The sherpa.models.model module

Allow models to be defined and combined.

A single model is defined by the parameters of the model - represented as sherpa.models.model.Parameter instances - and the function that takes the parameter values along with an array of grid values. The main classes are:

  • Model which is the base class and defines most of the interfaces.

  • ArithmeticConstantModel and ArithmeticFunctionModel for representing a constant value or a function.

  • ArithmeticModel is the main base class for deriving user models since it supports combining models (e.g. by addition or multiplication) and a cache to reduce evaluation time at the expense of memory use.

  • RegriddableModel builds on ArithmeticModel to allow a model to be evaluated on a different grid to that requested: most model classes are derived from the 1D and 2D variants of RegriddableModel.

  • CompositeModel which is used to represent a model expression, that is combined models, such as m1 * (m2 + m3)

    • UnaryOpModel for model expressions such as - m1.

    • BinaryOpModel for model expressions such as m1 + m2.

    • NestedModel for applying one model to another.

  • SimulFitModel for fitting multiple models and datasets.

Model cache

The ArithmeticModel class and modelCacher1d decorator provide basic support for caching one-dimensional model evaluations - that is, to avoid re-calculating the model. The idea is to save the results of the latest calls to a model and return the values from the cache, hopefully saving time at the expense of using more memory. This is most effective when the same model is used with multiple datasets which all have the same grid.

The _use_caching attribute of the model is used to determine whether the cache is used, but this setting can be over-ridden by the startup method, which is automatically called by the fit and est_errors methods of a object.

The cache_clear and cache_status methods of ArithmeticModel and CompositeModel allow you to clear the cache and display to the standard output the cache status of each model component.


The following class implements a simple scale model which has a single parameter (scale) which defaults to 1. It can be used for both non-integrated and integrated datasets of any dimensionality (see sherpa.models.basic.Scale1D and sherpa.models.basic.Scale2D):

class ScaleND(ArithmeticModel):
    '''A constant value per element.'''

    def __init__(self, name='scalend'):
        self.scale = Parameter(name, 'scale', 1)
        self.integrate = False
        pars = (self.scale, )
        ArithmeticModel.__init__(self, name, pars)

    def calc(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.scale.val * np.ones(len(args[0]))


Model(name[, pars])

The base class for Sherpa models.

ArithmeticConstantModel(val[, name])

Represent a constant value, or values.


Represent a callable function.

ArithmeticModel(name[, pars])

Support combining model expressions and caching results.

CompositeModel(name, parts)

Represent a model with composite parts.

BinaryOpModel(lhs, rhs, op, opstr)

Combine two model expressions.

FilterModel(model, filter)


NestedModel(outer, inner, *otherargs, ...)

Apply a model to the results of a model.

RegriddableModel1D(name[, pars])

Allow 1D models to be regridded.

RegriddableModel2D(name[, pars])

Allow 2D models to be regridded.

SimulFitModel(name, parts)

Store multiple models.

UnaryOpModel(arg, op, opstr)

Apply an operator to a model expression.



A decorater to cache 1D ArithmeticModel evalutions.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of Model, ArithmeticConstantModel, ArithmeticFunctionModel, ArithmeticModel, CompositeModel, BinaryOpModel, FilterModel, MultigridSumModel, NestedModel, RegriddableModel1D, RegriddableModel2D, SimulFitModel, UnaryOpModel