
sherpa.astro.ui.add_user_pars(modelname, parnames, parvals=None, parmins=None, parmaxs=None, parunits=None, parfrozen=None)

Add parameter information to a user model.

  • modelname (str) – The name of the user model (created by load_user_model).
  • parnames (array of str) – The names of the parameters. The order of all the parameter arrays must match that expected by the model function (the first argument to load_user_model).
  • parvals (array of number, optional) – The default values of the parameters. If not given each parameter is set to 0.
  • parmins (array of number, optional) – The minimum values of the parameters (hard limit). The default value is -3.40282e+38.
  • parmaxs (array of number, optional) – The maximum values of the parameters (hard limit). The default value is 3.40282e+38.
  • parunits (array of str, optional) – The units of the parameters. This is only used in screen output (i.e. is informational in nature).
  • parfrozen (array of bool, optional) – Should each parameter be frozen. The default is that all parameters are thawed.

See also

Create a user-defined model class.
Create a user-defined model.
Set the value, limits, or behavior of a model parameter.


Create a user model for the function profile called “myprof”, which has two parameters called “core” and “ampl”, both of which will start with a value of 0.

>>> load_user_model(profile, "myprof")
>>> add_user_pars("myprof", ["core", "ampl"])

Set the starting values, minimum values, and whether or not the parameter is frozen by default, for the “prof” model:

>>> pnames = ["core", "ampl", "intflag"]
>>> pvals = [10, 200, 1]
>>> pmins = [0.01, 0, 0]
>>> pfreeze = [False, False, True]
>>> add_user_pars("prof", pnames, pvals,
                  parmins=pmins, parfrozen=pfreeze)