Source code for sherpa.astro.plot

#  Copyright (C) 2010, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
#  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

Classes for plotting, analysis of astronomical data sets

import logging

import numpy as np
from numpy import iterable, array2string, asarray

from import DataPHA
from sherpa import plot as shplot
from sherpa.astro.utils import bounds_check
from sherpa.utils.err import PlotErr, IOErr
from sherpa.utils import parse_expr, dataspace1d, histogram1d, filter_bins, \
from sherpa.astro import hc

warning = logging.getLogger(__name__).warning

__all__ = ('DataPHAPlot', 'ModelPHAHistogram', 'ModelHistogram',
           'SourcePlot', 'ComponentModelPlot', 'ComponentSourcePlot',
           'BkgDataPlot', 'BkgModelPHAHistogram', 'BkgModelHistogram',
           'BkgFitPlot', 'BkgDelchiPlot', 'BkgResidPlot', 'BkgRatioPlot',
           'BkgChisqrPlot', 'BkgSourcePlot',
           'FluxHistogram', 'EnergyFluxHistogram', 'PhotonFluxHistogram')

# Identify "close-enough" bin edges when plotting histograms
_tol = np.finfo(np.float32).eps

def _check_hist_bins(xlo, xhi):
    """Ensure lo/hi edges that are "close" are merged.

    Ensure that "close-enough" bin edges use the same value.  We do
    this for all bins, even those that are identical, as it's
    easier. The tolerance is taken to be the float32 "eps" setting, as
    this seems to work for the (limited) data sets I've seen. This is
    to fix issue #977.

    xlo, xhi : array
        Lower and upper bin boundaries. Typically, ``xlo`` will contain the
        lower boundary and ``xhi`` the upper boundary, but this function can
        deal with situations where that is reversed. Both arrays have to be
        monotonically increasing or decreasing.

    xlo, xhi : array
        xlo and xhi with values that were very close (within numerical
        tolerance) before changed such that they now match exactly.

    Note that this holds even when plotting wavelength values, who
    have xlo/xhi in decreasing order, since the lo/hi values still
    if len(xlo) != len(xhi):
        # Not a Sherpa specific error, because this is more for developers.
        raise ValueError('Input arrays must have same length.')
    # Nothing to compare if input arrays are empty.
    if len(xlo) == 0:
        return xlo, xhi

    # Technically idx should be 0 or 1, with no -1 values. We
    # do not enforce this. What we do is to take all bins that
    # appear similar (sao_fcmp==0) and set the xlo[i+1] bin
    # to the xhi[i] value.
    # Deal with xhi <-> xlo switches. Those can occor when converting
    # from energy to wavelength.
    # Deal with reversed order. Can happen when converting from energy
    # to wavelength, or if input PHA is not ordered in increasing energy.
    # But is both are happening at the same time, need to switch twice, which
    # is a no-op. So, we get to use the elusive Python XOR operator.
    if (xlo[0] > xhi[0]) ^ (xhi[0] > xhi[-1]):
        xlo, xhi = xhi, xlo
    equal = sao_fcmp(xlo[1:], xhi[:-1], _tol)
    idx, = np.where(equal == 0)
    xlo[idx + 1] = xhi[idx]

    return xlo, xhi

def to_latex(txt):
    """Add any backend-specific markup to indicate LaTeX.

    txt : str
       The LaTeX input (the contents are going to be interpreted
       as LaTeX so do not send in text that is not to be converted).

    out : str
       The LaTeX text including the markup to indicate to the
       plotting backend to display as LaTeX.

    return shplot.backend.get_latex_for_string(txt)

[docs]class DataPHAPlot(shplot.DataHistogramPlot): """Plot a PHA dataset.""" histo_prefs = shplot.get_data_hist_prefs()
[docs] def prepare(self, data, stat=None): # Need a better way of accessing the binning of the data. # Maybe to_plot should return the lo/hi edges as a pair # here. # (_, self.y, self.yerr, self.xerr, self.xlabel, self.ylabel) = data.to_plot() if stat is not None: yerrorbars = self.histo_prefs.get('yerrorbars', True) self.yerr = shplot.calculate_errors(data, stat, yerrorbars) self.title = # Get the X axis data. # if data.units != 'channel': elo, ehi = data._get_ebins(group=False) else: elo, ehi = (, + 1.) self.xlo = data.apply_filter(elo, data._min) self.xhi = data.apply_filter(ehi, data._max) if data.units == 'wavelength': self.xlo = hc / self.xlo self.xhi = hc / self.xhi self.xlo, self.xhi = _check_hist_bins(self.xlo, self.xhi)
[docs]class ModelPHAHistogram(shplot.HistogramPlot): """Plot a model for a PHA dataset. The filtering and grouping from the PHA datset are used to create the bins for the model. """ histo_prefs = shplot.backend.get_model_histo_defaults() def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.title = 'Model'
[docs] def prepare(self, data, model, stat=None): if not isinstance(data, DataPHA): raise IOErr('notpha', (_, self.y, _, _, self.xlabel, self.ylabel) = data.to_plot(yfunc=model) self.y = self.y[1] if data.units != 'channel': elo, ehi = data._get_ebins(group=False) else: elo, ehi = (, + 1.) self.xlo = data.apply_filter(elo, data._min) self.xhi = data.apply_filter(ehi, data._max) if data.units == 'wavelength': self.xlo = hc / self.xlo self.xhi = hc / self.xhi self.xlo, self.xhi = _check_hist_bins(self.xlo, self.xhi)
[docs]class ModelHistogram(ModelPHAHistogram): """Plot a model for a PHA dataset with no grouping. The model is drawn at the native resolution of the instrument response, or ungrouped channels. """
[docs] def prepare(self, data, model, stat=None): # We could fit this into a single try/finally group but # it makes it harder to see what is going on so split # it out into separate plot types: # - ungrouped # - all data has been masked out (we let prepare # throw any errors or plot no data) # - grouped but no filter (or the filter doesn't # remove any points). # - grouped and filtered # if not data.grouped or data.mask is False or \ (data.mask is not True and not data.mask.any()): super().prepare(data, model, stat=stat) return # At this point mask can be True or an array. # if data.mask is True or data.mask.all(): try: data.ungroup() super().prepare(data, model, stat=stat) finally: return # We need to convert the filter expression from grouped # to ungrouped, apply it, create the plot, then restore # the old expression. Note that we can just copy over # the original mask value to restore the old filter. # old_mask = data.mask.copy() new_filter = parse_expr(data.get_filter(group=False)) try: data.ungroup() for interval in new_filter: data.notice(*interval) super().prepare(data, model, stat=stat) finally: data.mask = old_mask
[docs]class SourcePlot(shplot.HistogramPlot): """Create 1D plots of unconcolved model values. Attributes ---------- histo_prefs : dict The preferences for the plot. xlo, xhi : array_like The lower and upper edges for each bin (the independent variable). y : array_like The Y value for each point (the model value). xlabel, ylabel, title : str Plot labels. """ histo_prefs = shplot.backend.get_model_histo_defaults() def __init__(self): self.units = None self.mask = None super().__init__() self.title = 'Source'
[docs] def prepare(self, data, src, lo=None, hi=None): # Note: src is source model before folding if not isinstance(data, DataPHA): raise IOErr('notpha', lo, hi = bounds_check(lo, hi) self.units = data.units if self.units == "channel": warning("Channel space is unappropriate for the PHA unfolded" + " source model,\nusing energy.") self.units = "energy" self.xlabel = data.get_xlabel() self.title = f'Source Model of {}' self.xlo, self.xhi = data._get_indep(filter=False) # Why do we not apply the mask at the end of prepare? # self.mask = filter_bins((lo,), (hi,), (self.xlo,)) # The source model is assumed to not contain an instrument model, # and so it evaluates the expected number of photons/cm^2/s in # each bin (or it can be thought of as a 1 second exposure). # self.y = src(self.xlo, self.xhi) prefix_quant = 'E' quant = 'keV' if self.units == "wavelength": # No other labels use the LaTeX forms for lambda and # Angstrom, so use the text version here too. # prefix_quant = to_latex('\\lambda') # quant = to_latex('\\AA') prefix_quant = 'lambda' quant = 'Angstrom' (self.xlo, self.xhi) = (self.xhi, self.xlo) xmid = abs(self.xhi - self.xlo) sqr = to_latex('^2') self.xlabel = f'{self.units.capitalize()} ({quant})' self.ylabel = f'%s Photons/sec/cm{sqr}%s' if data.plot_fac == 0: self.y /= xmid self.ylabel = self.ylabel % (f'f({prefix_quant})', f'/{quant} ') elif data.plot_fac == 1: self.ylabel = self.ylabel % (f'{prefix_quant} f({prefix_quant})', '') elif data.plot_fac == 2: self.y *= xmid self.ylabel = self.ylabel % (f'{prefix_quant}{sqr} f({prefix_quant})', f' {quant} ') else: raise PlotErr('plotfac', 'Source', data.plot_fac)
[docs] def plot(self, overplot=False, clearwindow=True, **kwargs): xlo = self.xlo xhi = self.xhi y = self.y if self.mask is not None: xlo = self.xlo[self.mask] xhi = self.xhi[self.mask] y = self.y[self.mask] shplot.Histogram.plot(self, xlo, xhi, y, title=self.title, xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel, overplot=overplot, clearwindow=clearwindow, **kwargs)
[docs]class ComponentModelPlot(shplot.ComponentSourcePlot, ModelHistogram): histo_prefs = shplot.backend.get_component_histo_defaults() def __init__(self): ModelHistogram.__init__(self) def __str__(self): return ModelHistogram.__str__(self)
[docs] def prepare(self, data, model, stat=None): ModelHistogram.prepare(self, data, model, stat) self.title = 'Model component: %s' %
def _merge_settings(self, kwargs): return {**self.histo_prefs, **kwargs}
[docs] def plot(self, overplot=False, clearwindow=True, **kwargs): ModelHistogram.plot(self, overplot=overplot, clearwindow=clearwindow, **kwargs)
[docs]class ComponentSourcePlot(shplot.ComponentSourcePlot, SourcePlot): histo_prefs = shplot.backend.get_component_histo_defaults() def __init__(self): SourcePlot.__init__(self) def __str__(self): return SourcePlot.__str__(self)
[docs] def prepare(self, data, model, stat=None): SourcePlot.prepare(self, data, model) self.title = 'Source model component: %s' %
def _merge_settings(self, kwargs): return {**self.histo_prefs, **kwargs}
[docs] def plot(self, overplot=False, clearwindow=True, **kwargs): SourcePlot.plot(self, overplot=overplot, clearwindow=clearwindow, **kwargs)
[docs]class ARFPlot(shplot.HistogramPlot): """Create plots of the ancillary response file (ARF). Attributes ---------- histo_prefs : dict The preferences for the plot. xlo, xhi : array_like The lower and upper edges of each bin. y : array_like The effective area (ARF) value for the bin. xlabel, ylabel, title : str Plot labels. """ histo_prefs = shplot.backend.get_model_histo_defaults()
[docs] def prepare(self, arf, data=None): """Fill the fields given the ARF. Parameters ---------- arf : The ARF to plot data : DataPHA instance, optional The `units` attribute of this object is used to determine whether the X axis should be in Angstrom instead of KeV (the default). """ self.xlo = arf.energ_lo self.xhi = arf.energ_hi self.y = arf.specresp self.title = self.xlabel = arf.get_xlabel() self.ylabel = arf.get_ylabel() if data is not None: if not isinstance(data, DataPHA): raise PlotErr('notpha', if data.units == "wavelength": self.xlabel = 'Wavelength (Angstrom)' self.xlo = hc / self.xlo self.xhi = hc / self.xhi
[docs]class BkgDataPlot(DataPHAPlot): "Derived class for creating plots of background counts" # Is this derived class worth it? pass
# was BkgModelPlot; this is not a good class name
[docs]class BkgModelPHAHistogram(ModelPHAHistogram): """Plot a background model for a PHA dataset. The filtering and grouping from the background of the PHA datset are used to create the bins for the model. """ def __init__(self): ModelPHAHistogram.__init__(self) self.title = 'Background Model Contribution'
[docs]class BkgModelHistogram(ModelHistogram): """Plot a background model for a PHA dataset with no grouping. The model is drawn at the native resolution of the instrument response, or ungrouped channels. The model is filtered to the minimum and maximum of the background to the PHA dataset but any ignored ranges within this are ignored. """ def __init__(self): ModelPHAHistogram.__init__(self) self.title = 'Background Model Contribution'
[docs]class BkgFitPlot(shplot.FitPlot): "Derived class for creating plots of background counts with fitted model" pass
[docs]class BkgDelchiPlot(shplot.DelchiPlot): "Derived class for creating background plots of 1D delchi chi ((data-model)/error)" pass
[docs]class BkgResidPlot(shplot.ResidPlot): "Derived class for creating background plots of 1D residual (data-model)"
[docs] def prepare(self, data, model, stat): super().prepare(data, model, stat) self.title = 'Residuals of %s - Bkg Model' %
[docs]class BkgRatioPlot(shplot.RatioPlot): "Derived class for creating background plots of 1D ratio (data:model)"
[docs] def prepare(self, data, model, stat): super().prepare(data, model, stat) self.title = 'Ratio of %s : Bkg Model' %
[docs]class BkgChisqrPlot(shplot.ChisqrPlot): "Derived class for creating background plots of 1D chi**2 ((data-model)/error)**2" pass
[docs]class BkgSourcePlot(SourcePlot): "Derived class for plotting the background unconvolved source model" pass
[docs]class OrderPlot(ModelHistogram): """ Derived class for creating plots of the convolved source model using selected multiple responses """ def __init__(self): self.orders = None self.colors = None self.use_default_colors = True super().__init__()
[docs] def prepare(self, data, model, orders=None, colors=None): self.orders = data.response_ids if orders is not None: if iterable(orders): self.orders = list(orders) else: self.orders = [orders] if colors is not None: self.use_default_colors = False if iterable(colors): self.colors = list(colors) else: self.colors = [colors] else: self.colors = [] top_color = '0xffffff' bot_color = '0x0000bf' num = len(self.orders) jump = (int(top_color, 16) - int(bot_color, 16)) // (num + 1) for order in self.orders: self.colors.append(top_color) top_color = hex(int(top_color, 16) - jump) if not self.use_default_colors and len(self.colors) != len(self.orders): raise PlotErr('ordercolors', len(self.orders), len(self.colors)) old_filter = parse_expr(data.get_filter()) old_group = data.grouped try: if old_group: data.ungroup() for interval in old_filter: data.notice(*interval) self.xlo = [] self.xhi = [] self.y = [] (xlo, y, yerr, xerr, self.xlabel, self.ylabel) = data.to_plot(model) y = y[1] if data.units != 'channel': elo, ehi = data._get_ebins(group=False) xlo = data.apply_filter(elo, data._min) xhi = data.apply_filter(ehi, data._max) if data.units == 'wavelength': xlo = hc / xlo xhi = hc / xhi else: xhi = xlo + 1. for order in self.orders: self.xlo.append(xlo) self.xhi.append(xhi) # QUS: why check that response_ids > 2 and not 1 here? # if len(data.response_ids) > 2: if order < 1 or order > len(model.rhs.orders): raise PlotErr('notorder', order) y = data.apply_filter(model.rhs.orders[order - 1]) y = data._fix_y_units(y, True) if data.exposure: y = data.exposure * y self.y.append(y) finally: if old_group: data.ignore() for interval in old_filter: data.notice(*interval) self.title = 'Model Orders %s' % str(self.orders) if len(self.xlo) != len(self.y): raise PlotErr("orderarrfail")
[docs] def plot(self, overplot=False, clearwindow=True, **kwargs): default_color = self.histo_prefs['linecolor'] count = 0 for xlo, xhi, y, color in \ zip(self.xlo, self.xhi, self.y, self.colors): if count != 0: overplot = True self.histo_prefs['linecolor'] = color # Note: the user settings are sent to each plot shplot.Histogram.plot(self, xlo, xhi, y, title=self.title, xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel, overplot=overplot, clearwindow=clearwindow, **kwargs) count += 1 self.histo_prefs['linecolor'] = default_color
# TODO: we should probably derive from a histogram plot that # has less PHA heritage #
[docs]class FluxHistogram(ModelHistogram): "Derived class for creating 1D flux distribution plots" def __init__(self): self.modelvals = None self.clipped = None self.flux = None super().__init__() def __str__(self): vals = self.modelvals if self.modelvals is not None: vals = array2string(asarray(self.modelvals), separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) clip = self.clipped if self.clipped is not None: # Could convert to boolean, but it is surprising for # anyone trying to access the clipped field clip = array2string(asarray(self.clipped), separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) flux = self.flux if self.flux is not None: flux = array2string(asarray(self.flux), separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) return '\n'.join([f'modelvals = {vals}', f'clipped = {clip}', f'flux = {flux}', ModelHistogram.__str__(self)])
[docs] def prepare(self, fluxes, bins): """Define the histogram plot. Parameters ---------- fluxes : numpy array The data, stored in a niter by (npar + 2) matrix, where each row is an iteration, the first column is the flux for that row, the next npar columns are the parameter values, and the last column indicates whether the row was clipped (1) or not (0). bins : int The number of bins to split the flux data into. """ fluxes = asarray(fluxes) y = fluxes[:, 0] self.flux = y self.modelvals = fluxes[:, 1:-1] self.clipped = fluxes[:, -1] self.xlo, self.xhi = dataspace1d(y.min(), y.max(), numbins=bins + 1)[:2] y = histogram1d(y, self.xlo, self.xhi) self.y = y / float(y.max())
[docs]class EnergyFluxHistogram(FluxHistogram): "Derived class for creating 1D energy flux distribution plots" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.title = "Energy flux distribution" self.xlabel = f"Energy flux (ergs cm{to_latex('^{-2}')} sec{to_latex('^{-1}')})" self.ylabel = "Frequency"
[docs]class PhotonFluxHistogram(FluxHistogram): "Derived class for creating 1D photon flux distribution plots" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.title = "Photon flux distribution" self.xlabel = f"Photon flux (Photons cm{to_latex('^{-2}')} sec{to_latex('^{-1}')})" self.ylabel = "Frequency"