Source code for sherpa.models.model

#  Copyright (C) 2010, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
#  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

"""Allow models to be defined and combined.

A single model is defined by the parameters of the model - represented
as sherpa.models.model.Parameter instances - and the function that
takes the parameter values along with an array of grid values. The
main classes are:

* Model which is the base class and defines most of the interfaces.

* ArithmeticConstantModel and ArithmeticFunctionModel for representing
  a constant value or a function.

* ArithmeticModel is the main base class for deriving user models since
  it supports combining models (e.g. by addition or multiplication) and
  a cache to reduce evaluation time at the expense of memory use.

* RegriddableModel builds on ArithmeticModel to allow a model to be
  evaluated on a different grid to that requested: most model classes
  are derived from the 1D and 2D variants of RegriddableModel.

* CompositeModel which is used to represent a model expression, that
  is combined models, such as `m1 * (m2 + m3)`

  * UnaryOpModel for model expressions such as `- m1`.

  * BinaryOpModel for model expressions such as `m1 + m2`.

  * NestedModel for applying one model to another.

* SimulFitModel for fitting multiple models and datasets.

Creating a model

Models can be created with an optional name, which is useful for
identifying a component in an expression:

    >>> from sherpa.models.basic import Gauss1D
    >>> m1 = Gauss1D()
    >>> m2 = Gauss1D('gmdl')
    >>> print(m1)
       Param        Type          Value          Min          Max      Units
       -----        ----          -----          ---          ---      -----
       gauss1d.fwhm thawed           10  1.17549e-38  3.40282e+38
       gauss1d.pos  thawed            0 -3.40282e+38  3.40282e+38
       gauss1d.ampl thawed            1 -3.40282e+38  3.40282e+38

    >>> print(m2)
       Param        Type          Value          Min          Max      Units
       -----        ----          -----          ---          ---      -----
       gmdl.fwhm    thawed           10  1.17549e-38  3.40282e+38
       gmdl.pos     thawed            0 -3.40282e+38  3.40282e+38
       gmdl.ampl    thawed            1 -3.40282e+38  3.40282e+38

Changing parameters

The parameters are the model values that control the output of the
model. A particular model has a fixed set of parameters that can
be inspected with print or the pars attribute:

    >>> print(m2)
       Param        Type          Value          Min          Max      Units
       -----        ----          -----          ---          ---      -----
       gmdl.fwhm    thawed           10  1.17549e-38  3.40282e+38
       gmdl.pos     thawed            0 -3.40282e+38  3.40282e+38
       gmdl.ampl    thawed            1 -3.40282e+38  3.40282e+38

    >>> print(
    (<Parameter 'fwhm' of model 'gmdl'>, <Parameter 'pos' of model 'gmdl'>, <Parameter 'ampl' of model 'gmdl'>)

The parameters are instances of the sherpa.models.parameter.Parameter

    >>> print(m2.fwhm)
    val         = 10.0
    min         = 1.1754943508222875e-38
    max         = 3.4028234663852886e+38
    units       =
    frozen      = False
    link        = None
    default_val = 10.0
    default_min = 1.1754943508222875e-38
    default_max = 3.4028234663852886e+38

    >>> print(m2.fwhm.val)

Setting the model parameter does not require going through the val
attribute as you can say:

    >>> m2.fwhm = 20

Accessing parameter values

The model class is set up so that any attribute access is case
insensitive, so the following are all ways to change the ``fwhm``

    >>> m2.fwhm = 10
    >>> m2.FWHM = 10
    >>> m2.FwHm = 10

Linking parameters

One parameter can be made to reference one or more other parameters, a
process called "linking". The lniked is no-longer considered a free
parameter in a fit since it's value is derived from the other
parameters. This link can be a simple one-to-one case, such as
ensuring the fwhm parameter of one model is the same as the other:

    >>> m2.fwhm = m1.fwhm

It can be more complex, such as ensuring the position of one line
is a fixed distance from another:

    >>> l2.pos = l1.pos + 23.4

It can even include multiple parameters:

    >>> l3.ampl = (l1.ampl + l2.ampl) / 2

Requesting the parameter value will return the evaluated expression,
and the expression is stored in the link attribute:

    >>> l1.ampl = 10
    >>> l2.ampl = 12
    >>> l3.ampl.val
    <BinaryOpParameter '((l1.ampl + l2.ampl) / 2)'>

The string representation of the model changes for linked parameters
to indicate the expression:

    >>> print(l3)
       Param        Type          Value          Min          Max      Units
       -----        ----          -----          ---          ---      -----
       l3.fwhm      thawed           10  1.17549e-38  3.40282e+38
       l3.pos       thawed            0 -3.40282e+38  3.40282e+38
       l3.ampl      linked           11 expr: ((l1.ampl + l2.ampl) / 2)

Model evaluation

With a instance a model can be evaluated with the
eval_model method of the object. For example:

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from import Data1D
    >>> from sherpa.models.basic import Gauss1D
    >>> x = np.asarray([4000, 4100, 4250, 4300, 4400])
    >>> y = np.asarray([10, 20, 50, 40, 30])
    >>> d = Data1D('example', x, y)
    >>> mdl = Gauss1D()
    >>> mdl.pos = 4200
    >>> mdl.fwhm = 200
    >>> mdl.ampl = 50
    >>> ymdl1 = d.eval_model(mdl)
    >>> print(ymdl1)
    [ 3.125      25.         42.04482076 25.          3.125     ]

The model can also be evaluated directly with the independent axis

    >>> ymdl2 = mdl(x)
    >>> print(ymdl2)
    [ 3.125      25.         42.04482076 25.          3.125     ]

Integrated bins

If given the low and high edges of the bins then the model will - if
supported - evaluate the integral of the model across the bins:

    >>> xlo = np.asarray([4180, 4190, 4195, 4200, 4210])
    >>> xhi = np.asarray([4190, 4194, 4200, 4210, 4220])
    >>> y = mdl(xlo, xhi)
    >>> print(y)
    [491.98725233 199.0964993  249.85566938 498.847153   491.98725233]

Note that the bins are expected to be in ascending order and do not
overlap, but they do not need to be consecutive.

The behavior of a model when given low and high edges depends on
whether the model is written to support this mode - that is,
integrating the model across the bin - and the setting of the
integrate flag of the model. The Gauss1D model does support an
integrated mode, so switching the integrate flag will change the model

    >>> print(mdl.integrate)
    >>> mdl.integrate = False
    >>> y2 = mdl(xlo, xhi)
    >>> print(y2)
    [48.63274737 49.65462477 49.91343163 50.         49.65462477]

The behavior when the integrate flag is False depends on the model but
it normally just uses the low edge, as shown for the Gauss1D case:

    >>> y3 = mdl(xlo)
    >>> print(y2 == y3)
    [ True  True  True  True  True]

Direct access

The calc method of a model can also be used to evaluate the model, and
this requires a list of the parameters and the independent axes:

    >>> pars = [200, 4200, 50]
    >>> y4 = mdl.calc(pars, x)
    >>> y5 = mdl.calc(pars, xlo, xhi)

The parameter order matches the pars attribute of the model:

    >>> print([p.fullname for p in])
    ['gauss1d.fwhm', 'gauss1d.pos', 'gauss1d.ampl']

Model expressions

The CompositeModel class is the base class for creating model
expressions - that is the overall model that is combined of one or
more model objects along with possible numeric terms, such as a
model containing two gaussians and a polynomial:

    >>> from sherpa.models.basic import Gauss1D, Polynom1D
    >>> l1 = Gauss1D('l1')
    >>> l2 = Gauss1D('l2')
    >>> l1.pos = 5
    >>> l2.pos = 20
    >>> l2.ampl = l1.ampl
    >>> c = Polynom1D('c')
    >>> mdl = l1 + (0.5 * l2) + c

The resulting model can be evaluated just like an individual

    >>> x = np.arange(-10, 40, 2)
    >>> y = mdl(x)

This model is written so that the amplitude of the `l2` component is
half the `l1` component by linking the two `ampl` parameters and then
including a scaling factor in the model expression for `l2`. An
alternative would have been to include this scaling factor in the link

    >>> l2.ampl = l1.ampl / 2

Model cache

The ArithmeticModel class and modelCacher1d decorator provide basic
support for caching one-dimensional model evaluations - that is, to
avoid re-calculating the model. The idea is to save the results of the
latest calls to a model and return the values from the cache,
hopefully saving time at the expense of using more memory. This is
most effective when the same model is used with multiple datasets
which all have the same grid.

The _use_caching attribute of the model is used to determine whether
the cache is used, but this setting can be over-ridden by the startup
method, which is automatically called by the fit and est_errors
methods of a object.

The cache_clear and cache_status methods of ArithmeticModel and
CompositeModel allow you to clear the cache and display to the
standard output the cache status of each model component.


The following class implements a simple scale model which has a single
parameter (`scale`) which defaults to 1. It can be used for both
non-integrated and integrated datasets of any dimensionality (see
sherpa.models.basic.Scale1D and sherpa.models.basic.Scale2D)::

    class ScaleND(ArithmeticModel):
        '''A constant value per element.'''

        def __init__(self, name='scalend'):
            self.scale = Parameter(name, 'scale', 1)
            self.integrate = False
            pars = (self.scale, )
            ArithmeticModel.__init__(self, name, pars)

        def calc(self, *args, **kwargs):
            return self.scale.val * np.ones(len(args[0]))


import functools
import logging
import warnings

import numpy

from sherpa.models.regrid import EvaluationSpace1D, ModelDomainRegridder1D, EvaluationSpace2D, ModelDomainRegridder2D
from sherpa.utils import SherpaFloat, NoNewAttributesAfterInit
from sherpa.utils.err import ModelErr, ParameterErr
from sherpa.utils import formatting

from .parameter import Parameter

# What routine do we use for the hash in modelCacher1d?  As we do not
# need cryptographic security go for a "quick" algorithm, but md5 is
# not guaranteed to always be present.  There has been no attempt to
# check the run times of these routines for the expected data sizes
# they will be used with.
    from hashlib import md5 as hashfunc
except ImportError:
    from hashlib import sha256 as hashfunc

info = logging.getLogger(__name__).info
warning = logging.getLogger(__name__).warning

__all__ = ('Model', 'CompositeModel', 'SimulFitModel',
           'ArithmeticConstantModel', 'ArithmeticModel', 'RegriddableModel1D', 'RegriddableModel2D',
           'UnaryOpModel', 'BinaryOpModel', 'FilterModel', 'modelCacher1d',
           'ArithmeticFunctionModel', 'NestedModel', 'MultigridSumModel')

def boolean_to_byte(boolean_value):
    """Convert a boolean to a byte value.

    boolean_value : bool
        The value to convert. If not a boolean then it is
        treated as `False`.

    val : bytes
        b'1' if `True` otherwise b'0'.

    bmap = {True: b'1', False: b'0'}
    return bmap.get(boolean_value, b'0')

[docs]def modelCacher1d(func): """A decorater to cache 1D ArithmeticModel evalutions. Apply to the `calc` method of a 1D model to allow the model evaluation to be cached. The decision is based on the `_use_caching` attribute of the cache along with the `integrate` setting, the evaluation grid, and parameter values. Example ------- Allow `MyModel` model evaluations to be cached:: def MyModel(ArithmeticModel): ... @modelCacher1d def calc(self, *args, **kwargs): ... """ @functools.wraps(func) def cache_model(cls, pars, xlo, *args, **kwargs): use_caching = cls._use_caching cache = cls._cache cache_ctr = cls._cache_ctr queue = cls._queue # Counts all accesses, even those that do not use the cache. cache_ctr['check'] += 1 digest = '' if use_caching: # Up until Sherpa 4.12.2 we used the kwargs to define the # integrate setting, with # boolean_to_byte(kwargs.get('integrate', False)) but # unfortunately this is used in code like # # @modelCacher1d # def calc(..): # kwargs['integrate'] = self.integrate # return somefunc(... **kwargs) # # and the decorator is applied to calc, which is not # called with a integrate kwarg, rather than the call to # somefunc, which was sent an integrate setting. # try: integrate = cls.integrate except AttributeError: # Rely on the integrate kwarg as there's no # model setting. # integrate = kwargs.get('integrate', False) data = [numpy.array(pars).tobytes(), boolean_to_byte(integrate), numpy.asarray(xlo).tobytes()] if args: data.append(numpy.asarray(args[0]).tobytes()) token = b''.join(data) digest = hashfunc(token).digest() if digest in cache: cache_ctr['hits'] += 1 return cache[digest].copy() vals = func(cls, pars, xlo, *args, **kwargs) if use_caching: # remove first item in queue and remove from cache key = queue.pop(0) cache.pop(key, None) # append newest model values to queue queue.append(digest) cache[digest] = vals.copy() cache_ctr['misses'] += 1 return vals return cache_model
[docs]class Model(NoNewAttributesAfterInit): """The base class for Sherpa models. A model contains zero or more parameters that control the predictions of the model when given one or more coordinates. These parameters may represent some variable that describes the model, such as the temperature of a black body, or the computation, such as what form of interpolation to use. Parameters ---------- name : str A label for the model instance. pars : sequence of sherpa.parameter.Parameter objects The parameters of the model. Notes ----- Parameters can be accessed via the ``pars`` attribute, but it is expected that they will generally be accessed directly, as the class provides case-insensitive access to the parameter names as object attributes. That is, if the model contains parameters called ``breakFreq`` and ``norm``, and the instance is stored in the variable ``mdl``, then the following can be used to access the parameters:: print(f"Break frequency = {mdl.breakfreq.val}") mdl.norm = 1.2e-3 """ ndim = None "The dimensionality of the model, if defined, or None." def __init__(self, name, pars=()): = name self.type = self.__class__.__name__.lower() = tuple(pars) self.is_discrete = False NoNewAttributesAfterInit.__init__(self) def __repr__(self): return "<%s model instance '%s'>" % (type(self).__name__, def __str__(self): s = sep5 = '-' * 5 sep4 = '-' * 4 sep3 = '-' * 3 hfmt = '\n %-12s %-6s %12s %12s %12s %10s' s += hfmt % ('Param', 'Type', 'Value', 'Min', 'Max', 'Units') s += hfmt % (sep5, sep4, sep5, sep3, sep3, sep5) for p in if p.hidden: continue if is not None: tp = 'linked' elif p.frozen: tp = 'frozen' else: tp = 'thawed' if tp == 'linked': linkstr = 'expr: %s' % s += ('\n %-12s %-6s %12g %24s %10s' % (p.fullname, tp, p.val, linkstr, p.units)) else: s += ('\n %-12s %-6s %12g %12g %12g %10s' % (p.fullname, tp, p.val, p.min, p.max, p.units)) return s def _repr_html_(self): """Return a HTML (string) representation of the model """ return html_model(self) # This allows all models to be used in iteration contexts, whether or # not they're composite def __iter__(self): return iter([self]) def __getattr__(self, name): """Access to parameters is case insensitive.""" if "_par_index" == name: if self.__dict__.get('_par_index') is None: self.__dict__['_par_index'] = {} return self.__dict__['_par_index'] lowered_name = name.lower() def warn(oname, nname): wmsg = 'Parameter name {} is deprecated'.format(oname) + \ ' for model {}, '.format(type(self).__name__) + \ 'use {} instead'.format(nname) warnings.warn(wmsg, DeprecationWarning) parameter = self._par_index.get(lowered_name) if parameter is not None: if lowered_name in parameter.aliases: warn(lowered_name, return parameter NoNewAttributesAfterInit.__getattribute__(self, name) def __setattr__(self, name, val): lname = name.lower() par = getattr(self, lname, None) if (par is not None) and isinstance(par, Parameter): # When setting an attribute that is a Parameter, set the parameter's # value instead. par.val = val else: NoNewAttributesAfterInit.__setattr__(self, name, val) if isinstance(val, Parameter): vname = # Check the parameter names match - as this is a # 'development' error then just make this an assert. # Ideally it should be exact but support lower case # comparison only assert lname == vname, (name,, # Update parameter index self._par_index[vname] = val if val.aliases: # Update index of aliases, if necessary for alias in val.aliases: self._par_index[alias] = val
[docs] def startup(self, cache=False): """Called before a model may be evaluated multiple times. Parameters ---------- cache : bool, optional Should a cache be used when evaluating the models. See Also -------- teardown """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def calc(self, p, *args, **kwargs): """Evaluate the model on a grid. Parameters ---------- p : sequence of numbers The parameter values to use. The order matches the ``pars`` field. *args The model grid. The values can be scalar or arrays, and the number depends on the dimensionality of the model and whether it is being evaluated over an integrated grid or at a point (or points). """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def teardown(self): """Called after a model may be evaluated multiple times. See Also -------- startup """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def guess(self, dep, *args, **kwargs): """Set an initial guess for the parameter values. Attempt to set the parameter values, and ranges, for the model to match the data values. This is intended as a rough guess, so it is expected that the model is only evaluated a small number of times, if at all. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_center(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_center(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): # A bit of trickery, to make model creation # in IPython happen without raising errors, when # model is made automatically callable if (len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0): return self return self.calc([p.val for p in], *args, **kwargs) def _get_thawed_pars(self): return [p.val for p in if not p.frozen] def _set_thawed_pars(self, vals): tpars = [p for p in if not p.frozen] ngot = len(vals) nneed = len(tpars) if ngot != nneed: raise ModelErr('numthawed', nneed, ngot) for p, v in zip(tpars, vals): v = SherpaFloat(v) if v < p.hard_min: p.val = p.min warning(('value of parameter %s is below minimum; ' + 'setting to minimum') % p.fullname) elif v > p.hard_max: p.val = p.max warning(('value of parameter %s is above maximum; ' + 'setting to maximum') % p.fullname) else: p._val = v thawedpars = property(_get_thawed_pars, _set_thawed_pars, doc='The thawed parameters of the model.\n\n' + 'Get or set the thawed parameters of the model as a list of\n' + 'numbers. If there are no thawed parameters then [] is used.\n' + 'The ordering matches that of the pars attribute.\n\n' + 'See Also\n' + '--------\n' + 'thawedparmaxes, thawedparmins\n') def _get_thawed_par_mins(self): return [p.min for p in if not p.frozen] def _set_thawed_pars_mins(self, vals): tpars = [p for p in if not p.frozen] ngot = len(vals) nneed = len(tpars) if ngot != nneed: raise ModelErr('numthawed', nneed, ngot) for p, v in zip(tpars, vals): v = SherpaFloat(v) if v < p.hard_min: p.min = p.hard_min warning(('value of parameter %s minimum is below ' + 'hard minimum; ' + 'setting to hard minimum') % p.fullname) elif v > p.hard_max: p.min = p.hard_max warning(('value of parameter %s minimum is above ' + 'hard maximum; ' + 'setting to hard maximum') % p.fullname) else: p._min = v thawedparmins = property(_get_thawed_par_mins, _set_thawed_pars_mins, doc='The minimum limits of the thawed parameters.\n\n' + 'Get or set the minimum limits of the thawed parameters\n' + 'of the model as a list of numbers. If there are no\n' + 'thawed parameters then [] is used. The ordering matches\n' + 'that of the pars attribute.\n\n' + 'See Also\n' + '--------\n' + 'thawedpars, thawedarhardmins, thawedparmaxes\n') def _get_thawed_par_maxes(self): return [p.max for p in if not p.frozen] def _set_thawed_pars_maxes(self, vals): tpars = [p for p in if not p.frozen] ngot = len(vals) nneed = len(tpars) if ngot != nneed: raise ModelErr('numthawed', nneed, ngot) for p, v in zip(tpars, vals): v = SherpaFloat(v) if v < p.hard_min: p.max = p.hard_min warning(('value of parameter %s maximum is below ' + 'hard minimum; ' + 'setting to hard minimum') % p.fullname) elif v > p.hard_max: p.max = p.hard_max warning(('value of parameter %s maximum is above ' + 'hard maximum; ' + 'setting to hard maximum') % p.fullname) else: p._max = v thawedparmaxes = property(_get_thawed_par_maxes, _set_thawed_pars_maxes, doc='The maximum limits of the thawed parameters.\n\n' + 'Get or set the maximum limits of the thawed parameters\n' + 'of the model as a list of numbers. If there are no\n' + 'thawed parameters then [] is used. The ordering matches\n' + 'that of the pars attribute.\n\n' + 'See Also\n' + '--------\n' + 'thawedpars, thawedarhardmaxes, thawedparmins\n') def _get_thawed_par_hardmins(self): return [p.hard_min for p in if not p.frozen] thawedparhardmins = property(_get_thawed_par_hardmins, doc='The hard minimum values for the thawed parameters.\n\n' + 'The minimum and maximum range of the parameters can be\n' + 'changed with thawedparmins and thawedparmaxes but only\n' + 'within the range given by thawedparhardmins\n' + 'to thawparhardmaxes.\n\n' + 'See Also\n' + '--------\n' + 'thawedparhardmaxes, thawedparmins\n') def _get_thawed_par_hardmaxes(self): return [p.hard_max for p in if not p.frozen] thawedparhardmaxes = property(_get_thawed_par_hardmaxes, doc='The hard maximum values for the thawed parameters.\n\n' + 'The minimum and maximum range of the parameters can be\n' + 'changed with thawedparmins and thawedparmaxes but only\n' + 'within the range given by thawedparhardmins\n' + 'to thawparhardmaxes.\n\n' + 'See Also\n' + '--------\n' + 'thawedparhardmins, thawedparmaxes\n')
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the parameter values. Restores each parameter to the last value it was set to. This allows the parameters to be easily reset after a fit. """ for p in p.reset()
[docs] def freeze(self): """Freeze any thawed parameters of the model.""" for p in p.freeze()
[docs] def thaw(self): """Thaw any frozen parameters of the model. Those parameters that are marked as "always frozen" are skipped. """ # Note that we have to handle "always frozen" cases, but rather # than asking for permission we just handle the failure case. # for p in try: p.thaw() except ParameterErr: continue
[docs]class CompositeModel(Model): """Represent a model with composite parts. This is the base class for representing expressions that combine multiple models and values. Parameters ---------- name : str The name for the collection of models. parts : sequence of Model objects The models. Attributes ---------- parts : sequence of Model Notes ----- Composite models can be iterated through to find their components: >>> l1 = Gauss1D('l1') >>> l2 = Gauss1D('l2') >>> b = Polynom1D('b') >>> mdl = l1 + (0.5 * l2) + b >>> mdl <BinaryOpModel model instance '((l1 + (0.5 * l2)) + polynom1d)'> >>> for cpt in mdl: ... print(type(c)) ... <class 'BinaryOpModel'> <class 'sherpa.models.basic.Gauss1D'> <class 'BinaryOpModel'> <class 'ArithmeticConstantModel'> <class 'sherpa.models.basic.Gauss1D'> <class 'sherpa.models.basic.Polynom1D'> """ def __init__(self, name, parts): = tuple(parts) allpars = [] model_with_dim = None for part in ndim = part.ndim if ndim is not None: if self.ndim is None: self.ndim = ndim model_with_dim = part elif self.ndim != ndim: raise ModelErr('Models do not match: ' + '{}D ({}) and '.format(self.ndim, + '{}D ({})'.format(ndim, for p in if p in allpars: # If we already have a reference to this parameter, store # a hidden, linked proxy instead pnew = Parameter(p.modelname,, 0.0, hidden=True) = p p = pnew allpars.append(p) Model.__init__(self, name, allpars) for part in try: self.is_discrete = self.is_discrete or part.is_discrete except: warning("Could not determine whether the model is discrete.\n" + "This probably means that you have restored a session saved with a previous version of Sherpa.\n" + "Falling back to assuming that the model is continuous.\n") self.is_discrete = False def __iter__(self): return iter(self._get_parts()) def _get_parts(self): parts = [] for p in # A CompositeModel should not hold a reference to itself assert (p is not self), (("'%s' object holds a reference to " + "itself") % type(self).__name__) # Including itself seems a bit strange if it's a CompositeModel # but is used by sherpa.astro.instrument.has_pha_instance (and # possibly elsewhere). # parts.append(p) if isinstance(p, CompositeModel): parts.extend(p._get_parts()) # FIXME: do we want to remove duplicate components from parts? return parts
[docs] def startup(self, cache=False): pass
[docs] def teardown(self): pass
[docs] def cache_clear(self): """Clear the cache for each component.""" for p in try: p.cache_clear() except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def cache_status(self): """Display the cache status of each component. Information on the cache - the number of "hits", "misses", and "requests" - is displayed at the INFO logging level. Example ------- >>> mdl.cache_status() size: 5 hits: 715 misses: 158 check= 873 size: 5 hits: 633 misses: 240 check= 873 """ for p in try: p.cache_status() except AttributeError: pass
[docs]class SimulFitModel(CompositeModel): """Store multiple models. This class is for use with Parameters ---------- name : str The name for the collection of models. parts : sequence of Model objects The models. Attributes ---------- parts : sequence of Model See Also -------- Examples -------- >>> m1 = Polynom1D('m1') >>> m2 = Gauss1D('g1') >>> mall = SimulFitModel('comp', (m1, m1 + m2)) If dall is a DataSimulFit object then the model components can be evaluated for the composite object using: >>> ymdl = dall.eval_model_to_fit(mall) """ def __iter__(self): return iter(
[docs] def startup(self, cache=False): for part in self: part.startup(cache) CompositeModel.startup(self, cache)
[docs] def teardown(self): for part in self: part.teardown() CompositeModel.teardown(self)
# TODO: what benefit does this provide versus just using the number? # I guess it does simplify any attempt to parse the components of # a model expression. #
[docs]class ArithmeticConstantModel(Model): """Represent a constant value, or values. Parameters ---------- val : number or sequence The number, or numbers, to store. name : str or None, optional The display name. If not set the value is used when the value is a scalar, otherwise it indicates an array of elements. Attributes ---------- val : number """ def __init__(self, val, name=None): val = SherpaFloat(val) if name is None: if numpy.isscalar(val): name = str(val) else: name = '{}[{}]'.format(, ','.join([str(s) for s in val.shape])) = name self.val = val # val has to be a scalar or 1D array, even if used with a 2D # model, due to the way model evaluation works, so as we # can't easily define the dimensionality of this model, we # remove any dimensionality checking for this class. # self.ndim = None Model.__init__(self, def _get_val(self): return self._val def _set_val(self, val): val = SherpaFloat(val) if val.ndim > 1: raise ModelErr('The constant must be a scalar or 1D, not 2D') self._val = val val = property(_get_val, _set_val, doc='The constant value (scalar or 1D).')
[docs] def startup(self, cache=False): pass
[docs] def calc(self, p, *args, **kwargs): return self.val
[docs] def teardown(self): pass
def _make_unop(op, opstr): def func(self): return UnaryOpModel(self, op, opstr) return func def _make_binop(op, opstr): def func(self, rhs): return BinaryOpModel(self, rhs, op, opstr) def rfunc(self, lhs): return BinaryOpModel(lhs, self, op, opstr) return (func, rfunc)
[docs]class ArithmeticModel(Model): """Support combining model expressions and caching results.""" cache = 5 """The maximum size of the cache.""" def __init__(self, name, pars=()): self.integrate = True # Model caching ability self.cache = 5 # repeat the class definition self._use_caching = True # FIXME: reduce number of variables? self.cache_clear() Model.__init__(self, name, pars)
[docs] def cache_clear(self): """Clear the cache.""" # It is not obvious what to set the queue length to self._queue = [''] self._cache = {} self._cache_ctr = {'hits': 0, 'misses': 0, 'check': 0}
[docs] def cache_status(self): """Display the cache status. Information on the cache - the number of "hits", "misses", and "requests" - is displayed at the INFO logging level. Example ------- >>> pl.cache_status() size: 5 hits: 633 misses: 240 check= 873 """ c = self._cache_ctr info(f" {} size: {len(self._queue):4d} " + f"hits: {c['hits']:5d} misses: {c['misses']:5d} " + f"check: {c['check']:5d}")
# Unary operations __neg__ = _make_unop(numpy.negative, '-') __abs__ = _make_unop(numpy.absolute, 'abs') # Binary operations __add__, __radd__ = _make_binop(numpy.add, '+') __sub__, __rsub__ = _make_binop(numpy.subtract, '-') __mul__, __rmul__ = _make_binop(numpy.multiply, '*') __div__, __rdiv__ = _make_binop(numpy.divide, '/') __floordiv__, __rfloordiv__ = _make_binop(numpy.floor_divide, '//') __truediv__, __rtruediv__ = _make_binop(numpy.true_divide, '/') __mod__, __rmod__ = _make_binop(numpy.remainder, '%') __pow__, __rpow__ = _make_binop(numpy.power, '**') def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) if '_use_caching' not in state: self.__dict__['_use_caching'] = True if '_queue' not in state: self.__dict__['_queue'] = [''] if '_cache' not in state: self.__dict__['_cache'] = {} self.__dict__['_cache_ctr'] = {'hits': 0, 'misses': 0, 'check': 0} if 'cache' not in state: self.__dict__['cache'] = 5 def __getitem__(self, filter): return FilterModel(self, filter)
[docs] def startup(self, cache=False): self.cache_clear() self._use_caching = cache if int(self.cache) > 0: self._queue = [''] * int(self.cache) frozen = numpy.array([par.frozen for par in], dtype=bool) if len(frozen) > 0 and frozen.all(): self._use_caching = cache
[docs] def teardown(self): self._use_caching = False
[docs] def apply(self, outer, *otherargs, **otherkwargs): return NestedModel(outer, self, *otherargs, **otherkwargs)
class RegriddableModel(ArithmeticModel): def regrid(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class RegriddableModel1D(RegriddableModel): """Allow 1D models to be regridded.""" ndim = 1 "A one-dimensional model."
[docs] def regrid(self, *args, **kwargs): """ The class RegriddableModel1D allows the user to evaluate in the requested space then interpolate onto the data space. An optional argument 'interp' enables the user to change the interpolation method. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sherpa.models.basic import Box1D >>> mybox = Box1D() >>> request_space = np.arange(1, 10, 0.1) >>> regrid_model = mybox.regrid(request_space, interp=linear_interp) """ valid_keys = ('interp',) for key in kwargs.keys(): if key not in valid_keys: raise TypeError("unknown keyword argument: '%s'" % key) eval_space = EvaluationSpace1D(*args) regridder = ModelDomainRegridder1D(eval_space, **kwargs) regridder._make_and_validate_grid(args) return regridder.apply_to(self)
[docs]class RegriddableModel2D(RegriddableModel): """Allow 2D models to be regridded.""" ndim = 2 "A two-dimensional model."
[docs] def regrid(self, *args, **kwargs): eval_space = EvaluationSpace2D(*args) regridder = ModelDomainRegridder2D(eval_space) return regridder.apply_to(self)
[docs]class UnaryOpModel(CompositeModel, ArithmeticModel): """Apply an operator to a model expression. Parameters ---------- arg : Model instance The expression. op : function reference The ufunc to apply to the model values. opstr : str The symbol used to represent the operator. Attributes ---------- arg : Model instance The model. op : function reference The ufunc to apply to the model values. opstr : str The symbol used to represent the operator. See Also -------- BinaryOpModel Examples -------- >>> m1 = Gauss1d() >>> m2 = UnaryOpModel(m1, numpy.negative, '-') """
[docs] @staticmethod def wrapobj(obj): return _wrapobj(obj, ArithmeticConstantModel)
def __init__(self, arg, op, opstr): self.arg = self.wrapobj(arg) self.op = op self.opstr = opstr CompositeModel.__init__(self, ('%s(%s)' % (opstr,, (self.arg,))
[docs] def calc(self, p, *args, **kwargs): return self.op(self.arg.calc(p, *args, **kwargs))
[docs]class BinaryOpModel(CompositeModel, RegriddableModel): """Combine two model expressions. Parameters ---------- lhs : Model instance The left-hand side of the expression. rhs : Model instance The right-hand side of the expression. op : function reference The ufunc which combines two array values. opstr : str The symbol used to represent the operator. Attributes ---------- lhs : Model instance The left-hand sides of the expression. rhs : Model instance The right-hand sides of the expression. op : function reference The ufunc which combines two array values. opstr : str The symbol used to represent the operator. See Also -------- UnaryOpModel Examples -------- >>> m1 = Gauss1d() >>> m2 = Polynom1D() >>> m = BinaryOpModel(m1, m2, numpy.add, '+') """
[docs] @staticmethod def wrapobj(obj): return _wrapobj(obj, ArithmeticConstantModel)
def __init__(self, lhs, rhs, op, opstr): self.lhs = self.wrapobj(lhs) self.rhs = self.wrapobj(rhs) self.op = op self.opstr = opstr CompositeModel.__init__(self, ('(%s %s %s)' % (, opstr,, (self.lhs, self.rhs))
[docs] def regrid(self, *args, **kwargs): for part in # ArithmeticConstantModel does not support regrid by design if not hasattr(part, 'regrid'): continue # The full model expression must be used return part.__class__.regrid(self, *args, **kwargs) raise ModelErr('Neither component supports regrid method')
[docs] def startup(self, cache=False): self.lhs.startup(cache) self.rhs.startup(cache) CompositeModel.startup(self, cache)
[docs] def teardown(self): self.lhs.teardown() self.rhs.teardown() CompositeModel.teardown(self)
[docs] def calc(self, p, *args, **kwargs): nlhs = len( lhs = self.lhs.calc(p[:nlhs], *args, **kwargs) rhs = self.rhs.calc(p[nlhs:], *args, **kwargs) try: val = self.op(lhs, rhs) except ValueError: raise ValueError("shape mismatch between '%s: %i' and '%s: %i'" % (type(self.lhs).__name__, len(lhs), type(self.rhs).__name__, len(rhs))) return val
# TODO: do we actually make use of this functionality anywhere? # We only have 1 test that checks this class, and it is an existence # test (check that it works), not that it is used anywhere. #
[docs]class FilterModel(CompositeModel, ArithmeticModel): def __init__(self, model, filter): self.model = model self.filter = filter if isinstance(filter, tuple): filter_str = ','.join([self._make_filter_str(f) for f in filter]) else: filter_str = self._make_filter_str(filter) CompositeModel.__init__(self, ('(%s)[%s]' % (, filter_str)), (self.model,)) @staticmethod def _make_filter_str(filter): if not isinstance(filter, slice): if filter is Ellipsis: return '...' return str(filter) s = '' if filter.start is not None: s += str(filter.start) s += ':' if filter.stop is not None: s += str(filter.stop) if filter.step is not None: s += ':%s' % filter.step return s
[docs] def calc(self, p, *args, **kwargs): return self.model.calc(p, *args, **kwargs)[self.filter]
[docs]class ArithmeticFunctionModel(Model): """Represent a callable function. Parameters ---------- func : function reference A callable function. It is called with the grid arguments and any keyword arguments sent to calc(), but not the model parameter values. Attributes ---------- func : function reference """ def __init__(self, func): if isinstance(func, Model): raise ModelErr('badinstance', type(self).__name__) if not callable(func): raise ModelErr('noncall', type(self).__name__, type(func).__name__) self.func = func Model.__init__(self, func.__name__)
[docs] def calc(self, p, *args, **kwargs): return self.func(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def startup(self, cache=False): pass
[docs] def teardown(self): pass
[docs]class NestedModel(CompositeModel, ArithmeticModel): """Apply a model to the results of a model. Parameters ---------- outer : Model instance The model to apply second. inner : Model instance The model to apply first. *otherargs Arguments that are to be applied to the outer model. **otherkwargs Keyword arguments that are to be applied to the outer model. Attributes ---------- outer : Model instance The outer model. inner : Model instance The inner model. otherargs Arguments that are to be applied to the outer model. otherkwargs Keyword arguments that are to be applied to the outer model. """
[docs] @staticmethod def wrapobj(obj): return _wrapobj(obj, ArithmeticFunctionModel)
def __init__(self, outer, inner, *otherargs, **otherkwargs): self.outer = self.wrapobj(outer) self.inner = self.wrapobj(inner) self.otherargs = otherargs self.otherkwargs = otherkwargs CompositeModel.__init__(self, ('%s(%s)' % (,, (self.outer, self.inner))
[docs] def startup(self, cache=False): self.inner.startup(cache) self.outer.startup(cache) CompositeModel.startup(self, cache)
[docs] def teardown(self): self.inner.teardown() self.outer.teardown() CompositeModel.teardown(self)
[docs] def calc(self, p, *args, **kwargs): nouter = len( return self.outer.calc(p[:nouter], self.inner.calc(p[nouter:], *args, **kwargs), *self.otherargs, **self.otherkwargs)
# TODO: can we remove this as it is now unused? #
[docs]class MultigridSumModel(CompositeModel, ArithmeticModel): def __init__(self, models): self.models = tuple(models) name = '%s(%s)' % (type(self).__name__, ','.join([ for m in models])) CompositeModel.__init__(self, name, self.models)
[docs] def calc(self, p, arglist): vals = [] for model, args in zip(self.models, arglist): # FIXME: we're not using p here (and therefore assuming that the # parameter values have already been updated to match the contents # of p) vals.append(model(*args)) return sum(vals)
class RegridWrappedModel(CompositeModel, ArithmeticModel): def __init__(self, model, wrapper): self.model = self.wrapobj(model) self.wrapper = wrapper if hasattr(model, 'integrate'): self.wrapper.integrate = model.integrate CompositeModel.__init__(self, "{}({})".format(,, (self.model, )) def calc(self, p, *args, **kwargs): return self.wrapper.calc(p, self.model.calc, *args, **kwargs) def get_center(self): return self.model.get_center() def set_center(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.model.set_center(*args, **kwargs) def guess(self, dep, *args, **kwargs): return self.model.guess(dep, *args, **kwargs) @property def grid(self): return self.wrapper.grid @grid.setter def grid(self, value): self.wrapper.grid = value @property def evaluation_space(self): return self.wrapper.evaluation_space @staticmethod def wrapobj(obj): # TODO: choice of ArithmeticConstandModel or # ArithmeticFunctionModel? return _wrapobj(obj, ArithmeticFunctionModel) def _wrapobj(obj, wrapper): """Wrap an object with the wrapper if needed. Parameters ---------- obj The input object. wrapper The wrapper class which is applied to obj if needed. Returns ------- newobj This is either obj or wrapper(obj). """ # This has been placed outside the classes as # the full list of classes are needed to be accessible # when called. # if isinstance(obj, (ArithmeticModel, ArithmeticConstantModel, ArithmeticFunctionModel)): return obj return wrapper(obj) # Notebook representation # def modelcomponents_to_list(model): if hasattr(model, 'parts'): modellist = [] for p in modellist.extend(modelcomponents_to_list(p)) return modellist else: return [model] def html_model(mdl): """Construct the HTML to display the model.""" # Note that as this is a specialized table we do not use # formatting.html_table but create everything directly. # complist = [] nrows = [] for comp in modelcomponents_to_list(mdl): this_comp_nrows = 0 for par in if par.hidden: continue else: this_comp_nrows +=1 if this_comp_nrows > 0: complist.append(comp) nrows.append(this_comp_nrows) out = '<table class="model">' out += '<caption>Expression: {}</caption>'.format(formatting.clean_bracket( out += '<thead><tr>' cols = ['Component', 'Parameter', 'Thawed', 'Value', 'Min', 'Max', 'Units'] for col in cols: out += '<th>{}</th>'.format(col) out += '</tr></thead><tbody>' for mcount, (n, comp) in enumerate(zip(nrows, complist)): for i, par in enumerate( style = '' if ((i > 0) or (mcount == 0)) else ' class="block"' if par.hidden: continue def addtd(val): "Use the parameter to convert to HTML" return '<td>{}</td>'.format(par._val_to_html(val)) out += '<tr{}>'.format(style) if i ==0 : cls = "model-" + ("even" if mcount % 2 == 1 else "odd") out += '<th class="{}" scope="rowgroup" '.format(cls) out += 'rowspan={}>{}</th>'.format(n, out += '<td>{}</td>'.format( if is not None: out += "<td>linked</td>" else: out += '<td><input disabled type="checkbox"' if not par.frozen: out += ' checked' out += '></input></td>' out += addtd(par.val) if is not None: # 8592 is single left arrow # 8656 is double left arrow # out += '<td colspan=2>&#8656; {}</td>'.format(formatting.clean_bracket( else: out += addtd(par.min) out += addtd(par.max) out += '<td>{}</td>'.format(par._units_to_html()) out += '</tr>' out += '</tbody></table>' ls = ['<details open><summary>Model</summary>' + out + '</details>'] return formatting.html_from_sections(mdl, ls)