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Notebook support in Sherpa

A number of objects have been updated to support HTML output when displayed in a Jupyter notebook. Let’s take a quick tour!

Data1D, Data1DInt, and Data2D

First we have the data objects:

import numpy as np

from import Data1D, Data1DInt, Data2D

x = np.arange(100, 200, 20)
y = [120, 240, 30, 95, 130]

d1 = Data1D('oned', x, y)
d1i = Data1DInt('onedint', x[:-1], x[1:], y[:-1])

x0 = [150, 250, 100]
x1 = [250, 200, 200]
y2 = [50, 40, 70]
d2 = Data2D('twod', x0, x1, y2)

Each can be displayed with print, which shows a textual representation of attribute and values:

name      = oned
x         = Int64[5]
y         = Int64[5]
staterror = None
syserror  = None

Or they can be displayed as-is which, in a Jupyter notebook, will display either a plot or a HTML table. The Data1D and Data1DInt classes will display a plot (if the pylab plotting backend is selected), and the Data2D class a table.

<Data1D data set instance 'oned'>
name      = onedint
xlo       = Int64[4]
xhi       = Int64[4]
y         = Int64[4]
staterror = None
syserror  = None
<Data1DInt data set instance 'onedint'>

As mentioned, the Data2D class just gets a fancy HTML table but no plot:

name      = twod
x0        = Int64[3]
x1        = Int64[3]
y         = Int64[3]
shape     = None
staterror = None
syserror  = None
<Data2D data set instance 'twod'>

DataPHA, DataARF, and DataRMF

The Astronomy-specific PHA, ARF, and RMF data classes can also be displayed. These (when you have pylab selected) display both the data and a table of information.

from sherpa.astro import io

pha = io.read_pha('../sherpa-test-data/sherpatest/9774.pi')
arf = io.read_arf('../sherpa-test-data/sherpatest/9774.arf')
rmf = io.read_rmf('../sherpa-test-data/sherpatest/9774.rmf')
read ARF file ../sherpa-test-data/sherpatest/9774.arf
read RMF file ../sherpa-test-data/sherpatest/9774.rmf
read background file ../sherpa-test-data/sherpatest/9774_bg.pi
name           = ../sherpa-test-data/sherpatest/9774.pi
channel        = Float64[1024]
counts         = Float64[1024]
staterror      = None
syserror       = None
bin_lo         = None
bin_hi         = None
grouping       = None
quality        = None
exposure       = 75141.227687398
backscal       = 4.3513325252917e-07
areascal       = 1.0
grouped        = False
subtracted     = False
units          = energy
rate           = True
plot_fac       = 0
response_ids   = [1]
background_ids = [1]
<DataPHA data set instance '../sherpa-test-data/sherpatest/9774.pi'>

The PHA object will change the display based on the data - that is, if you change the filtering and grouping you will see a different plot, and the table will also change:

pha.notice(0.3, 7)
pha.group_counts(20, tabStops=~pha.mask)

<DataPHA data set instance '../sherpa-test-data/sherpatest/9774.pi'>

It will also change if you change the analysis setting:


<DataPHA data set instance '../sherpa-test-data/sherpatest/9774.pi'>

The ARF and RMF objects do not change based on their settings:

name     = ../sherpa-test-data/sherpatest/9774.arf
energ_lo = Float64[1078]
energ_hi = Float64[1078]
specresp = Float64[1078]
bin_lo   = None
bin_hi   = None
exposure = 75141.231099099
ethresh  = 1e-10
<DataARF data set instance '../sherpa-test-data/sherpatest/9774.arf'>
name     = ../sherpa-test-data/sherpatest/9774.rmf
energ_lo = Float64[1078]
energ_hi = Float64[1078]
n_grp    = UInt64[1078]
f_chan   = UInt64[1481]
n_chan   = UInt64[1481]
matrix   = Float64[438482]
e_min    = Float64[1024]
e_max    = Float64[1024]
detchans = 1024
offset   = 1
ethresh  = 1e-10

For the RMF, five energies are selected that span the response of the instrument, and the response to these monochromatic energies are displayed.

<DataRMF data set instance '../sherpa-test-data/sherpatest/9774.rmf'>


For images with little metadata, and no WCS information, we just get an image:

img = io.read_image('../sherpa-test-data/sherpatest/img.fits')
<DataIMG data set instance '../sherpa-test-data/sherpatest/img.fits'>

If the image contains WCS information, or some basic metadata, then we will get extra tables (unfortunately this test image doesn’t display particularly wonderfully as the source is faint!).

img2 = io.read_image('../sherpa-test-data/sherpatest/acisf08478_000N001_r0043_regevt3_srcimg.fits')

<DataIMG data set instance '../sherpa-test-data/sherpatest/acisf08478_000N001_r0043_regevt3_srcimg.fits'>

As with the PHA object, we can change the display slightly, such as changing the coord setting and spatially filtering the data:

img2.notice2d('circle(3150, 4520, 20)')

<DataIMG data set instance '../sherpa-test-data/sherpatest/acisf08478_000N001_r0043_regevt3_srcimg.fits'>

Models and parameters

Models and parameters can also be displayed directly as HTML tables, mirroring their print output.

from sherpa.models.basic import Gauss2D, Const2D

mgauss = Gauss2D()
mconst = Const2D()

mgauss.xpos = 3150
mgauss.ypos = 4520

mdl = mgauss + mconst

We can compare the model output (this also works with a single component, such as mgauss and mconst):

(gauss2d + const2d)
   Param        Type          Value          Min          Max      Units
   -----        ----          -----          ---          ---      -----
   gauss2d.fwhm thawed           10  1.17549e-38  3.40282e+38
   gauss2d.xpos thawed         3150 -3.40282e+38  3.40282e+38
   gauss2d.ypos thawed         4520 -3.40282e+38  3.40282e+38
   gauss2d.ellip frozen            0            0        0.999
   gauss2d.theta frozen            0     -6.28319      6.28319    radians
   gauss2d.ampl thawed            1 -3.40282e+38  3.40282e+38
   const2d.c0   thawed            1 -3.40282e+38  3.40282e+38
<BinaryOpModel model instance '(gauss2d + const2d)'>

We can have a display for parameters (I chose this model since we can see the minimum and maximum columns get displayed as units of \(\pi\) in the notebook-display version):

val         = 0.0
min         = -6.283185307179586
max         = 6.283185307179586
units       = radians
frozen      = True
link        = None
default_val = 0.0
default_min = -6.283185307179586
default_max = 6.283185307179586
<Parameter 'theta' of model 'gauss2d'>

Fitting data

Various objects related to fitting will also display in Jupyter notebooks. I fit a simple model (the model we just created, in fact) to the last image we were looking at. For this example I use the sherpa.astro.ui layer to fit, rather than creating the fit object manually.

from sherpa.astro import ui


WARNING: imaging routines will not be available,
failed to import sherpa.image.ds9_backend due to
'RuntimeErr: DS9Win unusable: Could not find ds9 on your PATH'

The output of the fit call is still just text:

Dataset               = 1
Method                = neldermead
Statistic             = cash
Initial fit statistic = 2727.34
Final fit statistic   = 233.065 at function evaluation 841
Data points           = 1258
Degrees of freedom    = 1253
Change in statistic   = 2494.28
   gauss2d.fwhm   5.23044
   gauss2d.xpos   3146.36
   gauss2d.ypos   4519.61
   gauss2d.ampl   0.445907
   const2d.c0     0.0120648

However, we can see the model results (as shown above):

<BinaryOpModel model instance '(gauss2d + const2d)'>

We can also display the fit results directly (I am dropping the comparison to the print output in part to show you can just call routines like ui.get_git_results and see the display without needing to call print, at least in a Jupyter notebook):

<Fit results instance>

Similarly, the output of conf (or covar) is just text, but the results can be accessed directly with ui.get_conf_results or ui.get_covar_results:

gauss2d.xpos lower bound:       -0.681324
gauss2d.ypos lower bound:       -0.634733
gauss2d.fwhm lower bound:       -0.747274
gauss2d.ypos upper bound:       0.668076
gauss2d.ampl lower bound:       -0.159288
gauss2d.xpos upper bound:       0.704771
gauss2d.fwhm upper bound:       1.19291
gauss2d.ampl upper bound:       0.21565
const2d.c0 lower bound: -0.00297985
const2d.c0 upper bound: 0.00356563
Dataset               = 1
Confidence Method     = confidence
Iterative Fit Method  = None
Fitting Method        = neldermead
Statistic             = cash
confidence 1-sigma (68.2689%) bounds:
   Param            Best-Fit  Lower Bound  Upper Bound
   -----            --------  -----------  -----------
   gauss2d.fwhm      5.23044    -0.747274      1.19291
   gauss2d.xpos      3146.36    -0.681324     0.704771
   gauss2d.ypos      4519.61    -0.634733     0.668076
   gauss2d.ampl     0.445907    -0.159288      0.21565
   const2d.c0      0.0120648  -0.00297985   0.00356563
<confidence results instance>

The get_stat_info call returns information for each dataset. As this is a list, the overall output just gets displayed as text, but if you access an individual element you will get a HTML table:

[<Statistic information results instance>]
<Statistic information results instance>

Once you have created an interval- or region-projection plot, such as this comparison of the x and y centers of the gaussian, you can display the results with the relevant get call (in this case ui.get_reg_proj).

ui.reg_proj(mgauss.xpos, mgauss.ypos)
<sherpa.plot.RegionProjection object at 0x7f00ce698310>