Source code for sherpa.astro.plot

from __future__ import division
#  Copyright (C) 2010, 2015, 2016  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

Classes for plotting, analysis of astronomical data sets

from six.moves import zip as izip
from import DataPHA
from sherpa.plot import DataPlot, ModelPlot, FitPlot, DelchiPlot, ResidPlot, \
    RatioPlot, ChisqrPlot, HistogramPlot, backend, Histogram
from sherpa.plot import ComponentSourcePlot as _ComponentSourcePlot
from sherpa.astro.utils import bounds_check
from sherpa.utils.err import PlotErr, IOErr
from sherpa.utils import parse_expr, dataspace1d, histogram1d, filter_bins
from numpy import iterable, array2string, asarray
import logging

warning = logging.getLogger(__name__).warning

__all__ = ('SourcePlot', 'ARFPlot', 'BkgDataPlot', 'BkgModelPlot',
           'BkgFitPlot', 'BkgSourcePlot', 'BkgDelchiPlot', 'BkgResidPlot',
           'BkgRatioPlot', 'BkgChisqrPlot',
           'OrderPlot', 'ModelHistogram', 'BkgModelHistogram')

def to_latex(txt):
    """Add any backend-specific markup to indicate LaTeX.

    txt : str
       The LaTeX input (the contents are going to be interpreted
       as LaTeX so do not send in text that is not to be converted).

    out : str
       The LaTeX text including the markup to indicate to the
       plotting backend to display as LaTeX.

    return backend.get_latex_for_string(txt)

[docs]class ModelHistogram(HistogramPlot): "Derived class for creating 1D PHA model histogram plots" histo_prefs = backend.get_model_histo_defaults() def __init__(self): HistogramPlot.__init__(self) self.title = 'Model'
[docs] def prepare(self, data, model, stat=None): old_filter = parse_expr(data.get_filter()) old_group = data.grouped new_filter = parse_expr(data.get_filter(group=False)) try: if old_group: data.ungroup() for interval in new_filter: data.notice(*interval) (self.xlo, self.y, yerr, xerr, self.xlabel, self.ylabel) = data.to_plot(yfunc=model) self.y = self.y[1] if data.units != 'channel': elo, ehi = data._get_ebins(group=False) else: elo, ehi = (, + 1.) self.xlo = data.apply_filter(elo, data._min) self.xhi = data.apply_filter(ehi, data._max) if data.units == 'wavelength': self.xlo = data._hc / self.xlo self.xhi = data._hc / self.xhi finally: if old_group: data.ignore() for interval in old_filter: data.notice(*interval)
[docs]class SourcePlot(HistogramPlot): """Create 1D plots of unconcolved model values. Attributes ---------- histo_prefs : dict The preferences for the plot. xlo, xhi : array_like The lower and upper edges for each bin (the independent variable). y : array_like The Y value for each point (the model value). xlabel, ylabel, title : str Plot labels. """ histo_prefs = backend.get_model_histo_defaults() def __init__(self): self.units = None self.mask = None HistogramPlot.__init__(self) self.title = 'Source'
[docs] def prepare(self, data, src, lo=None, hi=None): # Note: src is source model before folding if not isinstance(data, DataPHA): raise IOErr('notpha', lo, hi = bounds_check(lo, hi) self.units = data.units if self.units == "channel": warning("Channel space is unappropriate for the PHA unfolded" + " source model,\nusing energy.") self.units = "energy" self.xlabel = data.get_xlabel() self.title = 'Source Model of %s' % self.xlo, self.xhi = data._get_indep(filter=False) self.mask = filter_bins((lo,), (hi,), (self.xlo,)) self.y = src(self.xlo, self.xhi) prefix_quant = 'E' quant = 'keV' if self.units == "wavelength": # No other labels use the LaTeX forms for lambda and # Angstrom, so use the text version here too. # prefix_quant = to_latex('\\lambda') # quant = to_latex('\\AA') prefix_quant = 'lambda' quant = 'Angstrom' (self.xlo, self.xhi) = (self.xhi, self.xlo) xmid = abs(self.xhi - self.xlo) sqr = to_latex('^2') self.xlabel = '%s (%s)' % (self.units.capitalize(), quant) self.ylabel = '%s Photons/sec/cm' + sqr + '%s' if data.plot_fac == 0: self.y /= xmid self.ylabel = self.ylabel % ('f(%s)' % prefix_quant, '/%s ' % quant) elif data.plot_fac == 1: self.ylabel = self.ylabel % ('%s f(%s)' % (prefix_quant, prefix_quant), '') elif data.plot_fac == 2: self.y *= xmid self.ylabel = self.ylabel % ('%s%s f(%s)' % (prefix_quant, sqr, prefix_quant), ' %s ' % quant) else: raise PlotErr('plotfac', 'Source', data.plot_fac)
[docs] def plot(self, overplot=False, clearwindow=True): xlo = self.xlo xhi = self.xhi y = self.y if self.mask is not None: xlo = self.xlo[self.mask] xhi = self.xhi[self.mask] y = self.y[self.mask] Histogram.plot(self, xlo, xhi, y, title=self.title, xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel, overplot=overplot, clearwindow=clearwindow)
class ComponentModelPlot(_ComponentSourcePlot, ModelHistogram): histo_prefs = backend.get_component_histo_defaults() def __init__(self): ModelHistogram.__init__(self) def __str__(self): return ModelHistogram.__str__(self) def prepare(self, data, model, stat=None): ModelHistogram.prepare(self, data, model, stat) self.title = 'Model component: %s' % def plot(self, overplot=False, clearwindow=True): ModelHistogram.plot(self, overplot, clearwindow) class ComponentSourcePlot(_ComponentSourcePlot, SourcePlot): histo_prefs = backend.get_component_histo_defaults() def __init__(self): SourcePlot.__init__(self) def __str__(self): return SourcePlot.__str__(self) def prepare(self, data, model, stat=None): SourcePlot.prepare(self, data, model) self.title = 'Source model component: %s' % def plot(self, overplot=False, clearwindow=True): SourcePlot.plot(self, overplot, clearwindow)
[docs]class ARFPlot(HistogramPlot): """Create plots of the ancillary response file (ARF). Attributes ---------- histo_prefs : dict The preferences for the plot. xlo, xhi : array_like The lower and upper edges of each bin. y : array_like The effective area (ARF) value for the bin. xlabel, ylabel, title : str Plot labels. """ histo_prefs = backend.get_model_histo_defaults()
[docs] def prepare(self, arf, data=None): """Fill the fields given the ARF. Parameters ---------- arf : The ARF to plot data : DataPHA instance, optional The `units` attribute of this object is used to determine whether the X axis should be in Angstrom instead of KeV (the default). """ self.xlo = arf.energ_lo self.xhi = arf.energ_hi self.y = arf.specresp self.title = self.xlabel = arf.get_xlabel() self.ylabel = arf.get_ylabel() if data is not None: if not isinstance(data, DataPHA): raise PlotErr('notpha', if data.units == "wavelength": self.xlabel = 'Wavelength (Angstrom)' self.xlo = data._hc / self.xlo self.xhi = data._hc / self.xhi
[docs]class BkgDataPlot(DataPlot): "Derived class for creating plots of background counts" def __init__(self): DataPlot.__init__(self)
[docs]class BkgModelPlot(ModelPlot): "Derived class for creating plots of background model" def __init__(self): ModelPlot.__init__(self) self.title = 'Background Model Contribution'
[docs]class BkgFitPlot(FitPlot): "Derived class for creating plots of background counts with fitted model" def __init__(self): FitPlot.__init__(self)
[docs]class BkgDelchiPlot(DelchiPlot): "Derived class for creating background plots of 1D delchi chi ((data-model)/error)" def __init__(self): DelchiPlot.__init__(self)
[docs]class BkgResidPlot(ResidPlot): "Derived class for creating background plots of 1D residual (data-model)" def __init__(self): ResidPlot.__init__(self)
[docs] def prepare(self, data, model, stat): ResidPlot.prepare(self, data, model, stat) self.title = 'Residuals of %s - Bkg Model' %
[docs]class BkgRatioPlot(RatioPlot): "Derived class for creating background plots of 1D ratio (data:model)" def __init__(self): RatioPlot.__init__(self)
[docs] def prepare(self, data, model, stat): RatioPlot.prepare(self, data, model, stat) self.title = 'Ratio of %s : Bkg Model' %
[docs]class BkgChisqrPlot(ChisqrPlot): "Derived class for creating background plots of 1D chi**2 ((data-model)/error)**2" def __init__(self): ChisqrPlot.__init__(self)
[docs]class BkgSourcePlot(SourcePlot): "Derived class for plotting the background unconvolved source model" def __init__(self): SourcePlot.__init__(self)
[docs]class OrderPlot(ModelHistogram): """ Derived class for creating plots of the convolved source model using selected multiple responses """ def __init__(self): self.orders = None self.colors = None self.use_default_colors = True ModelHistogram.__init__(self)
[docs] def prepare(self, data, model, orders=None, colors=None): self.orders = data.response_ids if orders is not None: if iterable(orders): self.orders = list(orders) else: self.orders = [orders] if colors is not None: self.use_default_colors = False if iterable(colors): self.colors = list(colors) else: self.colors = [colors] else: self.colors = [] top_color = '0xffffff' bot_color = '0x0000bf' num = len(self.orders) jump = (int(top_color, 16) - int(bot_color, 16)) // (num + 1) for order in self.orders: self.colors.append(top_color) top_color = hex(int(top_color, 16) - jump) if not self.use_default_colors and len(colors) != len(orders): raise PlotErr('ordercolors', len(orders), len(colors)) old_filter = parse_expr(data.get_filter()) old_group = data.grouped try: if old_group: data.ungroup() for interval in old_filter: data.notice(*interval) self.xlo = [] self.xhi = [] self.y = [] (xlo, y, yerr, xerr, self.xlabel, self.ylabel) = data.to_plot(model) y = y[1] if data.units != 'channel': elo, ehi = data._get_ebins(group=False) xlo = data.apply_filter(elo, data._min) xhi = data.apply_filter(ehi, data._max) if data.units == 'wavelength': xlo = data._hc / xlo xhi = data._hc / xhi else: xhi = xlo + 1. for order in self.orders: self.xlo.append(xlo) self.xhi.append(xhi) if len(data.response_ids) > 2: if order < 1 or order > len(model.rhs.orders): raise PlotErr('notorder', order) y = data.apply_filter(model.rhs.orders[order - 1]) y = data._fix_y_units(y, True) if data.exposure: y = data.exposure * y self.y.append(y) finally: if old_group: data.ignore() for interval in old_filter: data.notice(*interval) self.title = 'Model Orders %s' % str(self.orders) if len(self.xlo) != len(self.y): raise PlotErr("orderarrfail")
[docs] def plot(self, overplot=False, clearwindow=True): default_color = self.histo_prefs['linecolor'] count = 0 for xlo, xhi, y, color in \ izip(self.xlo, self.xhi, self.y, self.colors): if count != 0: overplot = True self.histo_prefs['linecolor'] = color Histogram.plot(self, xlo, xhi, y, title=self.title, xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel, overplot=overplot, clearwindow=clearwindow) count += 1 self.histo_prefs['linecolor'] = default_color
[docs]class BkgModelHistogram(ModelHistogram): "Derived class for creating 1D background PHA model histogram plots" def __init__(self): ModelHistogram.__init__(self)
class FluxHistogram(ModelHistogram): "Derived class for creating 1D flux distribution plots" def __init__(self): self.modelvals = None self.flux = None ModelHistogram.__init__(self) def __str__(self): vals = self.modelvals if self.modelvals is not None: vals = array2string(asarray(self.modelvals), separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) flux = self.flux if self.flux is not None: flux = array2string(asarray(self.flux), separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) return '\n'.join(['modelvals = %s' % vals, 'flux = %s' % flux, ModelHistogram.__str__(self)]) def prepare(self, fluxes, bins): y = asarray(fluxes[:, 0]) self.flux = y self.modelvals = asarray(fluxes[:, 1:]) self.xlo, self.xhi = dataspace1d(y.min(), y.max(), numbins=bins + 1)[:2] y = histogram1d(y, self.xlo, self.xhi) self.y = y / float(y.max()) class EnergyFluxHistogram(FluxHistogram): "Derived class for creating 1D energy flux distribution plots" def __init__(self): FluxHistogram.__init__(self) self.title = "Energy flux distribution" self.xlabel = "Energy flux (ergs cm{} sec{})".format( to_latex('^{-2}'), to_latex('^{-1}')) self.ylabel = "Frequency" class PhotonFluxHistogram(FluxHistogram): "Derived class for creating 1D photon flux distribution plots" def __init__(self): FluxHistogram.__init__(self) self.title = "Photon flux distribution" self.xlabel = "Photon flux (Photons cm{} sec{})".format( to_latex('^{-2}'), to_latex('^{-1}')) self.ylabel = "Frequency"