
sherpa.astro.instrument.create_delta_rmf(rmflo, rmfhi, offset=1, e_min=None, e_max=None, ethresh=None, name='delta-rmf', header=None)[source] [edit on github]

Create an ideal RMF.

The RMF has a unique mapping from channel to energy, in that each channel maps exactly to one energy bin, the mapping is monotonic, and there are no gaps.

Changed in version 4.17.0: Support for offset values other than 1 has been improved.

Changed in version 4.16.0: The e_min and e_max values will use the rmflo and rmfhi values if not set.

Added in version 4.10.1.

  • rmflo (array) – The energy bins (low and high, in keV) for the RMF. It is assumed that emfhi_i > rmflo_i, rmflo_j > 0, that the energy bins are either ascending, so rmflo_i+1 > rmflo_i or descending (rmflo_i+1 < rmflo_i), and that there are no overlaps. These correspond to the Elow and Ehigh columns (represented by the ENERG_LO and ENERG_HI columns of the MATRIX block) of the OGIP standard.

  • rmfhi (array) – The energy bins (low and high, in keV) for the RMF. It is assumed that emfhi_i > rmflo_i, rmflo_j > 0, that the energy bins are either ascending, so rmflo_i+1 > rmflo_i or descending (rmflo_i+1 < rmflo_i), and that there are no overlaps. These correspond to the Elow and Ehigh columns (represented by the ENERG_LO and ENERG_HI columns of the MATRIX block) of the OGIP standard.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting channel number, which can not be negative.

  • e_min (None or array, optional) – The E_MIN and E_MAX columns of the EBOUNDS block of the RMF. This must have the same size as rmflo and rmfhi as the RMF matrix is square in this “ideal” case. If not set they are taken from rmflo and rmfhi respectively.

  • e_max (None or array, optional) – The E_MIN and E_MAX columns of the EBOUNDS block of the RMF. This must have the same size as rmflo and rmfhi as the RMF matrix is square in this “ideal” case. If not set they are taken from rmflo and rmfhi respectively.

  • ethresh (number or None, optional) – Passed through to the DataRMF call. It controls whether zero-energy bins are replaced.

  • name (str, optional) – The name of the RMF data set

  • header (dict) – Header for the created RMF



Return type:

DataRMF instance