Source code for sherpa.plot.backend_utils

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'''This module has utilities for backends.

They are not useful on their own, but can help to define new plotting backends.

import functools
from inspect import signature
import re

__all__ = ('translate_args', 'add_kwargs_to_doc', 'get_keyword_defaults')

kwargs_indent = re.compile(r"\n(?P<spaces>\s*){kwargs}",flags=re.M)

def find_indent(doc):
    match = kwargs_indent.findall(doc)
    return len(match[0])

[docs] def translate_args(func): '''A decorator to translate function arguments. When a method decorated with this decorator is called, the decorator inspects the arguments that are passed into the function. For each argument that is found as a key in the object's ``translate_args`` dictionary, the value of that argument is translated. The items in that dictionary can be functions or dictionaries. The purpose of this decorator is to support backends that use different syntax for the same option, e.g. one backend might call a color "red", while another uses the tuple (1, 0, 0) to describe the same color. Examples -------- In this example, the input 'r' or 'b' will be translated into an rgb tuple before the ``plot`` function is called. Other values (e.g. ``color=(0, 0, 0)``) will be passed through unchanged so that the user can also make use of any other color specification that the backend allows. >>> from sherpa.plot import backend_utils >>> class Plotter: ... translate_args = {'color': {'r': (1,0,0), 'b': (0,0,1)}} ... ... @backend_utils.translate_args ... def plot(color=None): ... print('RGB color tuple is: ', color) ''' @functools.wraps(func) def inner(self, *args, **kwargs): for kw, val in kwargs.items(): if kw in self.translate_dict: transl = self.translate_dict[kw] if callable(transl): # It's a function kwargs[kw] = transl(val) else: # It should be a dict # Let's check if val is one of those that need to # be translated if val in transl: kwargs[kw] = transl[val] return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return inner
[docs] def add_kwargs_to_doc(param_doc): '''Add documentation for keyword parameters The plotting functions for each backend take a large number of keyword arguments that are repeated over several methods. This decorator can be used to fill in the description for those keyword arguments into the method docstring to reduce repetition, keep the docstrings readable in the code files, and ensure consistency between different functions. The decorator uses string formatting and fills all keyword parameters where `{kwargs}` appears in the docstring. This allows all other parts of the docstring to be written normally. A typical use case is to define a dictionary of all parameters for a backend, e.g. describe all values that `'color'` can take and then pass that same dictionary to the decorator in all methods. The appropriate number of white space is inserted to generate the numpydoc format, but long lines are not wrapped. Instead, the line wrapping is preserved to maintain special markup (e.g. lists). If lines are very long, they should contain newlines in the `param_doc`. Parameters ---------- param_doc : dict Keys in the dictionary are parameters names and values are tuples. The first element of the tuple is the parameters type, the second one the description. Examples -------- >>> param_doc = {'c' : ['int', 'thickness of line'], ... 'title' : ['string', 'Title of figure (only use if `overplot=False`)'], ... 'color': ['string or number', ... 'any matplotlib color with a really long text attached to it that will not fit in one line of text in the docstring']} >>> @add_kwargs_to_doc(param_doc) ... def test_func2(a, *, title=None, color='None'): ... """Func that does nothing ... ... Parameters ... ---------- ... a : int ... Our stuff ... {kwargs} ... """ ... pass >>> help(test_func2) Help on function test_func2 in module sherpa.plot.backend_utils: <BLANKLINE> test_func2(a, *, title=None, color='None') Func that does nothing <BLANKLINE> Parameters ---------- a : int Our stuff title : string, default=None Title of figure (only use if `overplot=False`) color : string or number, default=None any matplotlib color with a really long text attached to it that will not fit in one line of text in the docstring ''' def set_docstring(obj): sig = signature(obj) indent = find_indent(obj.__doc__) out = [] for p, par in sig.parameters.items(): if par.kind == par.KEYWORD_ONLY: pdoc = param_doc.get(p, ['', '']) out.append(' ' * indent + f'{p} : {pdoc[0]}, default={sig.parameters[p].default}') if par.kind == par.VAR_KEYWORD: pdoc = param_doc.get(p, ['', 'All other keyword parameters are passed to the plotting library.']) out.append(' ' * indent + f'{p} : dict, optional') if par.kind in (par.KEYWORD_ONLY, par.VAR_KEYWORD): for line in pdoc[1].split('\n'): out.append(' ' * (indent + 4) + line) out = '\n'.join(out) # out[indent:] is needed because ` {kwargs}` already has spaces in front of it. # We don't want to add those back a second time. obj.__doc__ = obj.__doc__.format(kwargs=out[indent:]) return obj return set_docstring
[docs] def get_keyword_defaults(func, ignore_args=['title', 'xlabel', 'ylabel', 'overplot', 'overcontour', 'clearwindow', 'clearaxes', 'xerr', 'yerr']): '''Get default values for keyword arguments This method differs from `sherpa.utils.get_keyword_defaults`, which inspects all arguments, while this function looks only at keyword arguments. Also, in `sherpa.utils.get_keyword_defaults` arguments can be skipped by order, while here they are skipped by name (using the `ignore_args`) parameter. Thus, this function is better suited to the plotting backends, which use several keyword-only arguments. Parameters ---------- func : callable function or method to inspect ignore_args : list Any keyword arguments with names listed here will be ignored Returns ------- default_values : dict Dictionary with argument names and default values See also -------- sherpa.utils.get_keyword_defaults ''' default_values = {} sig = signature(func) for param in sig.parameters.values(): if (param.default is not param.empty and not in ignore_args): default_values[] = param.default return default_values