Source code for sherpa.sim.sample

#  Copyright (C) 2011, 2015, 2016, 2019  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

import numpy
import numpy.random

from sherpa.estmethods import Covariance, Confidence
from sherpa.utils.err import EstErr
from sherpa.utils import parallel_map, NoNewAttributesAfterInit

import logging
warning = logging.getLogger("sherpa").warning

__all__ = ['multivariate_t', 'multivariate_cauchy',
           'normal_sample', 'uniform_sample', 't_sample',
           'ParameterScaleVector', 'ParameterScaleMatrix',
           'NormalSampleFromScaleMatrix', 'NormalSampleFromScaleVector',
           'UniformSampleFromScaleVector', 'StudentTSampleFromScaleMatrix',

[docs]def multivariate_t(mean, cov, df, size=None): """ multivariate_t(mean, cov, df[, size]) Draw random deviates from a multivariate Student's T distribution Such a distribution is specified by its mean covariance matrix, and degrees of freedom. These parameters are analogous to the mean (average or "center"), variance (standard deviation, or "width," squared), and the degrees of freedom of the one-dimensional t distribution. Parameters ---------- mean : 1-D array_like, length N Mean of the N-dimensional distribution cov : 2-D array_like, shape (N, N) Covariate matrix of the distribution. Must be symmetric and positive semi-definite for "physically meaningful" results. df : int Degrees of freedom of the distribution size : tuple of ints, optional Given a shape of, for example, ``(m,n,k)``, ``m*n*k`` samples are generated, and packed in an `m`-by-`n`-by-`k` arrangement. Because each sample is `N`-dimensional, the output shape is ``(m,n,k,N)``. If no shape is specified, a single (`N`-D) sample is returned. Returns ------- out : ndarray The drawn samples, of shape *size*, if that was provided. If not, the shape is ``(N,)``. In other words, each entry ``out[i,j,...,:]`` is an N-dimensional value drawn from the distribution. Is this right? This needs to be checked! A reference to the literature the better """ df = float(df) mean = numpy.asarray(mean) normal = numpy.random.multivariate_normal( numpy.zeros_like(mean), cov, size) # x = numpy.sqrt(numpy.random.chisquare(df)/df) # numpy.divide(normal, x, normal) x = numpy.sqrt(numpy.random.chisquare(df, size) / df) numpy.divide(normal, x[numpy.newaxis].T, normal) numpy.add(mean, normal, normal) x = normal return x
[docs]def multivariate_cauchy(mean, cov, size=None): """ This needs to be checked too! A reference to the literature the better """ return multivariate_t(mean, cov, 1, size=None)
[docs]class ParameterScale(NoNewAttributesAfterInit): sigma = 1
[docs] def get_scales(self, fit, myscale=None): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ParameterScaleVector(ParameterScale):
[docs] def get_scales(self, fit, myscales=None): scales = [] thawedpars = [par for par in if not par.frozen] if None == myscales: oldestmethod = fit.estmethod covar = Covariance() covar.config['sigma'] = self.sigma fit.estmethod = Covariance() try: r = fit.est_errors() finally: fit.estmethod = oldestmethod for par, val, lo, hi in zip(thawedpars, r.parvals, r.parmins, r.parmaxes): scale = None if lo is not None and hi is not None: scale = numpy.abs(lo) else: warning("Covariance failed for '%s', trying Confidence..." % par.fullname) conf = Confidence() conf.config['sigma'] = self.sigma fit.estmethod = conf try: t = fit.est_errors(parlist=(par,)) if t.parmins[0] is not None and t.parmaxes[0] is not None: scale = numpy.abs(t.parmins[0]) else: if t.parmins[0] is None and t.parmaxes[0] is not None: scale = numpy.abs(t.parmaxes[0]) else: warning('1 sigma bounds for parameter ' + par.fullname + ' could not be found, using soft limit minimum') if 0.0 == numpy.abs(par.min): scale = 1.0e-16 else: scale = numpy.abs(par.min) finally: fit.estmethod = oldestmethod scales.append(scale) else: if not numpy.iterable(myscales): raise TypeError( "scales option must be iterable of length %d " % len(thawedpars)) scales = list(map(abs, myscales)) scales = numpy.asarray(scales).transpose() return scales
[docs]class ParameterScaleMatrix(ParameterScale):
[docs] def get_scales(self, fit, myscales=None): def get_size_of_covar(pars): thawedpars = [par for par in pars if not par.frozen] npar = len(thawedpars) msg = 'scales must be a numpy array of size (%d,%d)' % (npar, npar) return npar, msg if myscales is None: oldestmethod = fit.estmethod fit.estmethod = Covariance() try: r = fit.est_errors() finally: fit.estmethod = oldestmethod cov = r.extra_output else: if isinstance(myscales, (numpy.ndarray)): npar, msg = get_size_of_covar( if (npar, npar) == myscales.shape: cov = myscales else: raise EstErr(msg) else: npar, msg = get_size_of_covar( raise EstErr(msg) cov = myscales if cov is None: raise EstErr('nocov') cov = numpy.asarray(cov) # Investigate spectral decomposition to avoid requirement that the cov be # semi-positive definite. Nevermind, NumPy already uses SVD to generate # deviates from a multivariate normal. An alternative is to use Cholesky # decomposition, but it assumes that the matrix is semi-positive # definite. if numpy.min(numpy.linalg.eigvalsh(cov)) <= 0: raise TypeError("The covariance matrix is not positive definite") return cov
[docs]class ParameterSampleFromScaleVector(NoNewAttributesAfterInit): def __init__(self): self.scale = ParameterScaleVector() NoNewAttributesAfterInit.__init__(self)
[docs] def get_sample(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ParameterSampleFromScaleMatrix(NoNewAttributesAfterInit): def __init__(self): self.scale = ParameterScaleMatrix() NoNewAttributesAfterInit.__init__(self)
[docs] def get_sample(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class UniformParameterSampleFromScaleVector(ParameterSampleFromScaleVector):
[docs] def get_sample(self, fit, factor=4, num=1): vals = numpy.array(fit.model.thawedpars) scales = self.scale.get_scales(fit) samples = [numpy.random.uniform(val - factor * abs(scale), val + factor * abs(scale), int(num)) for val, scale in zip(vals, scales)] return numpy.asarray(samples).T
[docs]class NormalParameterSampleFromScaleVector(ParameterSampleFromScaleVector):
[docs] def get_sample(self, fit, myscales=None, num=1): vals = numpy.array(fit.model.thawedpars) scales = self.scale.get_scales(fit, myscales) samples = [numpy.random.normal( val, scale, int(num)) for val, scale in zip(vals, scales)] return numpy.asarray(samples).T
[docs]class NormalParameterSampleFromScaleMatrix(ParameterSampleFromScaleMatrix):
[docs] def get_sample(self, fit, mycov=None, num=1): vals = numpy.array(fit.model.thawedpars) cov = self.scale.get_scales(fit, mycov) return numpy.random.multivariate_normal(vals, cov, int(num))
[docs]class StudentTParameterSampleFromScaleMatrix(ParameterSampleFromScaleMatrix):
[docs] def get_sample(self, fit, dof, num=1): vals = numpy.array(fit.model.thawedpars) cov = self.scale.get_scales(fit) return multivariate_t(vals, cov, dof, int(num))
class Evaluate(): """ Callable class for _sample_stat multiprocessing call This class used to be a nested function, which can't be pickled and results in python3 failing to execute the code. """ def __init__(self, fit): = fit def __call__(self, sample): = sample return def _sample_stat(fit, samples, numcores=None, cache=True): oldvals = fit.model.thawedpars try: fit.model.startup(cache) stats = numpy.asarray(parallel_map(Evaluate(fit), samples, numcores)) finally: fit.model.teardown() fit.model.thawedpars = oldvals return numpy.concatenate([stats[:, numpy.newaxis], samples], axis=1)
[docs]class NormalSampleFromScaleMatrix(NormalParameterSampleFromScaleMatrix):
[docs] def get_sample(self, fit, num=1, numcores=None): samples = NormalParameterSampleFromScaleMatrix.get_sample( self, fit, num=num) return _sample_stat(fit, samples, numcores)
[docs]class NormalSampleFromScaleVector(NormalParameterSampleFromScaleVector):
[docs] def get_sample(self, fit, num=1, numcores=None): samples = NormalParameterSampleFromScaleVector.get_sample( self, fit, num=num) return _sample_stat(fit, samples, numcores)
[docs]class UniformSampleFromScaleVector(UniformParameterSampleFromScaleVector):
[docs] def get_sample(self, fit, num=1, factor=4, numcores=None): samples = UniformParameterSampleFromScaleVector.get_sample(self, fit, factor=factor, num=num) return _sample_stat(fit, samples, numcores)
[docs]class StudentTSampleFromScaleMatrix(StudentTParameterSampleFromScaleMatrix):
[docs] def get_sample(self, fit, num=1, dof=2, numcores=None): samples = StudentTParameterSampleFromScaleMatrix.get_sample( self, fit, dof, num) return _sample_stat(fit, samples, numcores)
[docs]def normal_sample(fit, num=1, sigma=1, correlate=True, numcores=None): """Sample the fit statistic by taking the parameter values from a normal distribution. For each iteration (sample), change the thawed parameters by drawing values from a uni- or multi-variate normal (Gaussian) distribution, and calculate the fit statistic. Parameters ---------- fit : The fit results. num : int, optional The number of samples to use (default is `1`). sigma : number, optional The width of the normal distribution (the default is `1`). correlate : bool, optional Should a multi-variate normal be used, with parameters set by the covariance matrix (`True`) or should a uni-variate normal be used (`False`)? numcores : optional The number of CPU cores to use. The default is to use all the cores on the machine. Returns ------- samples : A NumPy array table with the first column representing the statistic and later columns the parameters used. See Also -------- t_sample : Sample from the Student's t-distribution. uniform_sample : Sample from a uniform distribution. Notes ----- All thawed model parameters are sampled from the Gaussian distribution, where the mean is set as the best-fit parameter value and the variance is determined by the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix. The multi-variate Gaussian is assumed by default for correlated parameters, using the off-diagonal elements of the covariance matrix. """ sampler = NormalSampleFromScaleVector() sampler.scale.sigma = sigma if correlate: sampler = NormalSampleFromScaleMatrix() return sampler.get_sample(fit, num, numcores)
[docs]def uniform_sample(fit, num=1, factor=4, numcores=None): """Sample the fit statistic by taking the parameter values from an uniform distribution. For each iteration (sample), change the thawed parameters by drawing values from a uniform distribution, and calculate the fit statistic. Parameters ---------- fit : The fit results. num : int, optional The number of samples to use (default is `1`). factor : number, optional Multiplier to expand the scale parameter (default is `4`). numcores : optional The number of CPU cores to use. The default is to use all the cores on the machine. Returns ------- samples : A NumPy array table with the first column representing the statistic and later columns the parameters used. See Also -------- normal_sample : Sample from a normal distribution. t_sample : Sample from the Student's t-distribution. """ sampler = UniformSampleFromScaleVector() sampler.scale.sigma = 1 return sampler.get_sample(fit, num, factor, numcores)
[docs]def t_sample(fit, num=1, dof=2, numcores=None): """Sample the fit statistic by taking the parameter values from a Student's t-distribution. For each iteration (sample), change the thawed parameters by drawing values from a Student's t-distribution, and calculate the fit statistic. Parameters ---------- fit : The fit results. num : int, optional The number of samples to use (default is `1`). dof : optional The number of degrees of freedom to use (the default is to use the number from the current fit). numcores : optional The number of CPU cores to use. The default is to use all the cores on the machine. Returns ------- samples : A NumPy array table with the first column representing the statistic and later columns the parameters used. See Also -------- normal_sample : Sample from the normal distribution. uniform_sample : Sample from a uniform distribution. """ sampler = StudentTSampleFromScaleMatrix() return sampler.get_sample(fit, num, dof, numcores)