Source code for sherpa.optmethods.optfcts

#  Copyright (C) 2007, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
#  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
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"""Optimizing functions.

These functions take a callback, the current set of parameters, the
minimum and maximum parameter ranges, along with optional arguments,
and return a tuple containing

    status, parameters, statistic, message, dict

where ``status`` is a boolean indicating whether the optimisation
succeeded or not, parameters is the list of parameter values at the
best-fit location, the statistic value at this location, a string
message - when ``status`` is ``False`` this will give information on the
failure - and a dictionary which depends on the optimiser.

The callback should return the current statistic value and an array
of the statistic value per bin.


Each optimizer has certain classes of problem where it is more, or
less, successful. For instance, the `neldermead` function should
only be used with chi-square based statistics.


Fit a constant model to the array of values in ``y``, using a
least-square statistic:

>>> y = np.asarray([3, 2, 7])
>>> def cb(pars):
...     'Least-squares statistic value from fitting a constant model to y'
...     dy = y - pars[0]
...     dy *= dy
...     return (dy.sum(), dy)

This can be evaluated using the `neldermead` optimiser, starting at a
model value of 1 and bounded to the range 0 to 10000:

>>> res = neldermead(cb, [1], [0], [1e4])
>>> print(res)
(True, array([4.]), 14.0, 'Optimization terminated successfully', {'info': True, 'nfev': 98})
>>> print(f"Best-fit value: {res[1][0]}")
Best-fit value: 4.0


import random

import numpy

from sherpa.optmethods.ncoresde import ncoresDifEvo
from sherpa.optmethods.ncoresnm import ncoresNelderMead

from sherpa.utils import parallel_map, func_counter
from sherpa.utils._utils import sao_fcmp

from . import _saoopt

__all__ = ('difevo', 'difevo_lm', 'difevo_nm', 'grid_search', 'lmdif',
           'minim', 'montecarlo', 'neldermead')

# Use FLT_EPSILON as default tolerance
EPSILON = numpy.float_(numpy.finfo(numpy.float32).eps)

# Maximum callback function value, used to indicate that the optimizer
# has exceeded parameter boundaries.  All the optimizers expect double
# precision arguments, so we use numpy.float_ instead of SherpaFloat.
# As of numpy 0.9.5, 'max' is a 0-D array, which seems like a bug.
FUNC_MAX = numpy.float_(numpy.finfo(numpy.float_).max)

def _check_args(x0, xmin, xmax):
    x = numpy.array(x0, numpy.float_)  # Make a copy
    xmin = numpy.asarray(xmin, numpy.float_)
    xmax = numpy.asarray(xmax, numpy.float_)

    if (x.shape != xmin.shape) or (x.shape != xmax.shape):
        raise TypeError('input array sizes do not match')

    _move_within_limits(x, xmin, xmax)

    return x, xmin, xmax

def _get_saofit_msg(maxfev, ierr):
    key = {
        0: (True, 'successful termination'),
        1: (False, 'improper input parameters'),
        2: (False, 'initial parameter value is out of bounds'),
        3: (False,
            ('number of function evaluations has exceeded maxfev=%d' %
    return key.get(ierr, (False, 'unknown status flag (%d)' % ierr))

def _move_within_limits(x, xmin, xmax):
    below = numpy.flatnonzero(x < xmin)
    if below.size > 0:
        x[below] = xmin[below]

    above = numpy.flatnonzero(x > xmax)
    if above.size > 0:
        x[above] = xmax[above]

def _my_is_nan(x):
    fubar = list(filter(lambda xx: xx != xx or xx is numpy.nan or numpy.isnan(xx) and numpy.isfinite(xx), x))
    return len(fubar) > 0

def _narrow_limits(myrange, xxx, debug):

    def double_check_limits(myx, myxmin, myxmax):
        for my_l, my_x, my_h in zip(myxmin, myx, myxmax):
            if my_x < my_l:
                print('x = ', my_x, ' is < lower limit = ', my_l)
            if my_x > my_h:
                print('x = ', my_x, ' is > upper limit = ', my_h)

    def raise_min_limit(range, xmin, x, debug=False):
        myxmin = numpy.asarray(list(map(lambda xx: xx - range * numpy.abs(xx), x)), numpy.float_)
        if debug:
            print('raise_min_limit: myxmin=%s' % myxmin)
            print('raise_min_limit: x=%s' % x)
        below = numpy.flatnonzero(myxmin < xmin)
        if below.size > 0:
            myxmin[below] = xmin[below]
        if debug:
            print('raise_min_limit: myxmin=%s' % myxmin)
            print('raise_min_limit: x=%s' % x)
        return myxmin

    def lower_max_limit(range, x, xmax, debug=False):
        myxmax = numpy.asarray(list(map(lambda xx: xx + range * numpy.abs(xx), x)), numpy.float_)
        if debug:
            print('lower_max_limit: x=%s' % x)
            print('lower_max_limit: myxmax=%s' % myxmax)
        above = numpy.flatnonzero(myxmax > xmax)
        if above.size > 0:
            myxmax[above] = xmax[above]
        if debug:
            print('lower_max_limit: x=%s' % x)
            print('lower_max_limit: myxmax=%s' % myxmax)
        return myxmax

    x = xxx[0]
    xmin = xxx[1]
    xmax = xxx[2]

    if debug:
        print('narrow_limits: xmin=%s' % xmin)
        print('narrow_limits: x=%s' % x)
        print('narrow_limits: xmax=%s' % xmax)
    myxmin = raise_min_limit(myrange, xmin, x, debug=False)
    myxmax = lower_max_limit(myrange, x, xmax, debug=False)

    if debug:
        print('range = %d' % myrange)
        print('narrow_limits: myxmin=%s' % myxmin)
        print('narrow_limits: x=%s' % x)
        print('narrow_limits: myxmax=%s\n' % myxmax)

    double_check_limits(x, myxmin, myxmax)

    return myxmin, myxmax

def _par_at_boundary(low, val, high, tol):
    for par_min, par_val, par_max in zip(low, val, high):
        if sao_fcmp(par_val, par_min, tol) == 0:
            return True
        if sao_fcmp(par_val, par_max, tol) == 0:
            return True
    return False

def _outside_limits(x, xmin, xmax):
    return (numpy.any(x < xmin) or numpy.any(x > xmax))

def _same_par(a, b):
    b = numpy.array(b, numpy.float_)
    same = numpy.flatnonzero(a < b)
    if same.size == 0:
        return 1
    return 0

def _set_limits(x, xmin, xmax):
    below = numpy.nonzero(x < xmin)
    if below.size > 0:
        return 1

    above = numpy.nonzero(x > xmax)
    if above.size > 0:
        return 1

    return 0

[docs]def difevo(fcn, x0, xmin, xmax, ftol=EPSILON, maxfev=None, verbose=0, seed=2005815, population_size=None, xprob=0.9, weighting_factor=0.8): x, xmin, xmax = _check_args(x0, xmin, xmax) # make sure that the cross over prob is within [0.1,1.0] xprob = max(0.1, xprob) xprob = min(xprob, 1.0) # make sure that weighting_factor is within [0.1,1.0] weighting_factor = max(0.1, weighting_factor) weighting_factor = min(weighting_factor, 1.0) if population_size is None: population_size = 16 * x.size if maxfev is None: maxfev = 1024 * x.size de = _saoopt.difevo(verbose, maxfev, seed, population_size, ftol, xprob, weighting_factor, xmin, xmax, x, fcn) fval = de[1] nfev = de[2] ierr = de[3] if verbose: print('difevo: f%s=%e in %d nfev' % (x, fval, nfev)) status, msg = _get_saofit_msg(maxfev, ierr) rv = (status, x, fval) rv += (msg, {'info': ierr, 'nfev': nfev}) return rv
[docs]def difevo_lm(fcn, x0, xmin, xmax, ftol=EPSILON, maxfev=None, verbose=0, seed=2005815, population_size=None, xprob=0.9, weighting_factor=0.8): x, xmin, xmax = _check_args(x0, xmin, xmax) # make sure that the cross over prob is within [0.1,1.0] xprob = max(0.1, xprob) xprob = min(xprob, 1.0) # make sure that weighting_factor is within [0.1,1.0] weighting_factor = max(0.1, weighting_factor) weighting_factor = min(weighting_factor, 1.0) if population_size is None: population_size = 16 * x.size if maxfev is None: maxfev = 1024 * x.size de = _saoopt.lm_difevo(verbose, maxfev, seed, population_size, ftol, xprob, weighting_factor, xmin, xmax, x, fcn, numpy.asanyarray(fcn(x)).size) fval = de[1] nfev = de[2] ierr = de[3] status, msg = _get_saofit_msg(maxfev, ierr) rv = (status, x, fval) rv += (msg, {'info': ierr, 'nfev': nfev}) return rv
[docs]def difevo_nm(fcn, x0, xmin, xmax, ftol, maxfev, verbose, seed, population_size, xprob, weighting_factor): def stat_cb0(pars): return fcn(pars)[0] x, xmin, xmax = _check_args(x0, xmin, xmax) # make sure that the cross over prob is within [0.1,1.0] xprob = max(0.1, xprob) xprob = min(xprob, 1.0) # make sure that weighting_factor is within [0.1,1.0] weighting_factor = max(0.1, weighting_factor) weighting_factor = min(weighting_factor, 1.0) if population_size is None: population_size = max(population_size, 16 * x.size) if maxfev is None: maxfev = 1024 * population_size de = _saoopt.nm_difevo(verbose, maxfev, seed, population_size, ftol, xprob, weighting_factor, xmin, xmax, x, stat_cb0) fval = de[1] nfev = de[2] ierr = de[3] if verbose: print('difevo_nm: f%s=%e in %d nfev' % (x, fval, nfev)) status, msg = _get_saofit_msg(maxfev, ierr) rv = (status, x, fval) rv += (msg, {'info': ierr, 'nfev': nfev}) return rv
# # Nelder Mead #
[docs]def minim(fcn, x0, xmin, xmax, ftol=EPSILON, maxfev=None, step=None, nloop=1, iquad=1, simp=None, verbose=-1): # TODO: rework so do not have two stat_cb0 functions which # are both used def stat_cb0(pars): return fcn(pars)[0] x, xmin, xmax = _check_args(x0, xmin, xmax) if step is None: order = 'F' if numpy.isfortran(x) else 'C' step = 0.4*numpy.ones(x.shape, numpy.float_, order) if simp is None: simp = 1.0e-2 * ftol if maxfev is None: maxfev = 512 * len(x) orig_fcn = stat_cb0 def stat_cb0(x_new): if _my_is_nan(x_new) or _outside_limits(x_new, xmin, xmax): return FUNC_MAX return orig_fcn(x_new) init = 0 x, fval, neval, ifault = _saoopt.minim(verbose, maxfev, init, iquad, simp, ftol, step, xmin, xmax, x, stat_cb0) key = { 0: (True, 'successful termination'), 1: (False, 'number of function evaluations has exceeded maxfev=%d' % maxfev), 2: (False, 'information matrix is not +ve semi-definite'), 3: (False, 'number of parameters is less than 1'), 4: (False, 'nloop=%d is less than 1' % nloop) } status, msg = key.get(ifault, (False, 'unknown status flag (%d)' % ifault)) rv = (status, x, fval, msg, {'info': ifault, 'nfev': neval}) return rv
# # Monte Carlo #
[docs]def montecarlo(fcn, x0, xmin, xmax, ftol=EPSILON, maxfev=None, verbose=0, seed=74815, population_size=None, xprob=0.9, weighting_factor=0.8, numcores=1): """Monte Carlo optimization method. This is an implementation of the differential-evolution algorithm from Storn and Price (1997) [1]_. A population of fixed size - which contains n-dimensional vectors, where n is the number of free parameters - is randomly initialized. At each iteration, a new n-dimensional vector is generated by combining vectors from the pool of population, the resulting trial vector is selected if it lowers the objective function. Parameters ---------- fcn : function reference Returns the current statistic and per-bin statistic value when given the model parameters. x0, xmin, xmax : sequence of number The starting point, minimum, and maximum values for each parameter. ftol : number The function tolerance to terminate the search for the minimum; the default is sqrt(DBL_EPSILON) ~ 1.19209289551e-07, where DBL_EPSILON is the smallest number x such that `1.0 != 1.0 + x`. maxfev : int or `None` The maximum number of function evaluations; the default value of `None` means to use `8192 * n`, where `n` is the number of free parameters. verbose: int The amount of information to print during the fit. The default is `0`, which means no output. seed : int The seed for the random number generator. population_size : int or `None` The population of potential solutions is allowed to evolve to search for the minimum of the fit statistics. The trial solution is randomly chosen from a combination from the current population, and it is only accepted if it lowers the statistics. A value of `None` means to use a value `16 * n`, where `n` is the number of free parameters. xprob : num The crossover probability should be within the range [0.5,1.0]; default value is 0.9. A high value for the crossover probability should result in a faster convergence rate; conversely, a lower value should make the differential evolution method more robust. weighting_factor: num The weighting factor should be within the range [0.5, 1.0]; default is 0.8. Differential evolution is more sensitive to the weighting_factor then the xprob parameter. A lower value for the weighting_factor, coupled with an increase in the population_size, gives a more robust search at the cost of efficiency. numcores : int The number of CPU cores to use. The default is `1`. References ---------- .. [1] Storn, R. and Price, K. "Differential Evolution: A Simple and Efficient Adaptive Scheme for Global Optimization over Continuous Spaces." J. Global Optimization 11, 341-359, 1997. """ def stat_cb0(pars): return fcn(pars)[0] x, xmin, xmax = _check_args(x0, xmin, xmax) # make sure that the cross over prob is within [0.1,1.0] xprob = max(0.1, xprob) xprob = min(xprob, 1.0) # make sure that weighting_factor is within [0.1,1.0] weighting_factor = max(0.1, weighting_factor) weighting_factor = min(weighting_factor, 1.0) random.seed(seed) if seed is None: # pow(2,31) == 2147483648L seed = random.randint(0, 2147483648) if population_size is None: population_size = 12 * x.size if maxfev is None: maxfev = 8192 * population_size def myopt(myfcn, xxx, ftol, maxfev, seed, pop, xprob, weight, factor=4.0, debug=False): x = xxx[0] xmin = xxx[1] xmax = xxx[2] maxfev_per_iter = 512 * x.size def random_start(xmin, xmax): xx = [] for ii in range(len(xmin)): xx.append(random.uniform(xmin[ii], xmax[ii])) return numpy.asarray(xx) ############################# NelderMead ############################# mymaxfev = min(maxfev_per_iter, maxfev) if all(x == 0.0): mystep = list(map(lambda fubar: 1.2 + fubar, x)) else: mystep = list(map(lambda fubar: 1.2 * fubar, x)) if 1 == numcores: result = neldermead(myfcn, x, xmin, xmax, maxfev=mymaxfev, ftol=ftol, finalsimplex=9, step=mystep) x = numpy.asarray(result[1], numpy.float_) nfval = result[2] nfev = result[4].get('nfev') else: ncores_nm = ncoresNelderMead() nfev, nfval, x = \ ncores_nm(stat_cb0, x, xmin, xmax, ftol, mymaxfev, numcores) if verbose or debug: print('f_nm%s=%.14e in %d nfev' % (x, nfval, nfev)) ############################# NelderMead ############################# ############################## nmDifEvo ############################# xmin, xmax = _narrow_limits(4 * factor, [x, xmin, xmax], debug=False) mymaxfev = min(maxfev_per_iter, maxfev - nfev) if 1 == numcores: result = difevo_nm(myfcn, x, xmin, xmax, ftol, mymaxfev, verbose, seed, pop, xprob, weight) nfev += result[4].get('nfev') x = numpy.asarray(result[1], numpy.float_) nfval = result[2] else: ncores_de = ncoresDifEvo() mystep = None tmp_nfev, tmp_fmin, tmp_par = \ ncores_de(stat_cb0, x, xmin, xmax, ftol, mymaxfev, mystep, numcores, pop, seed, weight, xprob, verbose) nfev += tmp_nfev if tmp_fmin < nfval: nfval = tmp_fmin x = tmp_par if verbose or debug: print('f_de_nm%s=%.14e in %d nfev' % (x, nfval, nfev)) ############################## nmDifEvo ############################# ofval = FUNC_MAX while nfev < maxfev: xmin, xmax = _narrow_limits(factor, [x, xmin, xmax], debug=False) ############################ nmDifEvo ############################# y = random_start(xmin, xmax) mymaxfev = min(maxfev_per_iter, maxfev - nfev) if numcores == 1: result = difevo_nm(myfcn, y, xmin, xmax, ftol, mymaxfev, verbose, seed, pop, xprob, weight) nfev += result[4].get('nfev') if result[2] < nfval: nfval = result[2] x = numpy.asarray(result[1], numpy.float_) if verbose or debug: print('f_de_nm%s=%.14e in %d nfev' % (x, result[2], result[4].get('nfev'))) ############################ nmDifEvo ############################# if debug: print('ofval=%.14e\tnfval=%.14e\n' % (ofval, nfval)) if sao_fcmp(ofval, nfval, ftol) <= 0: return x, nfval, nfev ofval = nfval factor *= 2 return x, nfval, nfev x, fval, nfev = myopt(fcn, [x, xmin, xmax], numpy.sqrt(ftol), maxfev, seed, population_size, xprob, weighting_factor, factor=2.0, debug=False) if nfev < maxfev: if all(x == 0.0): mystep = list(map(lambda fubar: 1.2 + fubar, x)) else: mystep = list(map(lambda fubar: 1.2 * fubar, x)) if 1 == numcores: result = neldermead(fcn, x, xmin, xmax, maxfev=min(512*len(x), maxfev - nfev), ftol=ftol, finalsimplex=9, step=mystep) x = numpy.asarray(result[1], numpy.float_) fval = result[2] nfev += result[4].get('nfev') else: ncores_nm = ncoresNelderMead() tmp_nfev, tmp_fmin, tmp_par = \ ncores_nm(stat_cb0, x, xmin, xmax, ftol, maxfev - nfev, numcores) nfev += tmp_nfev # There is a bug here somewhere using broyden_tridiagonal if tmp_fmin < fval: fval = tmp_fmin x = tmp_par ierr = 0 if nfev >= maxfev: ierr = 3 status, msg = _get_saofit_msg(maxfev, ierr) rv = (status, x, fval, msg, {'info': status, 'nfev': nfev}) return rv
# # Nelder Mead #
[docs]def neldermead(fcn, x0, xmin, xmax, ftol=EPSILON, maxfev=None, initsimplex=0, finalsimplex=9, step=None, iquad=1, verbose=0): r"""Nelder-Mead Simplex optimization method. The Nelder-Mead Simplex algorithm, devised by J.A. Nelder and R. Mead [1]_, is a direct search method of optimization for finding a local minimum of an objective function of several variables. The implementation of the Nelder-Mead Simplex algorithm is a variation of the algorithm outlined in [2]_ and [3]_. As noted, terminating the simplex is not a simple task: "For any non-derivative method, the issue of termination is problematical as well as highly sensitive to problem scaling. Since gradient information is unavailable, it is provably impossible to verify closeness to optimality simply by sampling f at a finite number of points. Most implementations of direct search methods terminate based on two criteria intended to reflect the progress of the algorithm: either the function values at the vertices are close, or the simplex has become very small." "Either form of termination-close function values or a small simplex-can be misleading for badly scaled functions." Parameters ---------- fcn : function reference Returns the current statistic and per-bin statistic value when given the model parameters. x0, xmin, xmax : sequence of number The starting point, minimum, and maximum values for each parameter. ftol : number The function tolerance to terminate the search for the minimum; the default is sqrt(DBL_EPSILON) ~ 1.19209289551e-07, where DBL_EPSILON is the smallest number x such that `1.0 != 1.0 + x`. maxfev : int or `None` The maximum number of function evaluations; the default value of `None` means to use `1024 * n`, where `n` is the number of free parameters. initsimplex : int Dictates how the non-degenerate initial simplex is to be constructed. Default is `0`; see the "cases for initsimplex" section below for details. finalsimplex : int At each iteration, a combination of one of the following stopping criteria is tested to see if the simplex has converged or not. Full details are in the "cases for finalsimplex" section below. step : array of number or `None` A list of length `n` (number of free parameters) to initialize the simplex; see the `initsimplex` for details. The default of `None` means to use a step of 0.4 for each free parameter. iquad : int A boolean flag which indicates whether a fit to a quadratic surface is done. If iquad is set to `1` (the default) then a fit to a quadratic surface is done; if iquad is set to `0` then the quadratic surface fit is not done. If the fit to the quadratic surface is not positive semi-definitive, then the search terminated prematurely. The code to fit the quadratic surface was written by D. E. Shaw, CSIRO, Division of Mathematics & Statistics, with amendments by R. W. M. Wedderburn, Rothamsted Experimental Station, and Alan Miller, CSIRO, Division of Mathematics & Statistics. See also [1]_. verbose: int The amount of information to print during the fit. The default is `0`, which means no output. Notes ----- The `initsimplex` option determines how the non-degenerate initial simplex is to be constructed: - when `initsimplex` is `0`: Then x_(user_supplied) is one of the vertices of the simplex. The other `n` vertices are:: for ( int i = 0; i &lt; n; ++i ) { for ( int j = 0; j &lt; n; ++j ) x[ i + 1 ][ j ] = x_[ j ]; x[ i + 1 ][ i ] = x_[ i ] + step[ i ]; } where step[i] is the ith element of the option step. - if `initsimplex` is `1`: Then x_(user_supplied) is one of the vertices of the simplex. The other `n` vertices are:: { x_[j] + pn, if i - 1 != j { x[i][j] = { { { x_[j] + qn, otherwise for 1 <= i <= n, 0 <= j < n and:: pn = ( sqrt( n + 1 ) - 1 + n ) / ( n * sqrt(2) ) qn = ( sqrt( n + 1 ) - 1 ) / ( n * sqrt(2) ) The `finalsimplex` option determines whether the simplex has converged: - case a (if the max length of the simplex is small enough):: max( | x_i - x_0 | ) <= ftol max( 1, | x_0 | ) 1 <= i <= n - case b (if the standard deviation the simplex is < `ftol`):: n - 2 === ( f - f ) \ i 2 / ----------- <= ftol ==== sqrt( n ) i = 0 - case c (if the function values are close enough):: f_0 < f_(n-1) within ftol The combination of the above stopping criteria are: - case 0: same as case a - case 1: case a, case b and case c have to be met - case 2: case a and either case b or case c have to be met. The `finalsimplex` value controls which of these criteria need to hold: - if `finalsimplex=0` then convergence is assumed if case 1 is met. - if `finalsimplex=1` then convergence is assumed if case 2 is met. - if `finalsimplex=2` then convergence is assumed if case 0 is met at two consecutive iterations. - if `finalsimplex=3` then convergence is assumed if case 0 then case 1 are met on two consecutive iterations. - if `finalsimplex=4` then convergence is assumed if case 0 then case 1 then case 0 are met on three consecutive iterations. - if `finalsimplex=5` then convergence is assumed if case 0 then case 1 then case 0 are met on three consecutive iterations. - if `finalsimplex=6` then convergence is assumed if case 1 then case 1 then case 0 are met on three consecutive iterations. - if `finalsimplex=7` then convergence is assumed if case 2 then case 1 then case 0 are met on three consecutive iterations. - if `finalsimplex=8` then convergence is assumed if case 0 then case 2 then case 0 are met on three consecutive iterations. - if `finalsimplex=9` then convergence is assumed if case 0 then case 1 then case 1 are met on three consecutive iterations. - if `finalsimplex=10` then convergence is assumed if case 0 then case 2 then case 1 are met on three consecutive iterations. - if `finalsimplex=11` then convergence is assumed if case 1 is met on three consecutive iterations. - if `finalsimplex=12` then convergence is assumed if case 1 then case 2 then case 1 are met on three consecutive iterations. - if `finalsimplex=13` then convergence is assumed if case 2 then case 1 then case 1 are met on three consecutive iterations. - otherwise convergence is assumed if case 2 is met on three consecutive iterations. References ---------- .. [1] "A simplex method for function minimization", J.A. Nelder and R. Mead (Computer Journal, 1965, vol 7, pp 308-313) .. [2] "Convergence Properties of the Nelder-Mead Simplex Algorithm in Low Dimensions", Jeffrey C. Lagarias, James A. Reeds, Margaret H. Wright, Paul E. Wright , SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 9, No. 1 (1998), pages 112-147. .. [3] "Direct Search Methods: Once Scorned, Now Respectable" Wright, M. H. (1996) in Numerical Analysis 1995 (Proceedings of the 1995 Dundee Biennial Conference in Numerical Analysis, D.F. Griffiths and G.A. Watson, eds.), 191-208, Addison Wesley Longman, Harlow, United Kingdom. """ x, xmin, xmax = _check_args(x0, xmin, xmax) order = 'F' if numpy.isfortran(x) else 'C' if step is None or (numpy.iterable(step) and len(step) != len(x)): step = 1.2 * numpy.ones(x.shape, numpy.float_, order) elif numpy.isscalar(step): step = step * numpy.ones(x.shape, numpy.float_, order) def stat_cb0(pars): return fcn(pars)[0] # # A safeguard just in case the initial simplex is outside the bounds # orig_fcn = stat_cb0 def stat_cb0(x_new): if _my_is_nan(x_new) or _outside_limits(x_new, xmin, xmax): return FUNC_MAX return orig_fcn(x_new) # for internal use only debug = False if numpy.isscalar(finalsimplex) and numpy.iterable(finalsimplex) == 0: finalsimplex = int(finalsimplex) if 0 == finalsimplex: finalsimplex = [1] elif 1 == finalsimplex: finalsimplex = [2] elif 2 == finalsimplex: finalsimplex = [0, 0] elif 3 == finalsimplex: finalsimplex = [0, 1] elif 4 == finalsimplex: finalsimplex = [0, 1, 0] elif 5 == finalsimplex: finalsimplex = [0, 2, 0] elif 6 == finalsimplex: finalsimplex = [1, 1, 0] elif 7 == finalsimplex: finalsimplex = [2, 1, 0] elif 8 == finalsimplex: finalsimplex = [1, 2, 0] elif 9 == finalsimplex: finalsimplex = [0, 1, 1] elif 10 == finalsimplex: finalsimplex = [0, 2, 1] elif 11 == finalsimplex: finalsimplex = [1, 1, 1] elif 12 == finalsimplex: finalsimplex = [1, 2, 1] elif 13 == finalsimplex: finalsimplex = [2, 1, 1] else: finalsimplex = [2, 2, 2] elif (not numpy.isscalar(finalsimplex) and numpy.iterable(finalsimplex) == 1): pass else: finalsimplex = [2, 2, 2] finalsimplex = numpy.asarray(finalsimplex, numpy.int_) if maxfev is None: maxfev = 1024 * len(x) if debug: print(' neldermead() finalsimplex=%s\tisscalar=%s\titerable=%d' % (finalsimplex, numpy.isscalar(finalsimplex), numpy.iterable(finalsimplex))) def simplex(verbose, maxfev, init, final, tol, step, xmin, xmax, x, myfcn, debug, ofval=FUNC_MAX): tmpfinal = final[:] if len(final) >= 3: # get rid of the last entry in the list tmpfinal = final[0:-1] xx, ff, nf, er = _saoopt.neldermead(verbose, maxfev, init, tmpfinal, tol, step, xmin, xmax, x, myfcn) if debug: print('finalsimplex=%s, nfev=%d:\tf%s=%.20e' % (tmpfinal, nf, xx, ff)) if len(final) >= 3 and ff < 0.995 * ofval and nf < maxfev: myfinal = [final[-1]] x, fval, nfev, err = simplex(verbose, maxfev-nf, init, myfinal, tol, step, xmin, xmax, x, myfcn, debug, ofval=ff) return x, fval, nfev + nf, err else: return xx, ff, nf, er x, fval, nfev, ier = simplex(verbose, maxfev, initsimplex, finalsimplex, ftol, step, xmin, xmax, x, stat_cb0, debug) if debug: print('f%s=%e in %d nfev' % (x, fval, nfev)) info = 1 covarerr = None if len(finalsimplex) >= 3 and 0 != iquad: nelmea = minim(fcn, x, xmin, xmax, ftol=10.0*ftol, maxfev=maxfev - nfev - 12, iquad=1) nelmea_x = numpy.asarray(nelmea[1], numpy.float_) nelmea_nfev = nelmea[4].get('nfev') info = nelmea[4].get('info') covarerr = nelmea[4].get('covarerr') nfev += nelmea_nfev minim_fval = nelmea[2] if minim_fval < fval: x = nelmea_x fval = minim_fval if debug: print('minim: f%s=%e %d nfev, info=%d' % (x, fval, nelmea_nfev, info)) if nfev >= maxfev: ier = 3 key = { 0: (True, 'Optimization terminated successfully'), 1: (False, 'improper input parameters'), 2: (False, 'improper values for x, xmin or xmax'), 3: (False, 'number of function evaluations has exceeded %d' % maxfev) } status, msg = key.get(ier, (False, 'unknown status flag (%d)' % ier)) rv = (status, x, fval) print_covar_err = False if print_covar_err and covarerr is not None: rv += (msg, {'covarerr': covarerr, 'info': status, 'nfev': nfev}) else: rv += (msg, {'info': status, 'nfev': nfev}) return rv
[docs]def lmdif(fcn, x0, xmin, xmax, ftol=EPSILON, xtol=EPSILON, gtol=EPSILON, maxfev=None, epsfcn=EPSILON, factor=100.0, numcores=1, verbose=0): """Levenberg-Marquardt optimization method. The Levenberg-Marquardt method is an interface to the MINPACK subroutine lmdif to find the local minimum of nonlinear least squares functions of several variables by a modification of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm [1]_. Parameters ---------- fcn : function reference Returns the current statistic and per-bin statistic value when given the model parameters. x0, xmin, xmax : sequence of number The starting point, minimum, and maximum values for each parameter. ftol : number The function tolerance to terminate the search for the minimum; the default is FLT_EPSILON ~ 1.19209289551e-07, where FLT_EPSILON is the smallest number x such that `1.0 != 1.0 + x`. The conditions are satisfied when both the actual and predicted relative reductions in the sum of squares are, at most, ftol. xtol : number The relative error desired in the approximate solution; default is FLT_EPSILON ~ 1.19209289551e-07, where FLT_EPSILON is the smallest number x such that `1.0 != 1.0 + x`. The conditions are satisfied when the relative error between two consecutive iterates is, at most, `xtol`. gtol : number The orthogonality desired between the function vector and the columns of the jacobian; default is FLT_EPSILON ~ 1.19209289551e-07, where FLT_EPSILON is the smallest number x such that `1.0 != 1.0 + x`. The conditions are satisfied when the cosine of the angle between fvec and any column of the jacobian is, at most, `gtol` in absolute value. maxfev : int or `None` The maximum number of function evaluations; the default value of `None` means to use `1024 * n`, where `n` is the number of free parameters. epsfcn : number This is used in determining a suitable step length for the forward-difference approximation; default is FLT_EPSILON ~ 1.19209289551e-07, where FLT_EPSILON is the smallest number x such that `1.0 != 1.0 + x`. This approximation assumes that the relative errors in the functions are of the order of `epsfcn`. If `epsfcn` is less than the machine precision, it is assumed that the relative errors in the functions are of the order of the machine precision. factor : int Used in determining the initial step bound; default is 100. The initial step bound is set to the product of `factor` and the euclidean norm of diag*x if nonzero, or else to factor itself. In most cases, `factor` should be from the interval (.1,100.). numcores : int The number of CPU cores to use. The default is `1`. verbose: int The amount of information to print during the fit. The default is `0`, which means no output. References ---------- .. [1] J.J. More, "The Levenberg Marquardt algorithm: implementation and theory," in Lecture Notes in Mathematics 630: Numerical Analysis, G.A. Watson (Ed.), Springer-Verlag: Berlin, 1978, pp.105-116. """ class fdJac: def __init__(self, func, fvec, pars): self.func = func self.fvec = fvec epsmch = numpy.float_(numpy.finfo(numpy.float).eps) self.eps = numpy.sqrt(max(epsmch, epsfcn)) self.h = self.calc_h(pars) = numpy.copy(pars) return def __call__(self, param): wa = self.func(param[1:]) return (wa - self.fvec) / self.h[int(param[0])] def calc_h(self, pars): nn = len(pars) h = numpy.empty((nn,)) for ii in range(nn): h[ii] = self.eps * pars[ii] if h[ii] == 0.0: h[ii] = self.eps if pars[ii] + h[ii] > xmax[ii]: h[ii] = - h[ii] return h def calc_params(self): h = self.calc_h( params = [] for ii in range(len(h)): tmp_pars = numpy.copy( tmp_pars[ii] += h[ii] tmp_pars = numpy.append(ii, tmp_pars) params.append(tmp_pars) return tuple(params) x, xmin, xmax = _check_args(x0, xmin, xmax) if maxfev is None: maxfev = 256 * len(x) def stat_cb0(pars): return fcn(pars)[0] def stat_cb1(pars): return fcn(pars)[1] def fcn_parallel(pars, fvec): fd_jac = fdJac(stat_cb1, fvec, pars) params = fd_jac.calc_params() fjac = parallel_map(fd_jac, params, numcores) return numpy.concatenate(fjac) num_parallel_map, fcn_parallel_counter = func_counter(fcn_parallel) # TO DO: reduce 1 model eval by passing the resulting 'fvec' to cpp_lmdif m = numpy.asanyarray(stat_cb1(x)).size error = [] n = len(x) fjac = numpy.empty((m*n,)) x, fval, nfev, info, fjac = \ _saoopt.cpp_lmdif(stat_cb1, fcn_parallel_counter, numcores, m, x, ftol, xtol, gtol, maxfev, epsfcn, factor, verbose, xmin, xmax, fjac) if info > 0: fjac = numpy.reshape(numpy.ravel(fjac, order='F'), (m, n), order='F') if m != n: covar = fjac[:n, :n] else: covar = fjac if _par_at_boundary(xmin, x, xmax, xtol): nm_result = neldermead(fcn, x, xmin, xmax, ftol=numpy.sqrt(ftol), maxfev=maxfev-nfev, finalsimplex=2, iquad=0, verbose=0) nfev += nm_result[4]['nfev'] x = nm_result[1] fval = nm_result[2] if error: raise error.pop() if 0 == info: info = 1 elif info >= 1 or info <= 4: info = 0 else: info = 3 status, msg = _get_saofit_msg(maxfev, info) if info == 0: rv = (status, x, fval, msg, {'info': info, 'nfev': nfev, 'covar': covar, 'num_parallel_map': num_parallel_map[0]}) else: rv = (status, x, fval, msg, {'info': info, 'nfev': nfev, 'num_parallel_map': num_parallel_map[0]}) return rv