Source code for sherpa.sim.simulate

#  Copyright (C) 2010, 2016, 2019 - 2021, 2023, 2024
#  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

Classes for PPP simulations

from copy import deepcopy
import logging
from typing import Sequence

import numpy as np

from sherpa.stats import Cash, CStat, WStat
from sherpa.optmethods import NelderMead
from sherpa.estmethods import Covariance
from import Fit
from sherpa.plot import arr2str
from sherpa.sim.sample import NormalParameterSampleFromScaleMatrix
from sherpa.utils import NoNewAttributesAfterInit
from sherpa.utils.parallel import parallel_map_rng
from sherpa.utils.random import poisson_noise
from sherpa.utils.types import ArrayType

# TODO: this should probably use __name__ rather than "sherpa"
logger = logging.getLogger("sherpa")
debug = logger.debug

_tol = np.finfo(float).eps

__all__ = ('LikelihoodRatioTest', 'LikelihoodRatioResults')

[docs] class LikelihoodRatioResults(NoNewAttributesAfterInit): """The results of a likelihood ratio comparison simulation. .. versionchanged:: 4.15.1 The parnames and parvals attributes have been added. They are intended to debug problem cases and so are not displayed by default. Attributes ---------- ratios : numpy array The likelihood ratio for each simulation. stats : numpy array The fit statistic for the null and alternative models for each simulation. The shape is (nsim, 2). samples : numpy array The parameter samples array for each simulation, with shape (nsim, npar). lr : number The likelihood ratio of the observed data for the null and alternate models. ppp : number The p value of the observed data for the null and alternate models. null : number The fit statistic of the null model on the observed data. alt : number The fit statistic of the alternate model on the observed data. parnames : list of str The thawed parameters in the alternate model. parvals : ndarray The parameter values for each iteration for the alternate model, matching the order of parnames. The shape is (nsim, len(parnames)). Notes ----- The parvals field is useful to check that the simulations have not got stuck with certain parameter sets, for instance if the ratio value drops to ~ 0 and stays there. If this is the case then the analysis can be re-run after adjusting the range (the min or max range) of the parameters in question. """ def __init__(self, ratios: ArrayType, stats: ArrayType, samples: ArrayType, lr: float, ppp: float, null: float, alt: float, parnames: Sequence[str], parvals: np.ndarray ) -> None: self.ratios = np.asarray(ratios) self.stats = np.asarray(stats) self.samples = np.asarray(samples) = float(lr) self.ppp = float(ppp) self.null = float(null) self.alt = float(alt) self.parnames = parnames self.parvals = np.asarray(parvals) if len(self.parnames) != self.parvals.shape[1]: # This is an unlikely error so do not make it a Sherpa error case raise ValueError(f"len(parnames) = {len(self.parnames)} " f"parvals.shape = {self.parvals.shape}") super().__init__() def __repr__(self) -> str: return '<Likelihood ratio results instance>' def __str__(self) -> str: samples = arr2str(self.samples) stats = arr2str(self.stats) ratios = arr2str(self.ratios) output = '\n'.join([ f'samples = {samples}', f'stats = {stats}', f'ratios = {ratios}', f'null = {repr(self.null)}', f'alt = {repr(self.alt)}', f'lr = {repr(}', f'ppp = {repr(self.ppp)}' ]) return output
[docs] def format(self) -> str: """Convert the object to a string representation for display purposes. Returns ------- txt : str A string representation of the data stored in the object. """ s = 'Likelihood Ratio Test\n' s += f'null statistic = {self.null}\n' s += f'alt statistic = {self.alt}\n' s += f'likelihood ratio = {}\n' if self.ppp == 0.0: s += f'p-value < {1./len(self.samples)}' else: s += f'p-value = {self.ppp}' return s
class LikelihoodRatioTestWorker: """ Worker class for LikelihoodRatioTest """ def __init__(self, null_fit, alt_fit, null_vals, alt_vals): self.null_fit = null_fit self.alt_fit = alt_fit self.null_vals = null_vals self.alt_vals = alt_vals # Store the original values self.null_thawedpars = self.null_fit.model.thawedpars self.alt_thawedpars = self.alt_fit.model.thawedpars def __call__(self, proposal, rng=None): try: return LikelihoodRatioTest.calculate(self.null_fit, self.alt_fit, proposal, self.null_vals, self.alt_vals, rng=rng) finally: # Ensure the parameters are reset self.alt_fit.model.thawedpars = self.alt_thawedpars self.null_fit.model.thawedpars = self.null_thawedpars
[docs] class LikelihoodRatioTest(NoNewAttributesAfterInit): """Likelihood Ratio Test. The likelihood ratio [1]_, D, is defined as:: ( likelihood for null model ) D = -2 ln ----------------------------------- ( likelihood for alternative model) = -2 ln(likelihood for null model) + 2 ln(likelihood for alternative model) Since the Cash and C fit statistics are defined as -2 ln(likelihood), the equation reduces to:: D = statistic for null model - statistic for alternative model .. versionchanged:: 4.17.0 The run method can now be called when using the WStat statistic. References ---------- .. [1] """
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate(nullfit, altfit, proposal, null_vals, alt_vals, rng=None): # FIXME: only null perturbed? nullfit.model.thawedpars = proposal # Fake using poisson_noise with null fake = poisson_noise(, rng=rng) # Set faked data for both nullfit and altfit # Start the faked fit at initial null best-fit values # nullfit.model.thawedpars = null_vals # Fit with null model nullfr = debug(nullfr.format()) null_stat = nullfr.statval debug("statistic null = %s", repr(null_stat)) # nullfit and altfit BOTH point to same faked dataset assert id( == id( assert ( == # Start the faked fit at the initial alt best-fit values # altfit.model.thawedpars = alt_vals debug("proposal: %s", repr(proposal)) debug("alt model") debug(str(altfit.model)) # Set alt model and fit altfr = debug(altfr.format()) debug(str(altfit.model)) alt_stat = altfr.statval debug("statistic alt = %s", repr(alt_stat)) LR = -(alt_stat - null_stat) debug("LR = %s", repr(LR)) return [null_stat, alt_stat, LR, altfit.model.thawedpars]
[docs] @staticmethod def run(fit, null_comp, alt_comp, conv_mdl=None, stat=None, method=None, niter=500, numcores=None, rng=None): if stat is None: stat = CStat() if method is None: method = NelderMead() # There should be a better way to determine this (by querying the # stat object in some way). We could use # # isinstance(stat, sherpa.stats.Likelihood) # # which would seem to be a more-appropriate check. # if not isinstance(stat, (Cash, CStat, WStat)): raise TypeError("Sherpa fit statistic must be Cash, CStat, or " "WStat for likelihood ratio test") niter = int(niter) alt = alt_comp null = null_comp oldaltvals = alt.thawedpars oldnullvals = null.thawedpars data = if conv_mdl is not None: # Copy the PSF null_conv_mdl = deepcopy(conv_mdl) alt = conv_mdl(alt_comp) if hasattr(conv_mdl, 'fold'): conv_mdl.fold(data) # Convolve the null model null = null_conv_mdl(null_comp) if hasattr(null_conv_mdl, 'fold'): null_conv_mdl.fold(data) nullfit = Fit(data, null, stat, method, Covariance()) # Fit with null model nullfit_results = debug(nullfit_results.format()) null_stat = nullfit_results.statval null_vals = nullfit_results.parvals # Calculate niter samples using null best-fit and covariance sampler = NormalParameterSampleFromScaleMatrix() samples = sampler.get_sample(nullfit, mycov=None, num=niter, rng=rng) # Fit with alt model, null component starts at null's best fit params. altfit = Fit(data, alt, stat, method, Covariance()) altfit_results = debug(altfit_results.format()) alt_stat = altfit_results.statval alt_vals = altfit_results.parvals LR = -(alt_stat - null_stat) olddep = data.get_dep(filter=False) try: worker = LikelihoodRatioTestWorker(nullfit, altfit, null_vals, alt_vals) statistics = parallel_map_rng(worker, samples, rng=rng, numcores=numcores) finally: data.set_dep(olddep) alt.thawedpars = oldaltvals null.thawedpars = oldnullvals debug("statistic null = %s", repr(null_stat)) debug("statistic alt = %s", repr(alt_stat)) debug("LR = %s", repr(LR)) lrs = [] stats = [] thawedpars = [] for statrow in statistics: stats.append(statrow[0:2]) lrs.append(statrow[2]) thawedpars.append(statrow[3]) stats = np.asarray(stats) lrs = np.asarray(lrs) thawedpars = np.asarray(thawedpars) pppvalue = np.sum(lrs > LR) / (1.0 * niter) debug('ppp value = %s', str(pppvalue)) pars = [p.fullname for p in altfit.model.get_thawed_pars()] return LikelihoodRatioResults(lrs, stats, samples, LR, pppvalue, null_stat, alt_stat, pars, thawedpars)