Source code for

#  Copyright (C) 2007, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
#     Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Provide Astronomy-specific I/O routines for Sherpa.

This module contains read and write routines for handling FITS [1]_
and ASCII format data. The actual support is provided by
the selected I/O backend package (currently Crates, provided
by CIAO, or the FITS support in the AstroPy package, if installed).

This module should not be imported directly if there is no
I/O backend available.


.. [1] Flexible Image Transport System,


from configparser import ConfigParser
import logging
import os
import os.path
import sys
import importlib

import numpy

from sherpa.utils.err import IOErr
from sherpa.utils import SherpaFloat
from import Data2D, Data1D, BaseData, Data2DInt
from import DataIMG, DataIMGInt, DataARF, DataRMF, DataPHA, DataRosatRMF
from sherpa.astro.utils import reshape_2d_arrays
from sherpa import get_config

config = ConfigParser()

# What should we use for the default package?
io_opt = config.get('options', 'io_pkg', fallback='pyfits')
io_opt = str(io_opt).strip().lower()

ogip_emin = config.get('ogip', 'minimum_energy', fallback='1.0e-10')

if ogip_emin.upper() == 'NONE':
    ogip_emin = None
    emsg = "Invalid value for [ogip] minimum_energy config value; " + \
           "it must be None or a float > 0"
        ogip_emin = float(ogip_emin)
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError(emsg)

    if ogip_emin <= 0.0:
        raise ValueError(emsg)

if io_opt.startswith('pycrates') or io_opt.startswith('crates'):
    io_opt = 'crates_backend'

elif io_opt.startswith('pyfits'):
    io_opt = 'pyfits_backend'

    importlib.import_module('.' + io_opt, package='')
    backend = sys.modules['' + io_opt]
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError("""Cannot import selected FITS I/O backend {}.
    If you are using CIAO, this is most likely an error and you should contact the CIAO helpdesk.
    If you are using Standalone Sherpa, please install astropy."""

warning = logging.getLogger(__name__).warning
info    = logging.getLogger(__name__).info

__all__ = ('read_table', 'read_image', 'read_arf', 'read_rmf', 'read_arrays',
           'read_pha', 'write_image', 'write_pha', 'write_table',
           'pack_table', 'pack_image', 'pack_pha', 'read_table_blocks')

def _is_subclass(t1, t2):
    return isinstance(t1, type) and issubclass(t1, t2) and (t1 is not t2)

# Note: write_arrays is not included in __all__, so don't add to the
#       See Also section.
[docs]def read_arrays(*args): """Create a dataset from multiple arrays. The return value defaults to a `` instance, but this can be changed by supplying the required class as the last argument (anything that is derived from ``). Parameters ---------- *args There must be at least one argument. The number of arguments depends on the data type being read in. The supported argument types depends on the I/O backend in use (as supported by the ``get_column_data`` routine provided by the backend). Returns ------- data : a derived object Examples -------- The following examples do not contain argument types specific to a particular I/O backend. Create a `` instance from the data in the arrays ``x`` and ``y`` (taken to be the independent and dependent axes respectively): >>> d = read_arrays(x, y) As in the previous example, but explicitly declaring the data type: >>> d = read_arrays(x, y, Create a `` instance with the independent axes ``x0`` and ``x1``, and dependent axis ``y``: >>> d = read_arrays(x0, x1, y, """ args = list(args) if len(args) == 0: raise IOErr('noarrays') dstype = Data1D if _is_subclass(args[-1], BaseData): dstype = args.pop() args = backend.get_column_data(*args) # Determine max number of args for dataset constructor, dstype) return dstype('', *args)
[docs]def read_table(arg, ncols=2, colkeys=None, dstype=Data1D): """Create a dataset from a tabular file. The supported file types (e.g. ASCII or FITS) depends on the selected I/O backend. Parameters ---------- arg The name of the file or a representation of the file (the type depends on the I/O backend). ncols : int, optional The first ncols columns are read from the file. colkeys : None or list of strings, optional If given, select these columns from the file. dstype : optional The data type to create (it is expected to follow the `` interface). Returns ------- data : a derived object See Also -------- write_table Examples -------- The following examples do not contain argument types specific to a particular I/O backend. Create a `` object from the first two columns in the file ``src.fits``: >>> d = read_table('src.fits') Create A `` object from the first three columns in the file ``src.fits``: >>> d = read_table('src.fits', ncols=3, dstype=Data1DInt) Create a `` data set from the specified columns in ``tbl.fits``, where ``WLEN`` is used for the independent axis, ``FLUX`` the dependent axis, and ``FLUXERR`` for the statistical error on the dependent axis: >>> d = read_table('tbl.fits', colkeys=['WLEN', 'FLUX', 'FLUXERR']) """ colnames, cols, name, hdr = backend.get_table_data(arg, ncols, colkeys) # Determine max number of args for dataset constructor, dstype) return dstype(name, *cols)
def read_ascii(filename, ncols=2, colkeys=None, dstype=Data1D, **kwargs): """Create a dataset from an ASCII tabular file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the file or a representation of the file (the type depends on the I/O backend). ncols : int, optional The first ncols columns are read from the file. colkeys : None or list of strings, optional If given, select these columns from the file. dstype : optional The data type to create (it is expected to follow the `` interface). **kwargs The remaining arguments are passed through to the ``get_ascii_data`` routine of the I/O backend. It is expected that these include ``sep`` and ``comment``, which describe the column separators and indicator of a comment line, respectively. Returns ------- data : a derived object Examples -------- The following examples do not contain argument types specific to a particular I/O backend. Create a `` object from the first two columns in the file ``src.dat``: >>> d = read_ascii('src.dat') Create A `` object from the first three columns in the file ``src.dat``: >>> d = read_ascii('src.dat', ncols=3, dstype=Data1DInt) Create a `` data set from the specified columns in ``tbl.fits``, where ``WLEN`` is used for the independent axis, ``FLUX`` the dependent axis, and ``FLUXERR`` for the statistical error on the dependent axis: >>> d = read_ascii('tbl.fits', colkeys=['WLEN', 'FLUX', 'FLUXERR']) """ colnames, cols, name = backend.get_ascii_data(filename, ncols=ncols, colkeys=colkeys, dstype=dstype, **kwargs) # Determine max number of args for dataset constructor, dstype) return dstype(name, *cols)
[docs]def read_image(arg, coord='logical', dstype=DataIMG): """Create an image dataset from a file. Parameters ---------- arg The name of the file or a representation of the file (the type depends on the I/O backend). coord : {'logical', 'physical', 'world'}, optional The type of axis coordinates to use. An error is raised if the file does not contain the necessary metadata for the selected coordinate system. dstype : optional The data type to create (it is expected to follow the `` interface). Returns ------- data : a derived object See Also -------- write_image Examples -------- The following examples do not contain argument types specific to a particular I/O backend. Create a `` object from the FITS file ``img.fits``: >>> d = read_image('img.fits') Select the physical coordinate system from the file: >>> d = read_image('img.fits', coord='physical') """ data, filename = backend.get_image_data(arg) axlens = data['y'].shape x0 = numpy.arange(axlens[1], dtype=SherpaFloat) + 1. x1 = numpy.arange(axlens[0], dtype=SherpaFloat) + 1. x0, x1 = reshape_2d_arrays(x0, x1) data['y'] = data['y'].ravel() data['coord'] = coord data['shape'] = axlens if issubclass(dstype, DataIMGInt): dataset = dstype(filename, x0 - 0.5, x1 - 0.5, x0 + 0.5, x1 + 0.5, **data) elif issubclass(dstype, Data2DInt): for name in ['coord', 'eqpos', 'sky', 'header']: data.pop(name, None) dataset = dstype(filename, x0 - 0.5, x1 - 0.5, x0 + 0.5, x1 + 0.5, **data) else: dataset = dstype(filename, x0, x1, **data) return dataset
[docs]def read_arf(arg): """Create a DataARF object. Parameters ---------- arg The name of the file or a representation of the file (the type depends on the I/O backend) containing the ARF data. Returns ------- data : """ data, filename = backend.get_arf_data(arg) # It is unlikely that the backend will set this, but allow # it to override the config setting. # if 'emin' not in data: data['ethresh'] = ogip_emin return DataARF(filename, **data)
[docs]def read_rmf(arg): """Create a DataRMF object. Parameters ---------- arg The name of the file or a representation of the file (the type depends on the I/O backend) containing the RMF data. Returns ------- data : """ data, filename = backend.get_rmf_data(arg) # It is unlikely that the backend will set this, but allow # it to override the config setting. # if 'emin' not in data: data['ethresh'] = ogip_emin return _rmf_factory(filename, data)
def _rmf_factory(filename, data): response_map = { 'ROSAT': DataRosatRMF, 'DEFAULT': DataRMF, } rmf_telescop = data['header'].get('TELESCOP', 'DEFAULT') rmf_class = response_map.get(rmf_telescop, DataRMF) return rmf_class(filename, **data) def _read_ancillary(data, key, label, dname, read_func, output_once=True): """Read in a file if the keyword is set. Parameters ---------- data The header information, which behaves like a dictionary. key The key to look for in data. If not set, or its value compares case insensitively to "none" then nothing is read in. label : str This is used to identify the file being read in. It is only used if output_once is set. dname : str The location of the file containing the metadata. This is prepended to the value read from the data argument if it is not an absolute path. read_func The function used to read in the file: it expects one argument, the file to read in, and returns the data object. output_once : bool, optional If set then the routine uses the Sherpa logger to display informational or warning information. Returns ------- data : None or a derived object """ if not(data[key]) or data[key].lower() == 'none': return None out = None try: if os.path.dirname(data[key]) == '': data[key] = os.path.join(dname, data[key]) out = read_func(data[key]) if output_once: info('read {} file {}'.format(label, data[key])) except: if output_once: warning(str(sys.exc_info()[1])) return out
[docs]def read_pha(arg, use_errors=False, use_background=False): """Create a DataPHA object. Parameters ---------- arg The name of the file or a representation of the file (the type depends on the I/O backend) containing the PHA data. use_errors : bool, optional If the PHA file contains statistical error values for the count (or count rate) column, should it be read in. This defaults to ``False``. use_background : bool, optional Should the background PHA data (and optional responses) also be read in and associated with the data set? Returns ------- data : """ datasets, filename = backend.get_pha_data(arg, use_background=use_background) phasets = [] output_once = True for data in datasets: if not use_errors: if data['staterror'] is not None or data['syserror'] is not None: if data['staterror'] is None: msg = 'systematic' elif data['syserror'] is None: msg = 'statistical' if output_once: wmsg = "systematic errors were not found in " + \ "file '{}'".format(filename) warning(wmsg) else: msg = 'statistical and systematic' if output_once: imsg = msg + " errors were found in file " + \ "'{}' \nbut not used; ".format(filename) + \ "to use them, re-read with use_errors=True" info(imsg) data['staterror'] = None data['syserror'] = None dname = os.path.dirname(filename) albl = 'ARF' rlbl = 'RMF' if use_background: albl = albl + ' (background)' rlbl = rlbl + ' (background)' arf = _read_ancillary(data, 'arffile', albl, dname, read_arf, output_once) rmf = _read_ancillary(data, 'rmffile', rlbl, dname, read_rmf, output_once) backgrounds = [] if data['backfile'] and data['backfile'].lower() != 'none': try: if os.path.dirname(data['backfile']) == '': data['backfile'] = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), data['backfile']) bkg_datasets = [] # Do not read backgrounds of backgrounds if not use_background: bkg_datasets = read_pha(data['backfile'], use_errors, True) if output_once: info('read background file {}'.format( data['backfile'])) if numpy.iterable(bkg_datasets): for bkg_dataset in bkg_datasets: if bkg_dataset.get_response() == (None, None) and \ rmf is not None: bkg_dataset.set_response(arf, rmf) backgrounds.append(bkg_dataset) else: if bkg_datasets.get_response() == (None, None) and \ rmf is not None: bkg_datasets.set_response(arf, rmf) backgrounds.append(bkg_datasets) except: if output_once: warning(str(sys.exc_info()[1])) for bkg_type, bscal_type in zip(('background_up', 'background_down'), ('backscup', 'backscdn')): if data[bkg_type] is not None: b = DataPHA(filename, channel=data['channel'], counts=data[bkg_type], bin_lo=data['bin_lo'], bin_hi=data['bin_hi'], grouping=data['grouping'], quality=data['quality'], exposure=data['exposure'], backscal=data[bscal_type], header=data['header']) b.set_response(arf, rmf) if output_once: info("read {} into a dataset from file {}".format( bkg_type, filename)) backgrounds.append(b) for k in ['backfile', 'arffile', 'rmffile', 'backscup', 'backscdn', 'background_up', 'background_down']: data.pop(k, None) pha = DataPHA(filename, **data) pha.set_response(arf, rmf) for id, b in enumerate(backgrounds): if b.grouping is None: b.grouping = pha.grouping b.grouped = (b.grouping is not None) if b.quality is None: b.quality = pha.quality pha.set_background(b, id + 1) # set units *after* bkgs have been set pha._set_initial_quantity() phasets.append(pha) output_once = False if len(phasets) == 1: phasets = phasets[0] return phasets
def _pack_table(dataset): names = dataset._fields cols = [(name, getattr(dataset, name)) for name in names] data = dict(cols) return data, names def _pack_image(dataset): if not(isinstance(dataset, Data2D) or isinstance(dataset, DataIMG)): raise IOErr('notimage', data = {} header = {} if hasattr(dataset, 'header') and type(dataset.header) is dict: header = dataset.header.copy() data['pixels'] = numpy.asarray(dataset.get_img()) data['sky'] = getattr(dataset, 'sky', None) data['eqpos'] = getattr(dataset, 'eqpos', None) return data, header def _set_keyword(header, label, value): """Extract the string form of the value, and store the last path element in the header using the label key. """ if value is None: return name = getattr(value, 'name', 'none') if name is not None and name.find('/') != -1: name = name.split('/')[-1] header[label] = name def _pack_pha(dataset): if not isinstance(dataset, DataPHA): raise IOErr('notpha', data = {} arf, rmf = dataset.get_response() bkg = dataset.get_background() # Header Keys header = {} if hasattr(dataset, 'header'): # and type(dataset.header) is dict: header = dataset.header.copy() header['EXPOSURE'] = getattr(dataset, 'exposure', 'none') _set_keyword(header, 'RESPFILE', rmf) _set_keyword(header, 'ANCRFILE', arf) _set_keyword(header, 'BACKFILE', bkg) # Columns col_names = ['channel', 'counts', 'stat_err', 'sys_err', 'bin_lo', 'bin_hi', 'grouping', 'quality'] data['channel'] = getattr(dataset, 'channel', None) data['counts'] = getattr(dataset, 'counts', None) data['stat_err'] = getattr(dataset, 'staterror', None) data['sys_err'] = getattr(dataset, 'syserror', None) data['bin_lo'] = getattr(dataset, 'bin_lo', None) data['bin_hi'] = getattr(dataset, 'bin_hi', None) data['grouping'] = getattr(dataset, 'grouping', None) data['quality'] = getattr(dataset, 'quality', None) backscal = getattr(dataset, 'backscal', None) if backscal is not None: if numpy.isscalar(backscal): header['BACKSCAL'] = backscal else: data['backscal'] = backscal col_names.append('backscal') areascal = getattr(dataset, 'areascal', None) if areascal is not None: if numpy.isscalar(areascal): header['AREASCAL'] = areascal else: data['areascal'] = areascal col_names.append('areascal') return data, col_names, header def write_arrays(filename, args, fields=None, ascii=True, clobber=False): """Write out a collection of arrays. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the file. args The data to write out. fields : None or list of str, optional The names to use for each column. If ``None`` then the names default to `col1` ... `colN`. ascii : bool, optional If `True` use an ASCII format, otherwise a binary format. clobber : bool, optional If `True` then the output file will be over-written if it already exists, otherwise an error is raised. See Also -------- read_arrays """ backend.set_arrays(filename, args, fields, ascii=ascii, clobber=clobber)
[docs]def write_table(filename, dataset, ascii=True, clobber=False): """Write out a table. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the file. dataset The data to write out. ascii : bool, optional If `True` use an ASCII format, otherwise a binary format. clobber : bool, optional If `True` then the output file will be over-written if it already exists, otherwise an error is raised. See Also -------- read_table """ data, names = _pack_table(dataset) backend.set_table_data(filename, data, names, ascii=ascii, clobber=clobber)
[docs]def write_image(filename, dataset, ascii=True, clobber=False): """Write out an image. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the file. dataset The data to write out. ascii : bool, optional If `True` use an ASCII format, otherwise a binary format. clobber : bool, optional If `True` then the output file will be over-written if it already exists, otherwise an error is raised. See Also -------- read_image """ data, hdr = _pack_image(dataset) backend.set_image_data(filename, data, hdr, ascii=ascii, clobber=clobber )
[docs]def write_pha(filename, dataset, ascii=True, clobber=False): """Write out a PHA dataset. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the file. dataset The data to write out. ascii : bool, optional If `True` use an ASCII format, otherwise a binary format. clobber : bool, optional If `True` then the output file will be over-written if it already exists, otherwise an error is raised. See Also -------- read_pha """ data, col_names, hdr = _pack_pha(dataset) backend.set_pha_data(filename, data, col_names, hdr, ascii=ascii, clobber=clobber)
[docs]def pack_table(dataset): """Convert a Sherpa data object into an I/O item (tabular). Parameters ---------- dataset : a derived object Returns ------- obj An object representing the data, the format of which depends on the I/O backend. See Also -------- pack_image, pack_pha Examples -------- >>> d ='tmp', [1, 2, 3], [4, 10, 2]) >>> tbl = pack_table(d) """ data, names = _pack_table(dataset) return backend.set_table_data('', data, names, packup=True)
[docs]def pack_image(dataset): """Convert a Sherpa data object into an I/O item (image). Parameters ---------- dataset : a derived object Returns ------- obj An object representing the data, the format of which depends on the I/O backend. See Also -------- pack_image, pack_pha Examples -------- >>> y, x = np.mgrid[:10, :5] >>> z = (x-2)**2 + (y-2)**3 >>> d ='img', x.flatten(), y.flatten(), z.flatten(), shape=z.shape) >>> img = pack_image(d) """ data, hdr = _pack_image(dataset) return backend.set_image_data('', data, hdr, packup=True)
[docs]def pack_pha(dataset): """Convert a Sherpa PHA data object into an I/O item (tabular). Parameters ---------- dataset : a derived object Returns ------- obj An object representing the data, the format of which depends on the I/O backend. See Also -------- pack_image, pack_table """ data, col_names, hdr = _pack_pha(dataset) return backend.set_pha_data('', data, col_names, hdr, packup=True)
[docs]def read_table_blocks(arg, make_copy=False): """Return the HDU elements (columns and header) from a FITS table. Parameters ---------- arg The data file, which can be the name of the file or an object representing the opened file (the type of this depends on the I/O backend in use). make_copy : bool, optional This argument is currently unused. Returns ------- filename, cols, hdr : str, dict, dict The name of the file, the column data, and the header data from the HDUs in the file. The keys of the dictionaries are the block name and the values are dictionaries, with the keys being the column or header name. """ return backend.read_table_blocks(arg, make_copy=make_copy)