Source code for sherpa.sim

#  Copyright (C) 2011, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020
#      Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

"""Monte-Carlo Markov Chain support for low-count data (Poisson statistics).

The ``sherpa.sim`` module provides support for exploring the posterior
probability density of parameters in a fit to low-count data, for
which Poisson statistics hold, using a Bayesian algorithm and a
Monte-Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC). It was originally known as the
pyBLoCXS (python Bayesian Low-Count X-ray Spectral) package [1]_, but
has since been incorporated into Sherpa.

The Sherpa UI modules - e.g. `sherpa.ui` and `sherpa.astro.ui` - provide
many of the routines described below (e.g. ``list_samplers``).


The original version of the code was developed by the CHASC
Astro-Statistics collaboration,
and was called pyBLoCXS. It has since been developed by the
Chandra X-ray Center and weas added to Sherpa in version 4.5.1.


The algorithm explores parameter space at a suspected minimum -
i.e. after a standard Sherpa fit. It supports a flexible definition of priors
and allows for variations in the calibration information. It can be used to
compute posterior predictive p-values for the likelihood ratio test
[2]_. Future versions will allow for the incorporation of calibration
uncertainty [3]_.

MCMC is a complex computational technique that requires some sophistication on
the part of its users to ensure that it both converges and explores the
posterior distribution properly. The pyBLoCXS code has been tested with a
number of simple single-component spectral models. It should be used with
great care in more complex settings. The code is based on the methods in
[4]_ but employs a different MCMC sampler than is described in that article.
A general description of the techniques employed along with their
convergence diagnostics can be found in the Appendices of [4]_
and in [5]_.

Jumping Rules

The jumping rule determines how each step in the Monte-Carlo Markov
Chain is calculated. The setting can be changed using ``set_sampler``.
The ``sherpa.sim`` module provides the following rules, which may
be augmented by other modules:

- ``MH`` uses a Metropolis-Hastings jumping rule that is a multivariate
  t-distribution with user-specified degrees of freedom centered on the
  best-fit parameters, and with multivariate scale determined by the
  ``covar`` function applied at the best-fit location.

- ``MetropolisMH`` mixes this Metropolis Hastings jumping rule with a
  Metropolis jumping rule centered at the current draw, in both cases
  drawing from the same t-distribution as used with ``MH``. The
  probability of using the best-fit location as the start of the jump
  is given by the ``p_M`` parameter of the rule (use ``get_sampler`` or
  ``get_sampler_opt`` to view and ``set_sampler_opt`` to set this value),
  otherwise the jump is from the previous location in the chain.

Options for the sampler are retrieved and set by ``get_sampler`` or
``get_sampler_opt``, and ``set_sampler_opt`` respectively. The list of
available samplers is given by ``list_samplers``.

Choosing the parameter values

By default, the prior on each parameter is taken to be flat, varying
from the parameter minima to maxima values. This prior can be changed
using the ``set_prior`` function, which can set the prior for a
parameter to a function or Sherpa model. The list of currently set
prior-parameter pairs is returned by the ``list_priors`` function, and the
prior function associated with a particular Sherpa model parameter may be
accessed with ``get_prior``.

Running the chain

The ``get_draws`` function runs a pyBLoCXS chain using fit information
associated with the specified data set(s), and the currently set sampler and
parameter priors, for a specified number of iterations. It returns an array of
statistic values, an array of acceptance Booleans, and a 2-D array of
associated parameter values.

Analyzing the results

The module contains several routines to visualize the results of the chain,
including ``plot_trace``, ``plot_cdf``, and ``plot_pdf``, along with
``sherpa.utils.get_error_estimates`` for calculating the limits from a
parameter chain.


.. [1]

.. [2] "Statistics, Handle with Care: Detecting Multiple Model Components
       with the Likelihood Ratio Test", Protassov et al., 2002, ApJ, 571, 545

.. [3] "Accounting for Calibration Uncertainties in X-ray Analysis:
       Effective Areas in Spectral Fitting", Lee et al., 2011, ApJ, 731, 126

.. [4] "Analysis of Energy Spectra with Low Photon Counts via Bayesian
       Posterior Simulation", van Dyk et al. 2001, ApJ, 548, 224

.. [5] Chapter 11 of Gelman, Carlin, Stern, and Rubin
       (Bayesian Data Analysis, 2nd Edition, 2004, Chapman & Hall/CRC).


Analysis proceeds as normal, up to the point that a good fit has
been determined, as shown below (note that a Poisson likelihood,
such as the ``cash`` statistic, must be used)::

    >>> from sherpa.astro import ui
    >>> ui.load_pha('src.pi')
    >>> ui.notice(0.5, 7)
    >>> ui.set_source( *
    >>> ui.set_stat('cash')
    >>> ui.set_method('simplex')
    >>> ui.covar()

Once the best-fit location has been determined (which may require
multiple calls to ``fit``), the chain can be run. In this example
the default sampler (``MetropolisMH``) and default parameter priors
(flat, varying between the minimum and maximum values) are used,
as well as the default number of iterations (1000)::

    >>> stats, accept, params = ui.get_draws()

The ``stats`` array contains the fit statistic for each iteration
(the first element of these arrays is the starting point of the chain,
so there will be 1001 elements in this case). The "trace" - i.e.
statistic versus iteration - can be plotted using::

    >>> ui.plot_trace(stats, name='stat')

The ``accept`` array indicates whether, at each iteration, the proposed
jump was accepted, (``True``) or if the previous iterations parameter
values are used. This can be used to look at the acceptance rate for
the chain (dropping the last element and a burn-in period, which
here is arbitrarily taken to be 100)::

    >>> nburn = 100
    >>> arate = accept[nburn:-1].sum() * 1.0 / (len(accept) - nburn - 1)
    >>> print("acceptance rate = {}".format(arate))

The trace of the parameter values can also be displayed; in this
example a burn-in period has not been removed)::

    >>> par1 = params[:, 0]
    >>> par2 = params[:, 1]
    >>> ui.plot_trace(par1, name='par1')
    >>> ui.plot_trace(par2, name='par2')

The cumulative distribution can also be viewed::

    >>> ui.plot_cdf(par1[nburn:], name='par1')

as well as the probability density::

    >>> ui.plot_[pdf(par2[nburn:], name='par2')

The traces can be used to estimate the credible interval for a

    >>> from sherpa.utils import get_error_estimates
    >>> pval, plo, phi = get_error_estimates(par1[nburn:])


# Although all this module needs is the following import
#   from import LimitError, MetropolisMH, MH, Sampler, Walk
# it looks like the following modules are being re-exported by this
# one, so the 'from blah import *' lines can not easily be removed.
from sherpa.sim.simulate import *
from sherpa.sim.sample import *
from import *
from sherpa.utils import NoNewAttributesAfterInit, get_keyword_defaults, \
from sherpa.stats import Cash, CStat, WStat, LeastSq

from import Fit
from import Data1D, Data1DAsymmetricErrs
from sherpa.optmethods import LevMar

import numpy
import logging
info = logging.getLogger("sherpa").info
_log = logging.getLogger("sherpa")

_tol = numpy.finfo(numpy.float).eps

string_types = (str, )

[docs]def flat(x): """The flat prior (returns 1 everywhere).""" return 1.0
[docs]def inverse(x): """Returns the inverse of x.""" prior = 1.0 / x return prior
[docs]def inverse2(x): """Returns the invers of x^2.""" prior = 1.0 / (x * x) return prior
_samplers = dict(metropolismh=MetropolisMH, mh=MH) _walkers = dict(metropolismh=Walk, mh=Walk)
[docs]class MCMC(NoNewAttributesAfterInit): """ High-level UI to pyBLoCXS that joins the loop in 'Walk' with the jumping rule in 'Sampler'. Implements a user interface for configuration. This class implements a calc_stat() function using the Sherpa interface to 'Fit'. """ __samplers = _samplers.copy() __walkers = _walkers.copy() def _get_sampler(self): return self._sampler def _set_sampler(self, sampler): self._sampler = sampler self._sampler_opt = get_keyword_defaults(sampler.init) sampler = property(_get_sampler, _set_sampler) def _get_walker(self): return self._walker def _set_walker(self, walker): self._walker = walker walker = property(_get_walker, _set_walker) def _get_sampler_opt(self, opt): return self._sampler_opt[opt] def _set_sampler_opt(self, opt, val): self._sampler_opt[opt] = val def __init__(self): self.priors = {} self._walker = Walk self._sampler = MetropolisMH self._sampler_opt = get_keyword_defaults(MetropolisMH.init) self.sample = None self.walk = lambda: None NoNewAttributesAfterInit.__init__(self) def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() del state['walk'] del state['sample'] return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.walk = lambda: None self.sample = None self.__dict__.update(state) # ## DOC-TODO: include examples
[docs] def list_priors(self): """Return the priors set for model parameters, if any. Returns ------- priors : dict The dictionary of mappings between parameters (keys) and prior functions (values) created by `set_prior`. See Also -------- get_prior : Return the prior function for a parameter. set_prior : Set the prior function to use with a parameter. """ return self.priors
[docs] def get_prior(self, par): """Return the prior function for a parameter. Parameters ---------- par : sherpa.models.parameter.Parameter A parameter of a model instance. Returns ------- prior : The function or parameter instance set by a previous call to `set_prior`. Raises ------ ValueError If a prior has not been set for the parameter. See Also -------- set_prior : Set the prior function to use with a parameter. Examples -------- >>> pfunc = get_prior(bgnd.c0) """ prior = self.priors.get(par.fullname, None) if prior is None: raise ValueError("prior function has not been set for '%s'" % par.fullname) return prior
# ## DOC-TODO: should set_sampler_opt be mentioned here?
[docs] def set_prior(self, par, prior): """Set the prior function to use with a parameter. The default prior used by ``get_draws`` for each parameter is flat, varying between the hard minimum and maximum values of the parameter (as given by the ``hard_min`` and ``hard_max`` attributes of the parameter object). The ``set_prior`` function is used to change the form of the prior for a parameter. Parameters ---------- par : sherpa.models.parameter.Parameter instance A parameter of a model instance. prior : function or sherpa.models.model.Model instance The function to use for a prior. It must accept a single argument and return a value of the same size as the input. See Also -------- get_draws : Run the MCMC algorithm. get_prior : Set the prior function to use with a parameter. set_sampler : Set the MCMC sampler. Examples -------- Set the prior for the ``kT`` parameter of the ``therm`` instance to be a gaussian, centered on 1.7 keV and with a FWHM of 0.35 keV:: >>> create_model_component('xsapec', 'therm') >>> create_model_component('gauss1d', 'p_temp') >>> p_temp.pos = 1.7 >>> p_temp.fwhm = 0.35 >>> set_prior(therm.kT, p_temp) Create a function (``lognorm``) and use it as the prior of the ``nH`` parameter of the ``abs1`` instance:: >>> def lognorm(x): ... nh = 20 ... sigma = 0.5 # use a sigma of 0.5 ... # nH is in units of 10^-22 so convert ... dx = np.log10(x) + 22 - nh ... norm = sigma / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) ... return norm * np.exp(-0.5 * dx * dx / (sigma * sigma)) ... >>> create_model_component('xsphabs', 'abs1') >>> set_prior(abs1.nH, lognorm) """ # NOTE: the second piece of code is indented in the example # above because otherwise sphinx seems to think that the # colon at the end of the "def lognorm" line ends the # code block. self.priors[par.fullname] = prior
[docs] def list_samplers(self): """List the samplers available for MCMC analysis with ``get_draws``. Returns ------- samplers : list of str A list of the names (in lower case) that can be used with `set_sampler`. See Also -------- get_sampler_name : Return the name of the current MCMC sampler. set_sampler : Set the MCMC sampler. Notes ----- The available samplers depends on what modules have been loaded, and may be more extensive than the example output below. Examples -------- >>> list_samplers() ['metropolismh', 'mh'] """ return list(self.__samplers.keys())
[docs] def set_sampler(self, sampler): """Set the MCMC sampler. The sampler determines the type of jumping rule to be used by ``get_draws``. Parameters ---------- sampler : str or sherpa.sim.Sampler instance When a string, the name of the sampler to use (case insensitive). The supported options are given by the `list_samplers` function. See Also -------- get_draws : Run the MCMC algorithm. list_samplers : List the MCMC samplers. set_sampler : Set the MCMC sampler. set_sampler_opt : Set an option for the current MCMC sampler. Notes ----- The jumping rules are: MH The Metropolis-Hastings rule, which always jumps from the best-fit location, even if the previous iteration had moved away from it. MetropolisMH This is the Metropolis with Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, that jumps from the best-fit with probability ``p_M``, otherwise it jumps from the last accepted jump. The value of ``p_M`` can be changed using `set_sampler_opt`. PragBayes This is used when the effective area calibration uncertainty is to be included in the calculation. At each nominal MCMC iteration, a new calibration product is generated, and a series of N (the ``nsubiters`` option) MCMC sub-iteration steps are carried out, choosing between Metropolis and Metropolis-Hastings types of samplers with probability ``p_M``. Only the last of these sub-iterations are kept in the chain. The ``nsubiters`` and ``p_M`` values can be changed using `set_sampler_opt`. FullBayes Another sampler for use when including uncertainties due to the effective area. Examples -------- >>> set_sampler('metropolismh') """ if isinstance(sampler, string_types): # case insensitive sampler = str(sampler).lower() if sampler not in self.__samplers: raise TypeError("Unknown sampler '%s'" % sampler) self.sampler = self.__samplers.get(sampler) self.walker = self.__walkers.get(sampler, Walk) elif issubclass(sampler, Sampler): self.sampler = sampler self.walker = self.__walkers.get(sampler, Walk) else: raise TypeError("Unknown sampler '%s'" % sampler)
[docs] def get_sampler(self): """Return the current MCMC sampler options. Returns ------- options : dict A copy of the options for the chosen sampler. Use `set_sampler_opt` to change these values. The fields depend on the current sampler. See Also -------- get_sampler_name : Return the name of the current MCMC sampler. get_sampler_opt : Return an option of the current MCMC sampler. set_sampler : Set the MCMC sampler. set_sampler_opt : Set an option for the current MCMC sampler. """ return self._sampler_opt.copy()
[docs] def get_sampler_name(self): """Return the name of the current MCMC sampler. Returns ------- name : str See Also -------- get_sampler : Return the current MCMC sampler options. set_sampler : Set the MCMC sampler. Examples -------- >>> get_sampler_name() 'MetropolisMH' """ return self.sampler.__name__
[docs] def get_sampler_opt(self, opt): """Return an option of the current MCMC sampler. Returns ------- opt : str The name of the option. The fields depend on the current sampler. See Also -------- get_sampler : Return the current MCMC sampler options. set_sampler_opt : Set an option for the current MCMC sampler. Examples -------- >>> get_sampler_opt('log') False """ return self._get_sampler_opt(opt)
[docs] def set_sampler_opt(self, opt, value): """Set an option for the current MCMC sampler. Parameters ---------- opt : str The option to change. Use `get_sampler` to view the available options for the current sampler. value The value for the option. See Also -------- get_sampler : Return the current MCMC sampler options. set_prior: Set the prior function to use with a parameter. set_sampler : Set the MCMC sampler. Notes ----- The options depend on the sampler. The options include: defaultprior Set to ``False`` when the default prior (flat, between the parameter's soft limits) should not be used. Use `set_prior` to set the form of the prior for each parameter. inv A bool, or array of bools, to indicate which parameter is on the inverse scale. log A bool, or array of bools, to indicate which parameter is on the logarithm (natural log) scale. original A bool, or array of bools, to indicate which parameter is on the original scale. p_M The proportion of jumps generatd by the Metropolis jumping rule. priorshape An array of bools indicating which parameters have a user-defined prior functions set with `set_prior`. scale Multiply the output of `covar` by this factor and use the result as the scale of the t-distribution. Examples -------- >>> set_sampler_opt('scale', 3) """ self._set_sampler_opt(opt, value)
[docs] def get_draws(self, fit, sigma, niter=1000, cache=True): """Run the pyBLoCXS MCMC algorithm. The function runs a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm designed to carry out Bayesian Low-Count X-ray Spectral (BLoCXS) analysis. Unlike many MCMC algorithms, it is designed to explore the parameter space at the suspected statistic minimum (i.e. after using `fit`). The return values include the statistic value, parameter values, and a flag indicating whether the row represents a jump from the current location or not. Parameters ---------- fit The Sherpa fit object to use. sigma The covariance matrix, defined at the best-fit parameter values. niter : int, optional The number of draws to use. The default is ``1000``. Returns ------- stats, accept, params The results of the MCMC chain. The stats and accept arrays contain niter+1 elements, with the first row being the starting values. The params array has (nparams,niter+1) elements, where nparams is the number of free parameters in the model expression, and the first column contains the values that the chain starts at. The accept array contains boolean values, indicating whether the jump, or step, was accepted (``True``), so the parameter values and statistic change, or it wasn't, in which case there is no change to the previous row. """ if not isinstance(fit.stat, (Cash, CStat, WStat)): raise ValueError("Fit statistic must be cash, cstat or " + "wstat, not %s" % _level = _log.getEffectiveLevel() mu = fit.model.thawedpars dof = len(mu) info('Using Priors:') priors = [] for par in if not par.frozen: name = par.fullname # assume all parameters have flat priors func = flat if name in self.priors: # update the parameter priors with user defined values func = self.priors[name] priors.append(func) info(": ".join([name, str(func)])) sampler = self._sampler walker = self._walker sampler_kwargs = self._sampler_opt.copy() sampler_kwargs['priors'] = priors oldthawedpars = numpy.array(mu) thawedparmins = fit.model.thawedparhardmins thawedparmaxes = fit.model.thawedparhardmaxes def calc_stat(proposed_params): # automatic rejection outside hard limits mins = sao_fcmp(proposed_params, thawedparmins, _tol) maxes = sao_fcmp(thawedparmaxes, proposed_params, _tol) if -1 in mins or -1 in maxes: raise LimitError('Sherpa parameter hard limit exception') level = _log.getEffectiveLevel() try: # ignore warning from Sherpa about hard limits _log.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) # soft limits are ignored, hard limits rejected. # proposed values beyond hard limit default to limit. fit.model.thawedpars = proposed_params # Calculate statistic on proposal, use likelihood proposed_stat = -0.5 * fit.calc_stat() # _log.setLevel(level) except: # set the model back to original state on exception fit.model.thawedpars = oldthawedpars raise finally: # set the logger back to previous level _log.setLevel(level) return proposed_stat try: fit.model.startup(cache) self.sample = sampler(calc_stat, sigma, mu, dof, fit) self.walk = walker(self.sample, niter) stats, accept, params = self.walk(**sampler_kwargs) finally: fit.model.teardown() # set the model back to original state fit.model.thawedpars = oldthawedpars # set the logger back to previous level _log.setLevel(_level) # Change to Sherpa statistic convention stats = -2.0 * stats return (stats, accept, params)
class ReSampleData(NoNewAttributesAfterInit): """ The underlying low-level for the resample_data Parameters ---------- data The data class Data1DAsymmetricErrs model The model to fit the data Returns ------- The class returns the best fit parameters for each realization. See Also -------- resample_data Example ------- >>> load_ascii_with_errors(1, 'gro.txt', delta=False) >>> data = get_data(1) >>> method = LevMar() >>> model = PowLaw1D('p1') >>> set_model(1, model) >>> fit = Fit(data, model, Chi2Gehrels(), method, Covariance()) >>> results = >>> rd = ReSampleData(data, model) >>> rd_results = rd(niter=10) >>> print(rd_results) rd_results = {'p1.gamma': [-0.2944764463053398, -0.48025660808404, -0.45290026618472473, -0.5238444562856396, -0.3549169211965681, -0.29119982744489403, -0.5136099861402832, -0.49899714779391674, -0.5308025556771122, -0.5645228923615183], 'p1.ampl': [60.757254200932465, 172.7375230511183, 149.6714174684889, 222.60620753447844, 87.33459341889869, 59.257672491708, 212.86125707286197, 194.83475286439503, 233.33238676025326, 275.75315162410527]} """ def __init__(self, data, model): = data self.model = model NoNewAttributesAfterInit.__init__(self) return def __call__(self, niter=1000, seed=None): orig_pars = self.model.thawedpars _level = _log.getEffectiveLevel() result = None try: result =, seed) except: raise finally: # set the model back to original state self.model.thawedpars = orig_pars # set the logger back to previous level _log.setLevel(_level) return result def call(self, niter, seed): pars = {} pars_index = {} index = 0 for par in if par.frozen is False: name = '%s.%s' % (par.modelname, pars_index[index] = name pars[name] = [] index += 1 data = y = data.y x = data.x if type(data) == Data1DAsymmetricErrs: y_l = y - data.elo y_h = y + data.ehi elif isinstance(data, (Data1D,)): y_l = data.staterror y_h = data.staterror else: msg ="{0} {1}".format(ReSampleData.__name__, type(data)) raise NotImplementedError(msg) numpy.random.seed(seed) for j in range(niter): ry = [] for i in range(len(y_l)): a = y_l[i] b = y_h[i] r = -1 while r < a or r > b: sigma = b - y[i] u = numpy.random.random_sample() if u < 0.5: sigma=y[i]-a r = numpy.random.normal(loc=y[i],scale=sigma,size=None) if u < 0.5 and r > y[i]: r = -1 if u > 0.5 and r < y[i]: r = -1 ry.append(r) ry = numpy.asarray(ry) # fit is performed for each simulated data point fit = Fit(Data1D('tmp', x, ry), self.model, LeastSq( ), LevMar()) fit_result = for index, val in enumerate(fit_result.parvals): name = pars_index[index] pars[name].append(val) result = {} for index, name in pars_index.items(): avg = numpy.average(pars[name]) std = numpy.std(pars[name]) print(name, ': avg =', avg, ', std =', std) result[name] = pars[name] return result