RMF.

ImageBlock(name, header, image[, sky, eqpos])

Represent header and image data.

BlockList(blocks[, header])

Represent a set of blocks.


alias of TableBlock | ImageBlock

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of HeaderItem, Header, Column, Block, TableBlock, SpectrumBlock, SpecrespBlock, MatrixBlock, EboundsBlock, ImageBlock, BlockList