
sherpa.astro.ui.get_source_plot(id=None, lo=None, hi=None)

Return the data used by plot_source.

  • id (int or str, optional) – The data set that provides the data. If not given then the default identifier is used, as returned by get_default_id.
  • lo (number, optional) – The low value to plot (only used for PHA data sets).
  • hi (number, optional) – The high value to plot (only use for PHA data sets).

An object representing the data used to create the plot by plot_source. The return value depends on the data set (e.g. PHA, 1D binned, 1D un-binned).

Return type:


See also

Return the data used by plot_model.
Plot the model for a data set.
Plot the source expression for a data set.


Retrieve the source plot information for the default data set and then display it:

>>> splot = get_source_plot()
>>> print(splot)

Return the plot data for data set 2, and then use it to create a plot:

>>> s2 = get_source_plot(2)
>>> s2.plot()

Retrive the source plots for the 0.5 to 7 range of the ‘jet’ and ‘core’ data sets and display them on the same plot:

>>> splot1 = get_source_plot(id='jet', lo=0.5, hi=7)
>>> splot2 = get_source_plot(id='core', lo=0.5, hi=7)
>>> splot1.plot()
>>> splot2.overplot()

For a PHA data set, the units on both the X and Y axes of the plot are controlled by the set_analysis command. In this case the Y axis will be in units of photons/s/cm^2 and the X axis in keV:

>>> set_analysis('energy', factor=1)
>>> splot = get_source_plot()
>>> print(splot)