- sherpa.plot.backends.kwargs_doc = {'alpha': ['float', 'Number between 0 and 1, setting the transparency.'], 'aspect': ['str or float', 'Aspect ratio of the plot. Strings "equal" or "auto" are accepted.'], 'capsize': ['float', 'Size of the cap drawn at the end of the error bars.'], 'clearwindow': ['bool', 'If `True` the entire figure area is cleared to make space for a new plot.'], 'color': ['str', "The following colors are accepted by all backends: ``'b'`` (blue),\n``'r'`` (red), ``'g'`` (green), ``'k'`` (black), ``'w'`` (white),\n``'c'`` (cyan), ``'y'`` (yellow), ``'m'`` (magenta) but they may not\ntranslate to the exact same RGB values in each backend, e.g. ``'b'``\ncould be a different shade of blue depending on the backend.\nSome backends might accept additional values."], 'ecolor': ['str', 'Color of the error bars.'], 'label': ['str', 'Label this dataset for use in a legend'], 'levels': ['array-like', 'Levels at which to draw the contours'], 'linecolor': ['str', "The following colors are accepted by all backends: ``'b'`` (blue),\n``'r'`` (red), ``'g'`` (green), ``'k'`` (black), ``'w'`` (white),\n``'c'`` (cyan), ``'y'`` (yellow), ``'m'`` (magenta) but they may not\ntranslate to the exact same RGB values in each backend, e.g. ``'b'``\ncould be a different shade of blue depending on the backend.\nSome backend might accept additional values."], 'linestyle': ['str', "The following values are accepted by all backends: ``'noline'``,\n``'None'`` (as string, same as ``'noline'``),\n``'solid'``, ``'dot'``, ``'dash'``, ``'dashdot'``, ``'-'`` (solid\nline), ``':'`` (dotted), ``'--'`` (dashed), ``'-.'`` (dot-dashed),\n``''`` (empty string, no line shown), `None` (default - usually\nsolid line).\nSome backends may accept additional values."], 'linewidth': ['float', 'Thickness of the line.'], 'marker': ['str', 'The following values are accepted by all backends: "None" (as a\nstring, no marker shown), "." (dot), "o" (circle), "+", "s" (square),\n"" (empty string, no marker shown), `None` (no marker shown).\n\nSome backends may accept additional values.'], 'markerfacecolor': ['string', 'see `color`'], 'markersize': ['float', 'Size of a marker. The scale may also depend on the backend. `None`\nuses the backend-specific default.'], 'overplot': ['bool', 'If `True`, the plot is added to an existing plot, if not a new plot is created.'], 'title': ['str', 'Plot title (can contain LaTeX formulas). Only used if a new plot is created.'], 'xerr': ['float or array-like, shape(N,) or shape(2, N)', 'The errorbar sizes can be:\n - scalar: Symmetric +/- values for all data points.\n - shape(N,): Symmetric +/-values for each data point.\n - shape(2, N): Separate - and + values for each bar. First row\n contains the lower errors, the second row contains the upper\n errors.\n - None: No errorbar.\n\nNote that all error arrays should have positive values.'], 'xerrorbars': ['bool', 'Should x error bars be shown? If this is set to `True` errorbars\nare shown, but only if the size of the errorbars is provided in the\n`xerr` parameters. The purpose of having a separate switch\n`xerrorbars` is that the prepare method of a plot can create the\nerrors and pass them to this method, but the user can still decide\nto change the style of the plot and choose if error bars should be\ndisplayed.'], 'xlabel': ['str', 'Axis label (can contain LaTeX formulas). Only used if a new plot is created.'], 'xlog': ['bool', 'Should the x axis be logarithmic (default: linear)? Only used if a new plot is created.'], 'xmax': ['float', 'End of the vertical line in axes coordinates,\ni.e. from 0 (left) to 1 (right).'], 'xmin': ['float', 'Beginning of the horizontal line in axes coordinates,\ni.e. from 0 (left) to 1 (right).'], 'yerr': ['float or array-like, shape(N,) or shape(2, N)', 'The errorbar sizes can be:\n - scalar: Symmetric +/- values for all data points.\n - shape(N,): Symmetric +/-values for each data point.\n - shape(2, N): Separate - and + values for each bar. First row\n contains the lower errors, the second row contains the upper\n errors.\n - None: No errorbar.\n\nNote that all error arrays should have positive values.'], 'yerrorbars': ['bool', 'Should y error bars be shown? If this is set to `True` errorbars\nare shown, but only if the size of the errorbars is provided in the\n`yerr` parameters. The purpose of having a separate switch\n`yerrorbars` is that the prepare method of a plot can create the\nerrors and pass them to this method, but the user can still decide\nto change the style of the plot and choose if error bars should be\ndisplayed.'], 'ylabel': ['string', 'Axis label (can contain LaTeX formulas). Only used if a new plot is created.'], 'ylog': ['bool', 'Should the y axis be logarithmic (default: linear)? Only used if a new plot is created.'], 'ymax': ['float', 'End of the vertical line in axes coordinates,\ni.e. from 0 (bottom) to 1 (top).'], 'ymin': ['float', 'Beginning of the vertical line in axes coordinates,\ni.e. from 0 (bottom) to 1 (top).']}
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